Chapter Eight

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And there went Mitchel, along with his friend Nico, to the Andaluz Farm to investigate the supposed treatment of the scientist girl. If what his friend said is true, the entire region is in danger. There must be something missing out there that talks more about this girl and this medicine. It was not an easy task. To get in unseen, he was hidden in Nico's truck among the horse feed. To get easier access to the office, he invented an excuse to park nearby and steal the door keys. Since the incident, the vet's office had been locked. He had to be quick. He needed to find some information, at least a little about this treatment. Mitchel didn't find out what the mare's disease was, but at least he found out who the scientist was who helped the veterinarian. Dr. Evelyn West. And its supposed remedy is called "Re-Animator". _ Re-Animator... why does it have that name? he asked himself. And the answer was right in front of him. From what he read and understood in the vet's files, it seems that this scientist learned to make a special solution, a kind of resuscitation serum that "resuscitates" the dead cells of some recently deceased organism. Therefore, medicine would no longer depend on stem cell democracy. The procedure is still being tested in cases of paraplegia and quadriplegia. His reasoning was quick: "The mare died and she kind of 'reanimated' her. That's why it's called Reanimator. Like Nico said it was a medicine that raises the dead!" He felt a shiver run down his spine. What if the same thing happens to these people as happened to the mare? He began to imagine people walking around with no heads or with only half their bodies... in fact, he preferred not to! He also saw in the same file that his reagent serum has already been requested by companies responsible for the preservation of the frozen bodies of people who for some reason could no longer remain alive, but that no method has yet been created to bring them back to life. , Cryonics. "Reanimation of corpses... God in heaven!" According to the notes that were still there, this medical scientist learned how to produce the reagent from another scientist, whom she considers her master and best friend. He took care of his entire life and today he wants to continue his work. Everything she knows and what she is today, she owes this doctor. "Who will this doctor be?" _ Mitchel, let's go! It's getting late! It was Nico outside the office, interrupting her thoughts. But before leaving, he took some pictures of some of those notes. There was a certain name there that caught his eye, along with what appeared to be mathematical equations, chemical formulas, and anatomy illustrations. Necronomicon. _ But what is that going to be, a kind of instruction manual that teaches you how to make the Re-Animator? If so, then we are in serious trouble! ****** As soon as he got in, Mitchel escaped with the help of Nico, who came up with another excuse to get out of the truck without arousing suspicion, which wasn't very easy either, but thank God everything worked out for the time being. On the way back, he told his friend what he had discovered. Mitchel didn't know how to explain to Nico what he found out about this Dr. Evelyn West, so he decided to speak immediately: _ That conversation you overheard behind the office door, between the veterinarian and the scientist... is the purest truth. Nico almost lost control of the car's steering when she heard Mitchel confirm her story. _ What? _ Yes. It seems that his friend created a kind of reagent serum, or as you said, a medicine that raises the dead... which by the way is called Re-Animator. Reanimator in English. _ Is that what that name means? _ asked Nico, startled. _ Exactly and she applied it to the mare, who was already dead. _ And that means that... _ That the situation is worse than we imagined... I think it would be better to face a serial killer. At least with a human being, I would know how to handle... _ So this story... that everyone is talking about... can it really be true? _ Yes. We are probably dealing with some kind of unsuccessful experiment... a Brazilian version of the Frankenstein story, where a mad scientist, in an attempt to copy the power of God... tries to create a living being with his own hands, but ends up creating a monster. _ In this case, she is a scientist and very crazy, because she invents a medicine that raises the dead and then creates a headless mule... she can only be very crazy with ideas! As serious as the case was, Mitchel couldn't help but laugh. But she couldn't help but agree with him. _ You yourself said that as soon as that scientist left, the mare got out of control... could it be that she planned all this or did she not know that this could happen? _ But why would she do that? What would she gain in return? _ The proof that she has the power to defy death, which would not be the first case... Imagine, you die, but you have the chance to come back to life, as if nothing had happened. _ Hunf ... if not even God does that, do you think a person will do it? And another, as soon as the body dies, our soul goes to another plane. The spirit returns, but not in the same body, it returns in another body to live another life. Mitchel recalled that Nico comes from a Spiritist family for several generations. In the spiritist doctrine of Alan Kardec, it is believed that the body is just an instrument for the soul and that it lives several lives. That's why he found it impossible for a corpse to come back to life, especially at the hands of a man. He continued to listen to him: _ Once my grandmother told me a story about zombies... the legend says that when the body dies, the soul goes to another plane... and the empty body serves as a home for any evil spirit out there! And that's why we must leave the dead alone! _ Speaking of zombies... you also said that you heard her say that she applied her technique to a person... _ Believe in God the Father Almighty! _ Said Nico making the sign of the cross: _ God forbid, an undead wandering the streets, but about this mad scientist I don't doubt anything! _ Well, I always see cases of missing persons... it would be no surprise that someone was kidnapped to serve as a guinea pig... _ And what do you intend to do now? _ Sincerely? I have no idea... I really wanted to meet this scientist, but I don't want to leave my family here. And to make matters worse, the detective and the pastor are on my trail... _ Well, whatever your decision, I'll be on your side. You can count on me... just don't ask me to see any dead walking around, please! _ Thank you brother. "A reagent serum that resurrects corpses! It's impossible to believe!" It was his most constant thinking and the most clichéd idea in horror movies, and yet he was successful. But when the idea takes on real contours, and even more so here in Brazil, it's another story...
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