Chapter Ten

882 Words
Mitchel has seen the darkest things in his entire life...but nothing compared to the monstrosity that appeared before his eyes. The headless mule he always heard in folktales was right there in front of him, in the flesh! In fact, it was the mare that died and was revived. But in place of the flames, which usually take the place of the head, there was practically nothing. There was the creature with the broken neck, just as he had heard. He could even see the inside pulsing inside her, and she released a stinking green goo. Maybe it's the so-called resuscitation serum mixed with the mare's blood. And to top it off, that abominable creature was snorting like an enraged bull at them. How could she snort without her head? By the way, how was that possible, an animal walking around without a head, even though it was reanimated? He really couldn't believe it. In fact, no one there believed what they saw. Mitchel even thought about taking a picture with his cell phone, but in addition to being too dark, he was afraid to make a sudden move and annoy that monster, and maybe no one would believe his picture. They might think it's a montage. It was exactly what he would think if he saw a picture like that. Both Nico and Father Angelo continued making the sign of the cross. Nico did it so fast and so hard he hit him in the face. Mitchel and Detective Sánchez were completely petrified. They couldn't even move... not even when the beast ran towards them. If not for Nico pulling the two of them by the arm, surely they would be killed by her. They needed to get out of there as soon as possible if they were to stay alive. Well, the detective tried to get away with his car. But as soon as he opened the door, the thing jumped right on top of the vehicle, totally denting it. He had to flee along with the others in Nico's truck, in the cargo hold. Nico backed up so hard he nearly knocked Mitchel and Detective Sánchez out of the truck. He ran for who knows how many miles trying to get away from that thing. When he decided to stop thinking he had lost her, they just saw something fall from the sky. _ What the hell is that falling in our direction? _ asked Nico. It was Detective Sánchez's wrecked car. The beast must have shot the car and luckily missed them. While they were distracted looking at the car that had just fallen from the sky, they heard the sound of hooves resounding in the darkness of the forest. It was the headless mule hovering out of control behind them. Nico went to try the reverse gear, but the dread of seeing that thing was so great, that instead of stepping on the clutch, he ended up stepping on the gas by mistake. Result, inadvertently ran over the monster. _ We killed her! We achieved! _ I celebrated without being sure. _ Did she really die? _ You mean “she died again”, because she is already dead! She just lay there, passed out on the dirt floor. Mitchel got out of the truck to make sure that thing was really dead. Detective Sánchez even thought about accompanying him for a closer look, but gave up. As much as his curiosity was great, his fear was much greater. Suddenly, when he was a few feet away from the monster, he heard a sound very much like a snoring coming from her... _ Wait a minute... _ he observed, beyond suspicious. They thought they had killed her, but no. When least expected, they only saw his struggle, he got up as if nothing had happened and started running again. Mitchel ran back to the truck, as if he were the devil fleeing the cross. Nico barely waited for him to get back into the back of the truck to put his foot on the gas. Nico maneuvered the truck to try to get away from there, before someone ended up getting killed by that thing. And even running at over a hundred kilometers an hour, they could still hear her riding with an inexplicable fury behind them. _ How does this monster manage to follow us if it doesn't even have a head? _ Mitchel asked, finding it strange that that thing was chasing them without seeing anything. It was a good question, but a bad time to ask. _ Run Nico, run !!! _ They screamed desperately when they saw that he was approaching, but he had practically the accelerator dragging on the ground. Running faster than the speed he was already at was impossible. Suddenly, the thing jumped in an attempt to climb into the truck. One of its paws brushed Mitchel's right shoulder. "Great, I have another scar!" To get rid of that creature, at least for the time being, Nico threw the truck on its side, causing it to fall. Detective Sánchez and Mitchel are also close to playing with a dislocated shoulder. Once they managed to get rid of him, they managed to take a road that leads to the highway.
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