Chapter Eleven

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Finally they managed to get out of the region. They walked along a highway lost in the middle of nowhere until they reached the nearest town. They needed to find an emergency room to tend to Mitchel's injured shoulder. They needed to refuel Nico's truck. And most of all, they needed to calm down and at least try to understand what was going on. They still couldn't believe it. There's even a headless mule... There's even a headless mule! I still couldn't believe it. The day was dawning... Finally they found an emergency room and Mitchel was taken to the infirmary. Thank God his injury wasn't too serious and after taking the necessary tests and being transferred to his room, he and Detective Sánchez decided to put their differences aside and join forces to stop the creature and, if possible, its creator. _ I went to the neighboring town to talk to the foreman of the Andaluz Farm. It was not an easy conversation, as he was very traumatized by what happened... he kept saying that the mare started to struggle and accidentally hit her head on the wall. At that, his neck broke and in a fit of fury, she herself ripped his head off with one of her paws. I confess that I didn't believe this story very much... until last night! To lighten the mood between the two, Mitchel told the detective what he had discovered in the late veterinarian's office. _ He met a scientist from São Paulo who could help or at least thought he could help in the case of the mare. From what I read in her files, this doctor has created a formula, you could say, that she is capable of resuscitating the dead. It would be like a animator... The detective was very surprised by the journalist's testimony and bitterly regretted not having trusted him from the start. And he also had his information there. _ By chance are you referring to Dr. Evelyn West? Now it was Mitchel's turn to be impressed. _ Did you meet her? _ Yes ... not personally, but I was investigating in São Paulo about a case of disappearance, where she could be involved. Before coming to New Andalusia, it seems that this scientist had an enemy who, out of dislike, jealousy, envy and a million other reasons, wanted to get rid of her. A few days later, this girl disappeared. Mitchel remembered when Nico commented about a test Dr. West said she had taken on a person she couldn't stand. Maybe she's the same person...or not. _ What is this girl's name? _ Anne Morita. He was of Japanese descent and worked with her at the São Paulo Research Center. And even being his assistant, the two didn't get along. It appears that Dr. Evelyn knew about Miss Morita's extramarital affair with the director of the Center. In fact, he was just a p*****t who harassed every girl in the place. He thought Dr. West would tell someone. It would be the end of both. _ Let me guess: this Anne wanted at all costs to get rid of Dr. Evelyn so that no one knew about her affair with the director? _ Exactly. She acted like she owned the place just because she slept with the director. Many knew about the two, but it was the doctor she was most involved with. And of course they fought and even threatened each other's lives. Days later came the news of her disappearance. She left home at normal hours, but did not go to work. The police found her car in a parking lot across town... and she never came back to pick it up. _ Do you think that Dr. West may be involved in the disappearance of this girl? _ It could be, despite the director having been one of the last people to be with her. For now, he is the prime suspect in Anne Morita's disappearance. _ Detective ... we have to do something! Incredibly, there is a monster terrorizing the city, created for who knows what purpose. We don't know if this Dr. Evelyn West planned this or if it was an accident... _ Accident was what happened with the veterinarian! The poor man died because of that mad scientist, who must have tricked him with the promise that that serum she invented would save the mare's life. Also poor detective Mathias, who died because of a damn experiment that resulted in that monster. And to top it off, we have a religious fanatic who is taking advantage of people's fear and putting all the blame on the priest! _ Speaking of him, where is he? _ Outside, praying and crying at the same time... poor man, he was accused of bringing that creature to the city... his friend Nico is with him, he's also in shock. Could too! A legend that we only heard in folk tales at school suddenly appears out of nowhere and on top of trying to kill you... it's really shocking! _ We have to talk to that scientist. Maybe she doesn't even know that this product works "like this". _ Detective Sánchez said. _ From what I found out, it seems that she learned that reagent with another scientist doctor. _ In that case, there wouldn't be just one, but two crazy scientists! _ Exactly. I just can't tell you who it is, because I couldn't find anyone's name in the vet's office, if they work together or... Mitchel took a moment to think. According to Nico, she says she learned this technique from this scientist, but who said she shouldn't have stolen someone's formula and made changes? He's using her or the other way around. Or worse, the two teamed up for some purpose. Or maybe she made up this story so that if any experiences went wrong, she had someone to blame. But unfortunately her doubts will have to wait. The city is in danger and they had to do something!
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