Chapter Seventeen

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After the case of the Blonde from the Bathroom was publicized on all social networks, Mitchel and Detective Sánchez went after the culprit behind the whole atrocity that was spreading. But when they arrived at the Research Facility, they saw the Director being escorted by the police. As far as they know, his affair with Anne Morita has been proven to be true... and he was responsible for her death. _ Someone sent a video, with the crime scene recorded... they fought and he accidentally killed her. _ Said one of the police. “I can already imagine who sent him…” Mitchel thought. Before being sent to the police station, the detective and the journalist went to see him. And oddly enough, he confessed to his crime. But the worst part was when he said he asked Dr. West for help. _ She said she would help me..., but she didn't know it would be like that! Only when I saw the news about the Blonde in the Bathroom, I realized what it was... _ Wait a minute, didn't you know how the serum works? Mitchel was surprised that the Director of the Center was not aware of Dr. Evelyn's procedure. But how could he not know if he was the one who told Detective Sánchez about the Re-Animator? If he didn't know, the situation was more difficult. But he needed to know something. _ Do you know of any project for which Dr. West's reagent was requested? Or what if, in addition to her assistant, she has another trusted person who works for her? _ I don't know... I'm the director of the Center, I don't have time to notice these things... Of course he had an obligation to know about the scientist's procedure, after all he was the Director. But of course he didn't pay attention to anything around him, as he was having an affair with her assistant and harassing the other girls at the Center. Maybe he didn't know it himself, but his lover could have told him something. _ You need to remember something. This girl, Evelyn West, is a mad scientist and if we don't do something, she will wreak havoc. So please, anything you know can help us! _ Detective Sánchez said, already losing patience. Since he had nothing left to lose, he started to say what his lover told him a few weeks before she died: _ She knew about an acquaintance of the scientist, who worked at the IML... it was with him that Dr. Evelyn managed to get the bodies for her experiments... "Bingo!" Well, Mitchel had already said. But he still had more. _ A few weeks ago, right after returning from Nova Andalucia... some people came to talk to her... I remember a physics student who came here and argued with her... _ And do you know what this boy wanted with her? _ The detective wanted to know. It was also the same question as Mitchel, why did a mere physics student fight with her? That was really weird. She took the opportunity to ask if Colonel Vivar was also at the Center. _ Yes, I remember a man who looked like a farmer when he went to the Research Center and argued with her. We need to call security to evict him. _ And do you know anything else? _ From what Anne told me, Dr. Evelyn received a good offer for her serum. _ Hence this girl, of course with an eye on the money, tried to get hold of the Re-Animator and get rid of Dr. West, with her help. _ concluded Mitchel. _ Yes! _ Said the director: _ But I didn't agree! And that's when we had a fight. She thought I didn't accept the plan because she believed I was having an affair with Dr. Evelyn. _ Ah but of course she found it, since you were cheating on your wife with her! By the way, we already know that you were running after all the employees here at the Center! _ Said the detective in a fit of rage. At the time, he lowered his head in embarrassment. Proof that it was true. _ And why didn't you accept your lover's plan? Were you really having an affair with her? _ Mitchel asked. _ No, Dr. West was loyal to the last hair of the scientist who she said was her master! But she gave me a good chunk of the money she got so I could keep my mouth shut and keep Anne out of her way. Looks like she's already suspected the assistant's bad intentions... and the rest, you already know. Now he made a very important point, about the mad scientist he was supposed to mentor her. Mitchel and the detective already knew who he was... But when they asked if he knew who he was man, he denied it. Maybe he didn't even know who he was... And really he didn't know. The man was so upset that they didn't ask any more questions and let him be taken to the police station. _ And now, what are we going to do? This mad scientist could be anywhere! Detective Sánchez asked. _ Calm down, let's find her. _ Said Mitchel already with some ideas in mind. One was to find out who was the IML employee who supplies the corpses to Dr. Re-Animator. Maybe he knows something. _ Do you think he will say something? To arrange the guinea pigs for her, he can only be her accomplice... _ Well, we have to at least try... Just then, Detective Sánchez's cell phone rang. A boy was found dead in a Quantum Physics laboratory at the University of São Paulo. _ Maybe it's the guy who studied Physics who looked for Dr. Evelyn! _ Even if it's not the same boy, I have to investigate. You come with me? _ For sure. Mitchel only accepted Detective Sánchez's invitation because his intuition told him, as always, that the police call wasn't a coincidence... maybe he's wrong, but he was sure it was just another Doctor Re-Animator experiment .
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