Chapter Twelve

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On the way back, the four wondered what to do. How to face that monster? On the way, Detective Sánchez reported a case from years ago, just when he had started in the police, very similar to the case of the mare. It was in an old institution for young offenders. _ There was a very strange complaint, which at the time we thought was a lie... a doctor who worked in the infirmary was experimenting with the teenagers... and it seems that during some procedure, there was an accident that caused a fire in the foundation! _ I think I've heard about that case... But what does that have to do with the story of the headless mule? Mitchel asked trying to understand the case. _ After the damage was done... the Fire Department found some bodies and members of dead prisoners... still alive, even after the fire! Someone killed them or died in there and then tried to bring them back to life! "Dude, this isn't today!" He thought. _ And what did they do with the bodies? _ They sacrificed and cremated! They didn't want these things hanging around and the case was closed. They did everything so that the news wouldn't get out, but it didn't help... However, the question that remained in the air was: how was this possible? Mitchel remembered his conversation with Nico, where he had overheard the doctor tell the vet that she had already done several tests on animals. Are there more of these things out there? Hope not! _ And what are we going to do with it? We can't leave the city at the mercy of this thing! Who knows if during the time we were gone he didn't attack anyone? She's already been there and killed Sheriff Mathias! _ Sincerely? I have no idea what to do... But as Father Angelo said, we need to have faith in God... which is really quite hypocritical. _ Why? _ I don't believe in God nor in the Devil. But after seeing an undead mare turned into a headless mule... you totally change your concept. Mitchel couldn't help but agree with the detective. Although he believed in God and always thanked him for escaping his investigations alive, he had his opinions of him. But he didn't believe in ghost stories, hauntings and urban legends. Having worked for years in the field of journalism, he already knew the sensational impact that this type of news could have. But he had to admit to himself, what he witnessed last night was completely extraordinary. Never in all his life, he imagined that such an event could actually happen, much less that a Brazilian scientist could be capable of such a feat, without discrediting our scientists or the fact of being a woman, of course! ***** Mitchel and his friends returned to New Andalusia and found a lot of movement in the city... and an unbearable stench of carrion filled the air. "Wow, what happened around here?" He thought very distressed. He went to his parents' house, asking God to find them well. And he thanked everyone for being fine, but they were very scared. _ Thanks to God my son! _ Said his parents when he saw him. _ Mitchel where have you been all this time? And what happened to your shoulder? _ Lívia asked when she saw her bandaged right shoulder. To reassure everyone, Mitchel said that he went to Fazenda Andaluz to investigate the case of the mare, what he found out about the alleged treatment and that doctor and that he also had to flee the city to save Father Angelo's life from the lynching caused. by Pastor Silas. But the worst part was when he told what he saw around town. And the strangest thing is that no one reacted. It even looked like he didn't say anything again. _ People, did you hear what I just said? I saw! There is a headless mule! _ Said, wondering at the silence of everyone in the room. Livia and her parents looked at each other, deciding who would tell her what happened in town while he was gone. Seeing that no one spoke, her father spoke to the four winds: _ We believe in your son... that thing was around here in town, attacking everyone and everything! We heard the screams and saw torches! _ But don't people hide when night falls? _ Once again I found it strange that people went out at night. _ Pastor Silas convinced most of them to stay in the town square, to wait for the day of judgment and face the “Beast”. As a result, the monster appeared and everyone panicked! No one knows which was worse, hearing the police screaming or shooting! To learn more about yesterday's riot, Mitchel went to the town square to see the damage. Halfway there, he found Felipe and thanked God that he was still alive. _ Tell me everything and don't hide anything! In addition to telling what he already knew, he said he had to call the military police in the neighboring town to get reinforcements to contain the crowd. And he also spoke about what appeared before his eyes and the eyes of the people. _ When I saw that monster galloping headless towards us, I didn't believe it! How is it possible that this exists, man? _ If I tell you... I doubt very much that you'll believe it... do you remember the beautiful girl that you and many saw walking with the vet? So, she is a mad scientist who created a chemical reagent capable of bringing the dead back to life. Like Nico and Father Angelo, Felipe was shocked by Mitchel's revelation. _ And that's not all. If you let it, this creature is just the tip of the iceberg. _ And speaking of her ... come with me! Felipe took Mitchel to the town square to see the damage caused by the headless mule. As they got closer, the smell of carrion increased. And there it was…actually, it was just the putrid, bloodied body of the creature. _ We isolated the area to prevent people from approaching... But with that stench, few were the ones who wanted to get closer. Still, it attracts a lot of onlookers... and Detective Sánchez has ordered it dismembered, cremated, and buried away from here. _ And Pastor Silas, where is he? Felipe had to take a deep breath to be able to answer that, in the futile attempt to stop the creature, the shepherd ended up being trampled to death by it. _ He shouted for anyone who wanted to hear that the power of God was greater, that he was his son, that no harm would ever reach him... unfortunately his faith did not protect him from that thing! As much as he didn't want to, Mitchel mourned the pastor's death. As much as he was an i***t who just wanted to get along, he didn't deserve that tragic ending. And as much as he didn't deserve it, Father Angelo forgave him the absurd accusations and asked him to be buried in the city's cemetery as a Christian. _ And now, what do you intend to do? _ I intend to go after the real culprit: I'm going to meet with Doctor Re-Animator!
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