Chapter Seven

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Finally Mitchel arrived at the agreed place and thank God his friend was still there. Nico was surprised at the state he was in, all sweaty and dirty. _ Our Mitchel, you could at least have bathed, it stinks like a possum! _ It's a pleasure to see you too, old friend. _ Responded with sarcasm and greeted him. Mitchel told Nico what he had been through to leave the house and go up to the boarding house, about his unpleasant encounter with Detective Sánchez and warning him. _ And with what right that detective trapped in the beast sends you away, from the city where you were born and raised? It almost seems like he doesn't want you to find out what's going on here. _ I think so too... and speaking of which, can you tell me what you know? Nico just looked around to make sure no one was around to hear them. He took a deep breath and began: _ As you may have heard, it all started when Colonel Vivar's champion mare fell ill. The old man was very upset with the vet, but commented that he knew of a doctor who could help. Looks like she invented a medicine, I don't know, that could save the mare's life. _ Do you know what the type of medicine was? _ I don't know... it was a green and very stinky solution. "A green goo was found along with the chief's body and in the destroyed crops!" He immediately remembered when his father spoke about the fact. The same report was commented on by the population. _ They just said that the medicine was still in the testing phase and that it could work... or not... in the beginning everything was fine, the mare responded well to the treatment. The doctor was still there to see if anything was wrong. When everything was fine, or at least it looked like everything was fine, she left... and that's when the nightmare started! _ What happened? _ That mare, who was very docile, became very strange... she began to struggle and kick the walls of the stable. The vet and foreman went in there and after a few minutes, only their screams were heard. The mare broke down the stable door and disappeared into the night. And when they got there, they found the body of the vet completely trampled on and the foreman cornered in a corner, pissed off, talking a lot of nonsense! _ Nico... is it true that when they entered there... they found only the mare's head lying on the ground? Mitchel just watched his friend fall silent for a moment and then nodded, afraid he wouldn't believe it. He didn't think his friend was a liar, but he had to admit that the whole story was very hard to believe. _ But how was this possible? _ Look my friend, we are still wondering what happened that night. First, no one suspicious entered the Farm, as it is very well guarded day and night. There are security cameras everywhere, and there are security guards who are armed to the teeth. All employees are very well selected. And another, who would cut off the mare's head and take only the body? Nobody could do this alone! And why would they do that? _ Did someone look for the friend of the vet to talk about what happened? After all, her friend died and that happened after her supposed treatment. _ The colonel was furious when he returned from the trip and saw the damage. He also thinks someone killed his mare on purpose. And he himself went looking for the doctor to satisfy himself and to this day he hasn't come back... and she wasn't a veterinarian. _ No? _ No, she was another type of doctor... what is the name of that doctor who invents... who creates... who does research... _ Scientist? _ That one, she was the one who made the medicine! _ Dude, do you know who this girl is? _ If I'm not mistaken, she came from São Paulo. And the medicine, she said she learned from another scientist who came from abroad. But her name, I don't remember. It was a beautiful name, just like her. It was even strange for a pretty girl to understand science... but I remember that the medicine had a strange name! Personally, Mitchel didn't think it was weird for a pretty girl to be a scientist. Beauty and intelligence can very well go hand in hand. But he didn't think he was his friend. Nico didn't have much education in life, like him. After all, there was something more important going on now to worry about. _ Do you remember the name? _ Oh no... I just remember that it started with "R"... it was "Re" something... and you know what was even weirder? The medicine was the same color as her eyes, a blooming green. _ And as for the remedy, do you know what it was about? Mitchel just watched his friend look down. It even looked like he was embarrassed to say something very embarrassing. _ Man, if I tell you, you won't believe it... since the day I heard that conversation, I haven't been sleeping well. Even more after what happened... I'm holding back from completely freaking out and ending up in a madhouse like the foreman... _ What conversation? _ The vet and the scientist... said her medicine... raises the dead! Upon hearing this information, the journalist was completely speechless. He didn't move or blink. He had to take a deep breath about ten times to ask again: _ What? _ Well, I couldn't believe it either. Without meaning to, I overheard it behind the door of his office... and I only heard her say that she was doing a lot of tests with the d**g on rats, rabbits, cats and small, medium and large dogs... some worked, others didn't. .. and needed to be tested on a larger animal, like a horse. But... _ Is there even more? _ Yes there is... It seems that she has already done the same test... in one person. I think it was a girl she couldn't stand. If the experiment didn't work, at least she got rid of her rival. Mitchel had known Nico for years and knew he would never make up a story like that. If this story he just told, plus the rumor mill is really true, then he doesn't have a serial killer... But something much worse! _ And where is this office? _ In an accommodation near the stable... why? _ Nico ... can you take me there?
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