Back To You

7881 Words
CHAPTER 8 "Talk to me? About what?" But then Tezuka thought that it was probably one of the stupidest questions he could have ever asked to someone in his life. He had the urge to kick himself—if that was even possible—because of that. Of course, he could already tell the reason why Oshitari wanted to talk to him. His serious face was already telling him everything he needed to know. "I know where she is. But before I tell you where, we need to talk. After all, I made a promise to her," Oshitari said in a solemn tone which further heightened his curiosity as to what could possibly be the issue needed to be talked about. "What do you mean?" Tezuka could only ask nonchalantly. He could not force the truth—if ever Oshitari was telling the truth about having an idea to where Kazumi was—out of the guy even if he had the ability to do so. Oshitari toook a deep breath first before anything else. If he wanted to let it all out to Tezuka in one shot, he needed all the courage he could have in order for him to do it. One way or another, he has to fulfill his promise to his cousin who was all confused and scared right now because of that damn picture. Whoever took that would surely pay dearly, he would make sure of that. "Whatever it is that you have seen in that photo, there is a reasonable explanation for that," Oshitari started and looked up to the sky. "Did Kazumi ever tell you the day her father died two years ago?" But no reply came from the stoic man. Now that Tezuka thought about it, Kazumi never told him anything about her father other than the fact that Hondou Douji wanted his daughter to fulfill his part of their dream, forcing her to leave him. With a sigh, he replied bitterly. "No, she didn't. She never told me about it at all." Well, he couldn't help it. How come Kazumi never mentioned such details about her life? He frowned upon suddenly realizing something. How did that connect to Tezuka and Kazumi's current issue? Oshitari smiled—albeit sadly—as he heard Tezuka's answer. "Her mother told me that Kazumi would arrive in Japan earlier than planned. So before my cousin went to Seigaku, I decided to accompany her to the cemetery—to where Ojii-chan and Douji-ojisan were buried. That's the reason why I was with Kazumi that day." Well, that surely explained the answer to one of the questions that was lingering in his mind. But another question was added the moment the words registered fully. Cousin? Who in the world was he talking about? And he even called Kazumi's father oji-san. Does that mean...? "Kazumi's father and my mother are siblings. In short, Kazumi is my maternal cousin while I'm his paternal cousin," Oshitari stated plainly but with intensity, as if he was just stating the weather forecast. And yet the serious atmosphere around the blue-haired tensai did not diminish at all, even though Tezuka could sense that it was starting to get a bit calmer after that. Before he could say something with regards to that, Oshitari spoke once again. "What you saw in that photo was true. I did embrace her because I wanted to comfort her. It's the only way I know at that time. That's when I made a promise to her—that I'll make sure she won't lose you again." Of course, what the blue-haired tensai said had definitely shocked Tezuka to an extent. But from those words alone, he figured it out—what Kazumi was really afraid of. It was that fear that made her approach him a while back before class. And yet... "You can ask her the full details if you want to know more about that. I know you're one person she would never lie to. Yes, she kept the truth from you about her departure's reason more than two years ago. But she never said something that would amount to a lie. Am I right?" Tezuka stopped for a moment as he thought about it. "As I thought," Oshitari added with a smirk. "Well, she's in the chateau located at the edge of Haido City's 5th district. She hadn't left that place until now, I believe." And with that, Oshitari started walking away. But then he stopped walking when he was about a meter away from the school gate. "Tezuka, I want you to promise me something." "As long as I can do it," Tezuka replied. It was the truth. He would never make a promise unless it was within his capabilities of fulfilling it. He wasn't the type of person who would make a promise just for the heck of it. "Don't you dare try to hurt my cousin again. As much as you can, and if you really love her, don't leave her side. Make her happy... just like her happiness she was showing before she left us more than two years ago. Whatever happens, I only want you to bring back the old Kazumi. I want you to be with her and love her the same way she loves you all this time. If you can do as much, I won't interfere with whatever plans you have for her, as long as it would make her happy. Can you promise me that?" Oshitari wasn't facing Tezuka, so it was obvious that the latter didn't have any idea as to what exactly was in the mind of Hyotei's tensai. Even still, he could tell one thing. Oshitari wasn't begging for an answer. He just needed a confirmation, along with the idea of Oshitari entrusting Kazumi's happiness to him. It was obvious if he would read Oshitari's words carefully. Not that he was oblivious as to what it actually meant, though. Of course, Tezuka had to thank Kazumi to that. Because of her, he was able to understand a lot about the world he was living in. Because of her, he was able to open up his heart and took it out from the deepest part of his world, out of the darkness where it resided ever since he had hurt her and she left. To be honest, he wanted to explore more of that new world she had opened up for him. But he wanted to do that with the person who opened it up for him. He wanted to explore and live in that world with Kazumi alone. He fixated his gaze onto Oshitari who then returned his gaze at him. The intensity in them was something he hadn't seen from him before. This wasn't the same intensity he could see when tennis was involved. It was different—too different but in a good way. A difference that only both of them could understand. "You don't have to worry. Whether you tell me that or not, I'll still do it. I don't want the same thing from two years ago to happen again," Tezuka answered truthfully which earned him a smirk from Oshitari. "But I also want you to promise me one thing." "As long as it's within my reach." "Keep this conversation we had from everyone—including Atobe." His voice was serious and firm. And it was different from Oshitari's perception, as well. "I'll do it, but only for Kazumi's sake. I don't want Atobe to do something about her that's going to cause her uneasiness or pain. Not on my watch," Oshitari assured him. "But when I'm not around, make sure you do that job for me. I have to tell you; Atobe already knows you have a girlfriend. And he was somewhat frustrated because of that. There's no knowing what could possibly be running in that guy's mind now that this news had spread like wildfire." Tezuka only gave Oshitari a nod before he took off and headed to the direct that the latter pointed out. As he continued to run like devil himself was chasing him, he tried to recall something from his conversation with that Hyotei tensai. Oshitari said that Kazumi was in the chateau located at the edge of the city's fifth district. But if he wasn't mistaken, that place belonged to the Hondou family. In fact, it was Hondou Renji's residence and Kazumi's favorite place. It was the place which held a lot of meaning to her. And also, it was the place where he realized the truth hidden in his heart—the truth that only one person had managed to figure out... -x-x- Flashback... Just like what Tezuka used to do after school and before going home, he headed to the tennis courts at the back of the memorial hall. And yes, he chose to have tennis there along with Miyuzaki Takumi who had already became his friend since their very first match. He knew that today was Takumi's last day in Tokyo because tomorrow, he would be heading to America in order to prepare for the US Open. Yes, he envied Takumi's accomplishments on that field and he would never deny that. But of course, he doesn't have any plans of revealing it to him, as well. Though before he could enter the tennis courts, a girl with long and straight blood-red hair greeted him with a smile. At first, he has no plans of talking to him, thinking that the girl might be someone who had some sort of attraction or attachment to him. In other words, a fangirl. But soon after, he scratched that thought out when he had managed to take a good look at the girl's features. To his surprise, she has resemblances to— "You're Tezuka Kunimitsu-san, aren't you? Onii-san's stoice friend whose personality can be compared entirely to an iceberg." How he wanted to drop anime style at that moment but tried not to for the sake of composure. Seriously, does this girl had no idea on how to drop the bomb discreetly? Not to mention, she was a little blunt that Takumi, providing that this red-haired girl was Takumi's sister. The girl giggled at the surprised expression—no matter how slight—that had crossed Tezuka's face. "My name is Miyuzaki Kana, Takumi-oniisan's little sister. I'm actually the fourth child since Takumi-oniisan has a twin sister who's older than him by 2 minutes and 56 seconds. My eldest brother is 4 years older than Takumi-oniisan." Well, that was... informative. Come to think of it, Takumi didn't mention anything about his siblings at all. But he has no time to give too much thought about that. By the way, why in the world was Kana meeting him instead of Takumi? "If you're looking for Takumi-oniisan, he said that you should head to the chateau located at the edge of the 5th district of Haido City. For once, he wanted to have a man-to-man conversation with you... whatever that means. Or at least that's what he wanted me to tell you." Of course, what Kana said made him frown. A man-to-man conversation? Now that was new. But even though Kana had a smile like that on her face, there was something in that smile that made him realizes the truth behind her words. There was something on that chateau that Takumi wanted him to see as that "man-to-man conversation" would go along. With that, he asked Kana's help for the direction going to the chateau in which she provided to him a little too glad for his taste. He could just walk to go there but it would surely take up much time. Taking a train ride would probably be just fine if he wanted to hurry up going there. In the end, he chose to do the latter. That "man-to-man conversation" idea was surely working too much in his mind. He needed to stop that as soon as he could. Twenty minutes was all that it took to reach his destination. Much to his amazement, it was probably one of the grandest chateau he had ever seen standing in the city. He didn't know such chateau existed there until now. Ad from outside, he could already feel that it was "homey", as people called it. It was beautiful—for the lack of the better word, which was weird of him. "Yo, Tezuka-kun!" was Takumi's immediate greeting to him with a wide grin and waved a salute at him as soon as he opened the gate leading to the chateau's front garden. He didn't need to push the electric buzzer to let the others know his presence. It was Kana's instruction to him. Before Takumi greeted him like that, though, Tezuka saw him sitting on a bench beneath a huge sakura tree and appeared to be in deep thoughts, cotemplating about... something. Tezuka just gave a small smile as a response to that and proceeded to the bench where Takumi was sitting at. As soon as he put down his black tennis bag to the ground, he stood just a few feet away from Takumi. He was about to ask Takumi about his objective of bringing him to that place when the red head beat him to it—and in a serious tone of voice at that, which was something he knew he had never heard from the young man before. Of course, it was a given that he was surprised at that. But he chose not to show it. "I'm really sorry... for suddenly asking you to come here. But for today, I don't want us to converse when only tennis is involved. For once, we need to talk man to man. You're up for that?" Now it was for certain that Tezuka didn't know how to answer that. But basing it on Takumi's facial expression, he could tell that the red head was dead serious about having that "man to man coversation" with him. A conversation with no tennis involved in any way. It would be the first time something like that would happen. And the bespectacled 6th grader was pretty sure that it wouldn't be a useless talk at all. Takumi beckoned him to sit on the bench. Without a word, the boy complied. For a few seconds or so, no words came out of Takumi or Tezuka's mouths. It was like they were waiting for either one of them to speak up. And Takumi—for the sake of getting some memorable amusement just before he leave Japan to head out to America—decided to drop the bomb. "Tezuka-kun, do you like Kazu-chan?" Takumi asked rather bluntly. The solemnity in Takumi's voice made the boy immediately realized the question was actually meant for him. And it didn't actually take a while for the thought of the question to register in his mind. As the red-headed teenager had expected, he was amused at the boy's reaction to his question. Tezuka's eyes widened before he knew it and before he faced Kazumi in sheer surprise. "W-why are you asking me such a question, Shinjou-san?" were the words that the boy could ask in slight frantic which only earned him a good and amused laugh from the said person. But before Tezuka could respond to that, he froze—not because of fear or anything similar but because of something else. Something that would make his body instinctively responds to it as soon as it happened. Because of that, he didn't catch eve a single glimpse of Takumi smiling knowingly and gently as it all started. Tezuka could already tell who was playing the piano at that moment. The emotions that went through eachnotes being played by those skillful fingers was something that he could instantly feel. Kazumi was eloquently playing the piano with so much passion and love, as if it would make her sad or cry if she has stopped playing it. But he noticed something from the piece she was currently playing. It was deep, emotional, sad... and also familiar to him. It wasn't the usual Mozart or Chopin piece like what she played. This time, it was— "Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata... This is Kazumi-chan's most favorite piece of all the music pieces she wanted to play in that piano..." Takumi started which Tezuka still managed to hear. "...since it was the piece she said that she wanted to play on the day she will confess to the man that her heart chose to be with." A pang of disappoinment (for some weird reason) and pain pounced in his chest as soon as he heard the words "confess" and "her heart chose to be with" that he couldn't explain why it was happening. For heaven's sake, he wasn't supposed to feel this way. He wasn't supposed to... AT ALL! But then, how come his heart was still beating so loudly as if he was... anticipating a word... event... ...the truth... He wanted to hear all of that... whatever it might be. "What about you, Tezuka-kun? How would you like to confess to Kazu-chan when you finally had the chance and the chance to do so?" Takumi asked with the intention of breaking the silence between them which was caused by Kazumi playing Moonlight Sonata's first movement. Without looking at the older red-haired teenager, he spoke as nonchalantly as he could muster. But he did so in a way that it made it even more amusing for Takumi. "How are you even sure that it's Kazu-chan that I like and not someone else?" It was a brave attempt on his part to ask such a question. But he wanted to know the truth. "I can already see the answer to your question, Tezuka-kun. You just don't realize that you're already showing it. All this time, you've been oblivious to that fact," Takumi answered seriously. "I want you to realize that for yourself but I guess it would take you longer to do such a thing. Every time you hear the tune played on the piano at the second floor of the memorial hall, you would always be left in a daze with a gentle smile on your face. It was the kind of smile you rarely show to others around you, even to me. The music played on that piano somewhat gave you inspiration to continue striving forward towards the dream that you've aimed for. Kazumi-chan knew that those music inspires you in so many ways, that's why she keeps on playing them whenever she would see you play at the tennis courts at the back of the memorial hall. She wanted to reach out to you in one of the many ways which only you could understand. Everything about Kazumi-chan right now made you feel something towards her—one that you've never felt for someone else ever since." Tezuka didn't say another word after hearing all that. He couldn't believe Takumi saw through him like that. He thought he had successfully managed to hide his emotions when it comes to Kazumi. But just like everything else in the world, every secret will be revealed in time. Yet this was one secret that he thought was revealed way too soon. Though everything else seemed to be a bit unclear to the boy, he now knew one thing. It was a realization that hit him as he continued to listen to Moonlight Sonata—now on its second movement—along with deep contemplation on Takumi's words. Only one answer came out. Yes, he was in love—not just like—to his best friend. He was in love with Hondou Kazumi. Just like the moon that shines in the night, illuminating even the darkest of paths, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata became the light that made the shadows in his heart disappear with concerns to what he truly felt for that girl. That music piece became a way to help him realize that answer. "I guess you're right... I'm in love with her..." End of flashback... -x-x- Remembering that memory had made Tezuka realized that it was indeed that place which Kazumi could run to whenever she was confused, hurt or scared, besides the memorial hall. He took the train as fast as he could. Good thing his train ticket was in her wallet that was only in his pocket. As soon as he entered the train and sat, he exhaled deeply knowing the distance he ran from school to that station. It was a long run in his perception. But he didn't care. All that he cared about was to reach Haido City's fifth district as soon as he could. After making sure he was done resting and catching his breath, he took out his cellphone from his other pocket. Notices about unread text messages and missed calls were glaring at him as soon as he opened his cellphone. He could only heaved another heavy sigh before starting to read 27 unread text messages one by one. Most of the text messages belonged from friends—Oishi, Kawamura, Inui, Eiji and Fuji—who kept on asking where he was and what in the world was going on. It was an obvious sight that they were worried for him. But he chose not to reply to any of it just yet. As for the other text messages, some of it belonged to Hanako, Aika, Miyako and Kana who were saying that if he found out where Kazumi was, he immediately report it to them. Besides that, the girls were telling him to be careful, as well. He couldn't help smiling at that—although he could only do so inwardly. But there was one text message that was made internationally which caught his interest. In fact, the cellphone number where that text message was made didn't belong to any possible registered cellphone numbers in Japan. It was from America. Good thing it was saved in his list of contacts. I learned from someone about you finally having a girlfriend. Is it true? I want to hear it straight from you. So if you really did have a girlfriend, congratulations! Tell me more about it in details if you have time, okay? Take care. If you have something that worries you about your relationship or maybe anything under the sun, you can give me a call. I know you're someone who would rather keep things to yourself. But talking about it to someone wouldn't actually hurt you. You can give me a call right after reading this message. I don't have school tomorrow, anyway. Kourin :) His eyes softened as he saw the name of the sender of that message. He didn't dare try to know where could that girl have possibly got the news about his relationship with Kazumi. And how timely, he thought. He really did have a lot to talk about and right now, like what Kourin said, talking about it to someone wouldn't hurt him. In fact, that girl was a good listener. He had already seen a proof of that before she and her adopted brother went to America a few months back. Her offer was pretty tempting, anyway. With that, he looked for her number on his list of contacts and pressed the Call button. He placed the phone to his ears and waited for the other person to answer it as it rang. After a few seconds or so, someone did pick it up. "Hello?" came a greeting from the other line. He frowned upon hearing a girl's still wide awake voice. If he wasn't mistaken, it should still be night time to where she was. "Kourin, this is Tezuka. Sorry for calling you at this hour. Did I disturb you?" "Nope, you didn't," the girl assured. "I'm still wide awake because of the new historical fiction and mystery novel that I'm both reading, anyway. The story's actually exciting and I don't usually stop reading books like these until I finished reading them. So it's okay. I guess you just read my message I sent you, right?" "Ah. Thanks for that, by the way," came his placid reply. But what soon came next was something he had not expected to hear from Kourin. "Are you alright, Tezuka-san? You seemed troubled. Is there something that's bothering you?" the girl asked in an obviously concerned tone. This was one reason why it was easy for him to talk to her. But come to think of it... "How did you know that?" was his question long before he realized that he had asked that. "In your tone of voice," Kourin simply answered, as if it was an obvious fact already. "You must have forgotten, but my sense of hearing is a lot sharper than you think. No matter how much you tried to hide it by showing a stoic and nonchalant look, your voice sometimes betray you. And I bet Fuji-san and the others aren't with you right now." Tezuka raised an eyebrow. "So?" "So... that meas you're alone—the only time you can show your emotions without them barging in and bothering you with questions with regards to that. Though you might not be aware of it, it's the only time you unconsciously loosed that barrier that surrounded your heart all the time. Of course, you can tell me if I'm wrong." Several moments of silence passed by. But it was the kind of silence he needed at that point. Somehow, he had the strong feeling Kourin knew that. And he knew she understood that, as well. "Kourin..." he called out, breaking the minute long silence. "Something happened, right?" Heaving a sigh to calm his heart beating erractically for some reason, he let the words flow out of his mouth. He told his friend everything that was going on, even those issues that bothered him. And by doing that, the girl listened to his every word. "Ne, Tezuka-san, would it be okay if I say something about that?" He thought about it for a few seconds."If it would help." "Okay..." -x-x- Tezuka finally reached his destination after a few more minutes of riding the train and walking (or striding would have been the more accurate way to describe it) to the direction that he knew would lead him to the chateau owned by the Hondou family. Even though it wasn't the current residence of the family, they didn't totally abandon that house. After all, a lot of memories lingered there—memories that even Tezuka held on so dearly. He was about to open the gate leading to the front garden of the chateau when he heard something. It was a little faint, but the tune was obvious and familiar. Of course, as he had expected that he would stand seemingly frozen in his spot. It appeared that the music's effect on him hadn't faded at all these years, especially upon knowing that there was only one person capable of playing it on that piano. The music was the same. It was the feelings that goes with each note of the piece. There was only one person who was capable of making his body stopped responding like that. A smile appeared on his face. The smile that only showed itself whenever he heard that music, as Takumi once said. Upon learning that the Moonlight Sonata currently being played was already on its second movement, he decided to finally enter the chateau itself. Besides, the music was giving him the right mood to talk to the one who was playing the piano at the moment. He had no idea what to talk about, but at the very least, he had to apologize for hurting Kazumi... among others. He continued to walk after a middle-aged woman who was also the caretaker of the memorial hall allowed him to enter while giggling for some reasons. It looked like she wasn't surprised to see him there. "Kazumi-sama's upstairs, last room to the left. I guess she really needs you right now, of all times. She'd been playing the piano while crying for two hours now." Of course, it alarmed him to a certain point. Just imagining what the woman said was already enough to feel something clenched his heart tightly. What more if he had seen it for himself? After thanking the woman, he proceeded to the stairs leading to the chateau's second floor. He then turned left and headed to the room at the end of the hallway. He halted to a stop upon reaching the place in which the door was slightly opened. From there, he could already see Kazumi in her uniform playing the piano beautifully despite the sad aura that she was emitting (probably unconsciously). The music was about to start with the second movement when she suddenly pressed one key hard enough, making her stop playing the music altogether. The sound it created startled him a bit, though. Of course, what happened next startled him even more when he realized that the door of that room opened fast and his brown eyes clashed with her emerald ones—now staring at him in surprise. "K-Kunimitsu?" came a whispered and surprised question from Kazumi, as if she wanted to know whether he was real or not. -x-x- Of all things that Kazumi hated, it was the fact that some jerks were actually watching her wallow in sadness while playing the piano. But it was weird of her at that time to play Moonlight Sonata when she could have played one of Chopin's Nocturnes or even any of her favorite pieces by Mozart. She was thankful that playing the Moonlight Sonata did help her calm down somewhat. But she couldn't finish playing it when she suddenly felt that someone was watching her while she played. She made it very clear to the caretaker not to disturb her (and that includes watching her) while she was busy playing the piano. Upon learning that someone was indeed watching her and who was just outside the room, she stopped playing even before she could start the third movement of the Moonlight Sonata. With fast and cat-like quiet steps, she strode towards the door and opened it in order to scold whoever was the person disturbing her. However, what greeted her upon opening the door was something she hadn't fully expected yet she still wished for it to be true. How come Tezuka was there? How did he find out about that place? "W-what are you doing here?" At that point, she felt like it was the most important question she could've asked to Tezuka. She didn't know why but she just felt like it. But somehow, she could feel that it was a question filled with all of the questions she wanted to ask him at the moment. -x-x- Realizing that it was just the right time to settle everything, one stride took care of closing the distance that separated them. His hand took care of pulling her close to him and embraced her tight. He heard a faint gasp from her as he did that but chose not to pay attention to it. What mattered to him at that moment was to feel her close, let her know there was nothing for her to be afraid of. And it appeared that Kazumi got the message from doing such abrupt action. But it was his tight embrace that made her know what Tezuka really wanted to convey through it. She had no idea why he went there and was actually embracing her all of a sudden, but she liked it. She liked being enveloped in those strong arms that gave her so much warmth she wanted to feel from his all her life. At that thought, her tears fell without a care about everything. Well, here we are again I guess it must be fate We've tried it on our own But deep inside we've known We'd be back to set thing straight "Seriously, Kunimitsu. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" she asked as she shifted to have a good look at his face. "School can wait. But I know you can't, especially when you're out here crying and letting you think I won't listen to you. I can't wait there studying and listening to the teacher's rantings about other students' incompetence when I should be settling some issues with you. I just can't, okay? I need to make sure you're okay... that you're not going anywhere. That you're not going to leave me again. I don't want to lose you again like that, like what had happened more than two years ago. I'll stay with you like this if that would ease your fear of losing me in any way at all. You're not going to lose me if you will promise me that I won't lose you again," Tezuka said it all in one go without breaking his gaze at her. Of course, it was a surprise to Kazumi to hear him talk like that all at once. Just what had happened for him to be like this? But all in all, she could sense it—his assurance that she would never lose him if she did the same thing was true. Honest, no pretenses. No matter how taciturn, stoic, nonchalant, expressionless (though she might have to disagree for a bit on that last one) or any other words synonymonous to that, the truth in each of his words would always linger in his voice. And that was one of the traits she loved the most from him. It was also a reason why she chose to hide a few truths from him rather than create a lie about it. She could never lie to him at all. I still remember when Your kiss was so brand new Every memory repeats Every step I take retreats Every journey always brings me back to you "You're really... that scared of losing me, as well?" she uttered despite the surpriseshe felt about Tezuka's little outburst. Having him say something that was longer than the usual length of words he was saying, it was already considered an outburst for her. Not to mention, it was also a little unusual. Tezuka embraced her tight once more and whispered past her ear. "You have no idea how much. I won't let you get out of my sight again... whatever happens. I'll never let you go. I want you to remember at least that, okay? Her tears incessantly fell upon hearing those words of promise from him. She wanted her tears to stop but it wouldn't abide to her wish. Even still, she returned his embrace to the same degree. "I thought I'll lose you again... when you didn't want to talk to me and listen to my explanation this morning. I was so scared that you're starting to push me away from you because of that photo," she admitted in between tears. Her body quivered ash she buried her face to his chest and embraced him eve tighter. After all the stops and starts We keep coming back to these two hearts Two angels who'd been rescued from the fall After all that we've been through It all comes back to me and you I guess it's meant to be Forever you and me after all "You don't have to worry about anything now, Kazumi. I promise, you'll never lose me," Tezuka assured to the best of his abilities. After all, it was a promise—or even more, a pledge he had no intention of breaking at all. "Thank you..." was all she could utter in overflowing gladness and relief. "So I presume you heard the music piece I was playing a while back before you came here and sneak up on me." It was a statement rather than a question. He smiled before he distanced himself from her for a bit and looked at her intently. It was the kind of smile that only Kazumi could bring out of him. Even when she was playing the piano or whenever she was near him, his rare sweet and gentle smile would always belong to her. "But I thought that song was meant for the man you want to confess your feelings to." "It was, but since you're not here—Wait! How did you know it was for confession?" She hadn't told about that to anyone except to Kana and... Takumi. Now wait just a freaking minute! Don't tell me— "I have my own sources of knowing something like that... even though I have no idea who are you going to dedicate it to before," Tezuka said before she could even form a conclusion in her head. When love is truly right (When love is truly right) It lives from year to year It changes as it goes Oh, and on the way it grows But it never disappears Kazumi looked at Tezuka who was still looking at her intently despite the hesitation and fear swirling in those brown eyes of his. "You mean, you have no idea that it was meant for you all this time?" "How would I know that at the time if you're not even saying anything to me? I have no idea how to tell you what I really feel for you that time. Even before, I was already afraid of losing you if I told you the truth that confused me all along. I've never felt like this to anyone else. Only to you. So don't look at me like that and ask such incredulous questios as if I'm some sort of experimental specimen to you." "That's because you're actually saying much more than what you could have said your whole life," she stated with an amused smile on her lips. Tezuka eyed her with a slightly surprised look on her face. His cheeks had faint tints of pink as he continued to see contentment dancing in those beautiful emerald eyes of hers—along with the love that he would never mistake for anything else. The love he now knew would always be meant for him alone. After all the stops and starts We keep coming back to these two hearts Two angels who'd been rescued from the fall After all that we've been through It all comes back to me and you I guess it's meant to be Forever you and me after all But the answer that Kazumi got from her statement was something that was somehow unexpected and yet she considered more than enough. He pressed his lips against hers, kissing her with so much love and passion that he could only show to the woman he loved that much. No one else. How he loved that feeling... "Sometimes, you also need to assure her that you love her not just in words, but in actions as well. You need to balance both if you're really serious about her," Kourin said on the other line. "But what if it wasn't enough?" Tezuka asked, unsure. He knew his voice was already stating that and he couldn't hide it from her anymore. This girl would understand, though, and he knew that. "You mean what if you fail to show it all through that? Then you just have to show it all over again, but show it from your heart. Let her know that you mean it. From what I can see and basing it from what you told me, Oshitari-san was right. For someone who had lost the one they love once, it's natural to feel afraid. Uncertainties do exist in such events. What matters is that you forgave each other for all the hurt that your decisions had inflicted on both of you a long time ago. Just treasure this second chance given to you to its fullest. You might not be given a third chance if you fail this one again. If it's you, Tezuka-san, you'll be able to show it to her. After all, she had been loving you to this extent and probably much more. And I guess same goes for you, too..." He was quiet for a few seconds after that. From the way Kourin said it, it appeared that she was so sure of it. She believed in him, that he could love Kazumi much more than what he could show to her then and now. With a small smile on his face, he whispered loud enough for Kourin to hear. "Thank you... for listening to me, Kourin." "It's the least I can do for you, Tezuka-san. Tell me the result as soon as it's settled. Your secret is safe with me. Don't worry..." The courage and the second chance that he didn't want to let go no matter what somehow all piled up and became his driving force to do all that to Kazumi. Kourin was right. He has to show to show it to this brunette in his arms and tell it to her while he has the chance. He has to show it to her now and risk it. The kiss ended with both of them almost breathless. But the smiles on their faces after that were something that was enough to let each other know the words they couldn't say to each other. Sometimes, being with each other like that made them feel that all was enough. They had each other now, just right after she played the Moonlight Sonata (even though it was not finished because of the distraction)—the song that she wanted to let the one she loved so much to hear as a part of her confession. Only Tezuka was meant to know all that. The love that she has in her heart was meant for him and no one else. At least, that was what she wanted to believe. A belief that she would never allow to falter at all. She'd hold on to it no matter what. Always just beyond my touch You know I needed you much After all, what else is living for? "Thank you, Kunimitsu," Kazumi said sincerely after a few moments of silence that they had just stared at each other. He frowned at that even though he half-expected it to come out of her mouth. "Whatever for?" "For giving me this chance to be happy again. For giving me the assurance that I will feel this wonderful feeling for a long time. For fading away my fears of losing you again. I want to say thank you for a lot of things that I'm happy about right now because of you. It's just that I don't know how to put it all in just a few words. Or maybe a few words wasn't really enough, after all." Tezuka lifted his one hand and caressed her cheek while his fingers went through her hair that she let lose just after she arrived at that chateau. "Just stay with me. Never leave me. Then it will be enough as a thanks from you," he said with the gentlest expression he had ever shown to her. Her smile widened but maintained its gratefulness and gentleness, as well. "Then I guess I'll be in your care from now on. Because even if you push me away, I'll never ever leave you side. I love you so much, Kunimitsu." "You don't call me Kuu anymore," he commented. "The same way you're not calling me Kazu-chan anymore, as well. But I guess it's better that way. Besides, we're in high school now. First name basis between us wouldn't actually matter that much. Though I have to admit, I feel bad for your fangirls. You might lose them once they learned that you're not going to let me go." "I don't care if I lose them... as long as I don't lose you in the process. You're the person that matters to me this much, Kazumi." After all the stops and starts We keep coming back to these two hearts Two angels who'd been rescued from the fall After all that we've been through It all comes back to me and you I guess it's meant to be Forever you and me After all... At that moment, all that had made her afraid and unsure of Tezuka's feelings for her suddenly vanished. Now she knew she has no reason to feel such negative emotions. After all, Tezuka belonged to her—no matter how possessive it might have sounded. "I'll always love you, Kazumi. Never doubt that, okay?" "Okay." And that confirmation was sealed with another sweet kiss. As it happened, Tezuka made a mental note to call Kourin the next day and tell her the full story, just like what she had asked of him. That girl deserved at least that information, anyway. And probably much more. -x-x- "Hello?" "Oshitari-san!" Kourin immediately recognized the voice on the other line and greeted him with a smile even though he couldn't see it. "I guess it's successful, huh? About Tezuka-san and Hondou-san..." "You're right. This Tezuka is definitely a shock to me. Not once have I imagined him to love someone this much. And to think he would actually love someone important to me, as well." "You're being mean, Oshitari-san. Everyone deserves to experience a love like that. We're just having a bit of a trouble handling it. Well, I guess romance doesn't exactly give you this kind of predicament." Oshitari started walking away from the chateau. He heard the Moonlight Sonata being played again before he left. But the mood of the song as he heard it was now different. And he knew the reason for that difference. "You know, I'm kind of thinking... It's about time you find yourself a girlfriend. That could be a much better way to piss off Atobe-san even more." "It'll be a long way before something like that happen, ojou-chan." And then his face turned serious followed by dropping to his tracks. "I still need to fulfill my promise to Kazumi more than ever. Aside from that, I have to make the person who hurt her this way pay dearly. I'm not going to easily forgive the person who spread that photo just to criticise her severely like this even without proof." Silence fell to both of them for a few moments, serious atmosphere hovered around. "It seems to me you know who did that, huh?" "I just found out a while back... from someone named Julie. I heard she's Atobe's fiance from an arranged marriage. Well, let's put that aside for now. Anyway, it's easy for me to know who hurt Kazumi since the culprit was someone from Hyotei—the fact I loath the most." "I know how you feel. But you know what, you don't have to worry about anything anymore, Oshitari-san. Tezuka-san is with her, along with her other friends. And from what I can tell, you've already magnificently kept that promise. It'll be okay." Oshitari looked up to the sky and watched the sakura petals being blown by the gentle wind. He smiled at that magnificent sight, especially about the sakura trees around the area now in full bloom. The flower that symbolized new beginnings. "I guess I have to agree with you on that." THE END

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