Chapter 35 what's wrong

1978 Words
Updated  Alpha Cole’s P.O.V   I watched as Hope walked past every pack member and I had no idea what she was doing or how she was doing it, but I had to trust her. After all, Alpha Rick seemed to trust her above all else, so he must have known something about her that we didn't, but then again none of us ever bothered to get to know her. I still can't believe she is standing here in my pack again, but she's not here for revenge, she's actually helping us. She's helping the ones that made her life a living hell while she was here. She stopped between two of my guards and then she said the words I dreaded hearing...I found them….them? There was more than one traitor in my pack. How could this be? How could I have missed this? How could I not have known? Hope placed her hand on each of the guard’s shoulders that were guilty and even though the guards tried to jerk away from her, she held onto them. I walked over to them, still shocked by this revelation.   “Why? Just tell me why you did this? Why would you put your family's lives at risk? Why would you let your pack members, your own family get killed by these rogues?” I asked, but they started to laugh at me, like this was some sort of sick joke.   “Money you stupid f*****g pig, all because of the money, that's all they wanted, but you got in the way and they got in the way, it's their own fault they got killed. You stupid son of a b***h, you never even saw it coming. With you out of the way I would be Alpha. You don't deserve the title, you have grown weak ever since you got with that whore.” Sidney replied, making me growl. He was one of my most trusted guards, him and his brother Joseph, but they have betrayed me, they have betrayed this pack, their family and their friends. They have gotten people killed and it was all because of money and the fact that they weren't happy with how I ran things here.   “And you, you were useless before you left, nothing more than a slave b***h for us to wipe our feet on and use when we wanted to be amused. Even your parents thought so, that's why they abandoned you and why the rest of the pack left you for dead, and yet you have come back here. For what? To rub their noses in it? To make them feel guilty for how they treated you or just to prove a point. You are still worthless and you always will be, no matter who your mate is and who you have become.” Joseph said, turning to face Hope. I must admit she kept her cool a lot better than what I was, but then she just smiled at him.   “Thank you, thank you for showing me that some people will never change, no matter how many chances they have. I may still be worthless to you, but I am worth something to someone and you will never know what that is like. I pity you.” Hope replied, still smiling. I had to admit she was right, she had grown strong and I was proud of her, not that she needed me to be.   “TAKE THEM TO THE HANGING POST!! THEY HANG TODAY, RIGHT NOW!! YOU DO NOT DISRESPECT MY LUNA NOR I, YOU DON’T DISRESPECT ANY LUNA OR ALPHA THAT COME HERE TO HELP US!! I HEREBY SENTENCE YOU TO DEATH!!” I shouted and I didnt even need to use my Alpha tone as the rest of the guards took them to the hanging post. My mate and Luna had changed me for the better, everyone in the pack could see this and everyone of my pack members was a lot happier, all except these two who were greedy. Everyone followed as the two traitors walked up the steps and had ropes put around their necks.    “Do you have any last words to say before you are put to death?” I asked, but they just held their heads high, like they were proud of what they had done. They were not remorseful in the slightest, so I gave the order and we all watched as the trap doors opened and they dropped down. Their bodies stopped when the rope was taught and their necks instantly broke with a loud crack. After they hung there for a while, I ordered their bodies to be taken down and burned, while everyone was watching.   “THIS WILL HAPPEN TO ALL THOSE WHO TRY TO HURT THIS PACK!! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!! DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND ME?! IF YOU EVER DISRESPECT YOUR LUNA OR I, THEN YOU WILL BE LOCKED IN THE CELLS UNTIL YOUR DEATH! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!” I shouted, turning to face the crowd.   “YES ALPHA!!” Everyone yelled out and then I turned to Alpha Rick and Luna Hope.   “I want to thank you for coming here and finding out who was doing all of this. If there is ever any time that you need my help, you need only call and I will be there. You have my word.” I said and they both slowly nodded. I knew they were both wary of me and I couldn't blame them, but I would do anything I could to put things right.    “I’m just glad we could help you. You shouldn't have any more problems with rogues getting in from now on.” Alpha Rick replied, turning to face the pack, while Hope remained quiet.   “I am sure you have all seen what will happen when you betray your pack, don't ever let that happen to you. There's more to life than just money, don't do this to your pack and family because next time there won't be a hanging, you will be burned alive.” Alpha Rick said and then turned to shake my hand. I took a step towards Hope and she looked me square in the eye, not backing down.   “Hope, I am sorry for how I have treated you in the past, I should have helped you and not punished you. I should have protected you and not been the one to hurt you. I am truly sorry for all the pain and trauma I have caused you and if I could take it all back, I swear to the Moon Goddess that I would.” I said, hoping that she would believe me because I was telling her the truth.   Hope’s P.O.V   I listened to Cole’s thoughts as he spoke to me and knew that he was telling the truth. He really regretted everything he did to me, but I wasn't ready to forgive him or any of them just yet. They not only hurt me physically, they broke my heart, mind and soul. They betrayed me, crushed me and I’m still trying to put the broken pieces of myself back together. I would never admit it, but they did so much damage to me that it will take me a long time before I am whole again, but I will try my hardest to get back to the person I was.   “I know you are telling me the truth, but I can't forgive you, yet. I will never forget what happened to me here. You will have to live with the guilt of what you have done and find a way to atone for it.” I replied and he nodded. He looked so sad, but I knew that he understood why I was saying this.   “Well, there are two people here that would like to talk to you.” Cole said and I looked at him curious as to who he was talking about. Suddenly my parents stepped forward and looked at me smiling. Seriously, they were smiling at me after they f*****g disowned me and let everything happen to me. They were not under the Alpha’s command and could have quite easily stopped it, but they didn't, they just left me alone.   “Hope, my Hope. my beautiful daughter. I…..” My mom started to say, but I started laughing.   “Seriously, your Hope? Your beautiful daughter? Do you seriously have the nerve to call me that? You disowned me, you declared I was no longer your daughter. You kicked me out of my home instead of supporting me and you have the nerve to call me your daughter and smile at me while you say it.” I said, laughing and they both looked sad and hurt. What right did they have to be hurt after all they did to me? Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!   “Hope….we…..we….” My dad started to say, but I held my hand up and stopped him from talking.   “I survived eight years in the woods on my own. I survived in this pack for years on my own. I am granting your wish….just like you said, you don't have a daughter.” I said and turned, walking away from them. I could hear my mom crying as I left, but I didn't care. They both listened to me scream in pain, cry out for help and they never did anything, they never stopped it, they never helped me. They watched and laughed as it happened, yeah real great parents they were and all because I couldn't shift when they wanted me to. Rick came up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him as we left my past behind. The young girl from earlier was just outside the territory border, waiting for us.   “Don't be scared, you have a home now and you will be safe with us. What's your name?” I asked, smiling at her. I had already opened my mind up to Rick when I first heard her thoughts, so he knew what she was doing here and that she was coming with us.   “My name is Misty. I’m sorry I lied, but I was just so tired of being a rogue. I managed to find a freshwater pond and bathed in that, then went into the pack. I’m a werecat too and none of them seemed to notice I had joined, they just left me to do what I wanted. I wanted to feel what it would be like to be part of a family and then the rogues attacked.” Misty replied and I nodded.   “Well, you don't have to wonder what it's like any longer, welcome to our family.” I said and she quickly nodded, smiling brightly. She was so relieved to be accepted and I was more than happy to give her the chance to have a family and be safe. I knew what it was like out there, being all alone and it was the least I could do, she seemed like a genuine, decent person. We were almost back to the pack territory when I saw Sabrina standing a mile from the border of our territory. Something must have happened for her to be here, if she was here then it must mean that Roman knows or worse. I hurried over to her, looking for any injuries on her as I approached, but she was thankfully unharmed.   “Are you okay? What are you doing here?” I asked, feeling a sense of dread rise up in my stomach
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