Chapter 2 a friend

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Hope’s P.O.V   I was laying on my makeshift bed when the alarm clock went off right next to my head. I turned it off and pulled the blanket over my head, but I knew there was no point in doing it because if I didn't get up then they would come and knock down my door. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, splashing water on my face and brushing my teeth. I get dressed in what they call clothes, which are jeans that are ripped and way too big for me, a t-shirt with small holes in it and a pair of shoes that hardly fit me. I put my hair up in a ponytail and leave my room, walking downstairs to cook breakfast for everyone and when I say everyone I mean everyone in the pack. I made omelettes, bacon, scrambled eggs, french toast and sausages. I set it all out on the table, then went and got the plates, spoons, forks and knives to lay the table. I guess they must have heard the food because they all started to come downstairs like a stampede. There was only one person in the whole pack that actually called me by the name, he always tried to be nice to me when no one else was around, but even when there were people around he wouldn't be nasty to me either, he never joined in with them bullying me.   “Hey Hope, everything smells great, thanks girl.” Jared said, smiling at me. That's right, my name is Hope, how bad is it that he is the only one that uses it, but how bad is it that I even forgot my own name because of this? Jared was a cute werecat, but he wasn't my mate and that was who I was waiting for.   “Move it skank. I’m hungry.” Tabby said, suddenly came bouncing by me, pushing me out of the way. She was disgusting and she is the pack slut, she always got with all the males, but she never tried it on with the mated ones because that means death to all the mated ones that have slept with her. She didn't know how to talk nice, she was a b***h to everyone, not just me. She sat down at the table and picked up a spoon, throwing it at me.   “There's nothing here to eat with a spoon, b***h. Goddess your so f*****g stupid, no wonder your parents disowned you.” Tabby said, making me tense up at her comment.    “Shut the f**k up, you don't know anything.” I replied, turning around to face her, but then I felt a hard hit to the back of my head. I saw black dots and had to grab onto something so that I wouldn't fall down, but when I turned slightly to see who had done it I saw Alpha Cole looking at me with anger in his eyes.   “Watch your mouth, Omega or I’ll cut your tongue out and feed it to you. Get your food and get the f**k out of here, I don't want to see your ugly face while I’m trying to eat.” Alpha Cole said, storming past me and shoving me out of the way. I grabbed a plate, put some food on it and ran out of there, not wanting to make him any angrier. I went straight up to my room and ate my food, but in an hour's time I had to go back down there to clean everything up. I sighed as my hour was up, grabbed my plate and went back downstairs to see that Jared was still there and he was waiting for me.   “Hope, are you okay? I wanted to come and check on you straight away, but Alpha Cole told me not to.” Jared asked and I nodded as I began to clean up. He was a really nice guy, but if he kept doing this then he would get in big trouble and be punished, which was the last thing I ever wanted for him. He was too nice and didn't deserve that.   “Jared, I know you mean well, but you have to stop being so nice to me or you are going to get in trouble. You know that no one here likes me and they will treat you the same after a while. Go and find your mate, be happy because talking and being nice to me is only going to cause you trouble, okay.” I replied and heard him sigh. He walked closer to me and I looked up to see that he was really sad about this.   “Hope, I am sorry they are treating you like this, but I can't be mean to you. I just can't. You have done nothing wrong, but if it will make you feel better then I won't talk to you anymore, but I won't be cruel either.” Jared said and with that he walked away. He was the only one here that was nice to me, but this was for his own good I thought as I turned back to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. This has been a long, long morning and even though today was my birthday not a single person here wished me a happy one, not that I expected them to, but it would have been nice. I walked around the pack house, cleaning and washing clothes, dusting, mopping, sweeping and when everything was finally done I had to cook dinner. My days were long and hard, I didn't have any help and was often beaten if I didn't do things on time or in the right order. Today I decided to make everyone crab legs and shrimp, when they were all done eating I began to start cleaning up. Again.    “Why don't you just leave Hope? No one wants you here, no one likes you. We all want you gone, your human and no one wants a human around here.” Lovey said, standing in the doorway. She was once my best friend, but when I couldn't shift she was one of the first ones to turn her back on me. I was so fed up with her talking and everyone else telling me that I wasn't good enough, so I stomped over to her and looked right into her hazel green eyes. She was the same height as me, 5.2 so I could look her dead on, but she had shoulder length hair which at the moment I just wanted to rip out by the roots.   “If I was you, I would leave me alone, Lovey. It's been a hard day and I’m tired, so shut the hell up and leave me alone.” I replied and shoved past her, but she grabbed me by the hair and shoved me into the wall.   “Don't you ever talk to me like that ever again.” Lovey said, punching me in the face and dropping me to the floor. I slowly got up, putting my nose back in place and left the kitchen, going up to my so-called room. They made me sleep in the attic because I had no other home now. I laid down on my makeshift bed and fell right to sleep, but as usual it was full of nothing but nightmares and headaches.
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