Chapter 3 fighting to escape

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Hope’s P.O.V   I woke up the next morning to the alarm clock blaring in my ears and it was so loud and annoying that I picked it up and threw it across the room, making it crash into the wall and break as it dropped on the floor. Great, now I will have to get another one, I thought to myself as I threw the blankets off me and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and took my usual cold shower because there was never any heat up here. I came out of the shower and got dressed in shorts and a baggy t-shirt, which yet again neither of them fit me properly. I didn't have many clothes now because they were taken away from me. Alpha Cole said that I didn't need or deserve to have nice clothes. I hurried downstairs to cook breakfast and this time I was done before anyone came downstairs. I hurried and ate my breakfast, cleaned the kitchen and then ran back up to my room so that no one would bother me. I listened for them all to go downstairs and then waited an hour for them to finish before going back downstairs to the dining room to begin cleaning. I washed and dried the dishes, then put them away and cleaned up the table. I thought I was free and clear, but then Lovey came into the kitchen and pushed past me. I sighed and tried to leave, but she just smirked at me and I knew that meant nothing but trouble.   “Where the hell are you going?” Lovey asked, putting her hands on her hips.   “Well, I’m done here, so I’m heading to make a start on cleaning the rooms.” I said and she shook her head.   “Girl, you're just a nobody here, no one will miss you.” Lovey said and I turned to walk away, but she grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me back. I turned, looking at her and I was so done with this, I was so pissed off. I’ve had enough of this before she could say a word, I brought my fist back and punched her right in the face, knocking her out. I was fed up with her treating me like this, she never used to, but then again no one in the pack used to treat me like this before either. I walked out of the kitchen, leaving her on the floor and went upstairs. I had to clean each and every room, dusting, picking up clothes, vacuuming and generally tidying up. When I was finally done I went to cook dinner, thankfully Lovey was gone so I didn't have to deal with her again. I cooked hot dogs and french fries, placed everything on the table and hurried to leave once again. I went back up to my room and did what I did before, waited an hour and then went back downstairs to clean everything up. I thought I was by myself and after I cleaned everything up I left the kitchen, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that Nia, Lovey and Victoria were standing there. They each had their arms crossed over their chests, glaring and smirking at me.   “Now where do you think you're going? You think it was funny to knock me out and leave me on the floor of the kitchen.” Lovey said and Victoria chuckled.   “I think you need to get checked out by the pack doctor, just in case you got what she has. You might not be able to shift now, since she touched you.” Victoria said and I rolled my eyes. They always said things like this, so it was nothing new for me, but it still pissed me off.    “Victoria, shut up and as far as your concerned Lovey, you deserved it. I’m tired of you picking on me, I can't help it if I can't shift. Something is wrong with me and I wish I knew what it was.” I said, whispering the last part to myself, but they all just laughed at me. They didn't know what it was like, they had their cats and they would never know what it felt like to be without one, like I was.    “I dare you to try and hit me because I’ll break your f*****g arm, bitch.” Nia said, stepping right in front of me so that she was right in my face. I was fed up with this and I was sick and tired of them thinking they were better than me, plus she did dare me, so why the hell not. I clenched my hand into a fist, brought it back and punched her right in the face just like I had done to Lovey. I broke her nose with one strike and you could hear the crunch when it broke. Nia screamed out in pain, grabbing her nose and punched me back with her other hand. That's it, it was on. Nia and I started fighting, trading blow for blow, but when the other girls saw that I was winning they joined in the fight. We traded blows left right and center, but by the time we were done fighting I was on the floor bleeding. I had three cracked ribs, a busted lip, a broken nose and my head was busted open. Since I couldn't shift I couldn't heal like they could. I struggled to get up and once I did Alpha Cole came out of his office to see the state I was in.    “Get out of my sight and go to your room. There is no need for you to go to the pack doctors, he only helps our kind and you are a worthless human.” Alpha Cole said, but I stood where I was.   Alpha Cole’s P.O.V   “GET YOUR ASS UP TO THE ATTIC!! YOU DON'T NEED HELP!! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR FIGHTING, YOU DESERVED EVERY BIT OF IT!!” I shouted and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her up to the attic. I threw her inside and slammed the door shut behind me.   “Stupid human needs to learn her place.” I said, stomping off to my office. How dare she treat actual werecats like that, we are superior to her in every way, I thought to myself as I sat down behind my desk. I made a few phone calls, replied to a few emails and by the time I was done I didn't feel like sleeping. I was still so pissed off with that b***h Hope and what happened earlier. I was going to teach her a lesson she would never forget, I was going to show Hope her place in this pack. I stormed up to the attic, but when I got there the door was locked. I kicked it open, making Hope fall out of the bed. I smirked walking closer to her and saw that she was bruised from head to toe, her head was still bleeding, but I really didn't care. I stepped towards her and grabbed her by the hair, making her stand to her feet. I’ll show this b***h who she is and what she is meant for.   Hope’s P.O.V   I felt dizzy from losing too much blood from the open wound on my head, but then Alpha Cole threw me on the bed, getting on top of me and ripping my t-shirt open. I screamed from the pain as he slapped me across the face.   “I’m going to show you where you belong in this pack once and for all.” Alpha Cole said, jerking my night pants off and getting in between my legs. I was crying and trying to find something to use to stop him, but then he pulled his large c**k out and placed the tip at my entrance.    “NO! NO, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!! PLEASE STOP!!” I screamed, but he just laughed.   “Oh, but you see I can and I will. You're stuck here with nowhere to go, who will take you in?” He said and started to push inside of me. I screamed as loud and as hard as I could, grabbing the empty glass soda bottle off the table next to my bed. Before he could go any further I hit him as hard as I could, shattering the glass bottle on his head and knocking him out. He fell on top of me and even though I had knocked him out I had no idea how long it would last for. I pushed him off me, jumped off the bed and grabbed another shirt, one that was long enough to cover my whole body. I looked for a way out, knowing that I couldn't go downstairs or I would be trapped, I looked at my only chance of escape, the window and quickly jumped out of it. I landed on my feet and ran as fast as I could to the woods.
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