Chapter - 7

1388 Words
Riley - POV After completing the mountain of administrative tasks, I was unexpectedly granted the day off—a rare mercy meant to help me recover before stepping back into my role as Alpha Tyler’s bodyguard. As I collapsed onto my bed, my formal clothes felt suffocating, so I quickly swapped them for something more comfortable. But rest eluded me. I tossed and turned, haunted by the weight of my worries. How were my parents faring in the vampire world? By daylight, I could keep my emotions in check, but in the solitude of night, the floodgates opened. I could still see my mother’s radiant smile, and I yearned for the warmth of my father’s embrace. Back at Cambridge, I dreamed of becoming a writer. But those dreams now feel distant, almost foolish. My reality is nothing short of a nightmare. My life—and my parents’ lives—hang by a thread. My mind races, desperately searching for a way to free them from the grip of the vampire world, but I come up empty. Should I confide in Carol? Should I ask her for help? We’re both trapped in this deadly game, both with parents under the same vampiric rulers. Maybe an alliance could be our only hope for survival. “Fifi,” I called to my wolf within, seeking comfort from the only being who seemed to understand. “I’ve been meaning to ask... I’ve heard the first transformation into a wolf is agonizing. Is that true?” “Yeah, it hurts,” Fifi responded, her voice steady. “Why are you asking?” “Would it be the same for me, Fifi? Could it destroy me?” “No, it won’t harm you,” she reassured me. “You’re not just any wolf—you’re a vampire too. That will dull the pain, but weaken your vampire abilities during the change.” “Why do wolves sign these contracts, Fifi? Don’t you have a master the Moon Goddess destined for you?” Fifi’s tone darkened. “We are lost spirits, wandering without a master. Until the Moon Goddess assigns us one, we sign contracts through the witches of the Spiritus clan. It’s our only way to survive.” The memory of the Spiritus witch from the vampire world flashed before me—this information could be vital. “There are only ten wolves in the spiritual realm who work under contract,” Fifi added, her voice growing solemn. “Tell me about your last master,” I asked, curious. “She died of old age. She was a female alpha. I belonged to her, as one of the higher wolves of the Alpha levels,” Fifi said with a hint of pride. “Are you serious?” I couldn’t help but question her. “Don’t mock me, Riley,” Fifi growled. “You’ll regret it.” “I’m sorry, Fifi. But when we’re in wolf form, we’ll fight with Alpha power, won’t we?” “Yes, but you’re not a true shifter. You’re a half-vampire. That holds me back. And when the full moon rises, your vampire strength will overpower me, leaving me powerless.” I swallowed hard, the weight of that revelation sinking in. “What if I can’t keep up this façade? How can I hide when my vampire side takes control?” “You’ll have to restrain your bloodlust, Riley. You can’t let it define you. Control it. Suppress it.” I took a deep breath, knowing she was right. Eating red meat could stave off the hunger, but I’d have to rely on my vampire side only when absolutely necessary. “Fifi,” I whispered. “Why are you helping me, knowing I’m a vampire—an enemy of wolves? I’m here to destroy your world.” “I don’t care about the Wolf Realm or any other. I care about surviving. I signed the contract to maintain my place in the spiritual world,” she said. “I know you’re not evil. You’re just doing what you must to protect the ones you love. I won’t strip away all your power.” Her words sank deep into my heart. “Thank you, Fifi. You have no idea how much your loyalty means to me.” When I opened my eyes, dusk had already fallen. It was six in the evening, and my stomach growled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten all day. I needed food. As I moved through the halls, I overheard a woman’s voice moaning in pleasure, calling out to Alpha Tyler. I turned away from the sound, but a deep sigh escaped my lips. “You,” a voice called out. I turned to see a group of three women eyeing me with disdain. “This is the orphan girl, Alpha’s little secretary, isn’t she?” sneered the blonde at the front. I ignored her, but they didn’t stop. “Do you think you can ignore us, b***h? Ivy will be Luna, the Queen of the Wolf Realm,” she spat, her eyes filled with venom. The woman in the middle, Ivy, smirked with arrogant confidence, as though she already held the title. I turned to face them, my patience wearing thin. “If you’re here to bully me, state your business. I have no time for childish games.” Ivy’s face flushed with anger. “How dare you speak to us like that, you b***h?” But before she could lunge, Ivy held her back. “Lily, I’ll handle her,” Ivy said, her voice low and menacing. She approached me, her eyes locking with mine. I turned away, reaching for a plate of scrambled eggs, but the raven-haired woman next to Ivy knocked the plate from my hand, smashing it to the floor. My anger flared. They dared to push me this far? Enough was enough. I clenched my fists, trying to control the rage boiling inside me. “I don’t understand why you’re picking a fight with me,” I said through gritted teeth. “As if you don’t know. You’re always around the Alpha—sleeping with him, aren’t you?” Ivy hissed, her words laced with malice. My blood burned with fury. How dare she insinuate that I’m nothing more than a plaything? “Maybe it’s because you can’t satisfy him, Ivy. Maybe that’s why he’s with someone else,” I said coldly, my voice a deadly whisper. The women bristled, their fists tightening, their eyes glowing as if they were ready to shift. But just as Ivy launched herself at me, a towering figure stepped between us. Alpha Tyler. His bare chest glistened, his powerful frame blocking Ivy from reaching me. Behind him, a woman descended the stairs from his room, her clothes disheveled and her shirt half-unbuttoned. “Ivy, what the hell are you doing?” Tyler’s voice cut through the tension like a knife. “She insulted you, Alpha! I had to teach her a lesson,” Ivy protested, but her confidence faltered. “What exactly did she say?” Tyler demanded, folding his arms, his gaze burning into her. Ivy’s voice wavered as she tried to speak. “She...” But she had no words. I stared at her, feeling the weight of Alpha Tyler’s power as he waited for her to answer. I stood next to Alpha glaring subtlety. “Tell the truth, Ivy. Don’t lie to me,” he warned, his voice thick with authority. Ivy trembled, her face paling. Unable to respond, she collapsed. I rushed forward, catching her before she hit the ground. I knew she was faking her being unconscious my vampire senses could tell she was fine. But I let her play her little game. “You’ll never have Alpha all to yourself, Ivy,” I whispered in her ear as I held her frame in quick speed . “Next time, don’t slander me.” “Take care of Ivy,” Alpha Tyler commanded, his pack quickly following orders. His eyes fell on me then, lingering on my bleeding hand. I hadn’t even noticed the cut. “Riley, come to my room,” Alpha Tyler ordered, his voice leaving no room for argument. I followed him, ignoring the venomous glares of the others, and braced myself for what was to come.
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