Chapter - 6

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Riley - POV "Your room is just across the hall from Alpha Tyler." Liam stepped ahead and opened the door to the room, handing me the key. But I didn't drop my sight from Liam as he gazed at me as if he were trying to identify any flaws in my personality. "Is there anything wrong with me, Beta Liam?" His attention was provoking me to the point where I couldn't stay quiet. "Don't betray our Lycan King, Tyler. If you do, you will meet your end, which will be painful." Liam stood tall, his gaze becoming icy, and I remained firm, not flinching at his comments. I don't see why I should quiver and give him the satisfaction of scaring me when it's better to pretend that I'm not terrified. "What gives you the impression that I will betray Lycan King Tyler?" He raised an eyebrow in response to my query as I dared to ask him a question instead of quivering at his comment. "Was there anything I did to deserve such hostility? Or could it be possible that, because I am a woman, getting a job as a bodyguard and the Lycan King's secretary is a problem?" Beta Liam was unable to respond, and his face became sour. "You get ready in fifteen minutes and get to Tyler's office on time for work. Don't slack off," he said. As Liam stepped away from the doorframe, I breathed a sigh of relief. I hurriedly retrieved appropriate clothing from my bag and threw it on the bed before getting dressed in a formal outfit and high heels. It was a mad dash to the bathroom, where I hurriedly showered to get the dirt out of my hair before rapidly dressing and applying a thin layer of make-up to my pale complexion and mid-length wavy brown hair. Then, finally, I strolled down the hall in my high heels. Many of the pack's male members cast lustful glances at me as I walked by. That was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. Also, some ladies had a look of disdain towards me. I'd say they're not friendly members of the packhouse. It was challenging to move to the next wing since the stares made me uneasy, but I ignored the discomfort and continued. Lycan King Tyler's voice ordered me to enter his office. His emerald eyes briefly locked with mine before he returned to his work. "Your Majesty, what is it you want me to do?" His attention returned to me after a pause. "Please address me as Alpha Tyler, and second, I need you to review the inventory data from the previous year to grasp the figures." I approached him to grab the file from his hand, but he clung to it and wouldn't let it go. Perplexed, I gazed at him. "Alpha Tyler, is there a problem?" There was a tinge of suspicion in his calm stare. "How do you move at such a fast pace? In the match, I'm curious?" It took me completely by surprise when he asked that question. --- Alpha Tyler - POV There's no doubt that this woman can handle herself in such a match. As I looked at her combat stance, I knew she could put up a good fight, but I'm perplexed as to why she held back. I know many ladies who would not hold back in a fight if they knew they would work with me, as I am a Lycan King. Many would put all they had into the match to win, but she tried to lose against me instead of winning. She doesn't react to my seductive charms; she intrigues me more than anything. I received my query with a flutter of anxiety in her demeanor, but she quickly recovered. "What about my speed?" she said calmly. "I understand you do not want to demonstrate your powers to others, but you can't keep that ability hidden from me. Also, since you and Liam are my bodyguards, I need you to practice with me and enhance your combat skills." My eyes did not leave her face; she stood impassive and did not display any emotion. This is the first time I've ever seen a woman so composed and able to hide her feelings. "Yes, Alpha. I promise to try my best to fulfill my responsibilities." That was all she said before getting to work. I assumed she'd throw herself at me, and I'd have to deal with her, like most other women. But she fixed her amber gaze on the task at hand. She didn't even bother to glance at me. "I will meet individuals in the human world tonight, so be prepared," I said. "Yes, Alpha." She didn't glance up at me as she perused her work. I try to focus my attention on my task and not stare at this woman's beauty. Riley's hourglass figure, amber eyes so alluring, silky pale skin, and soft pink lips. Tyler, you are such a pervert for thinking about Riley when you have so many gorgeous women to f**k around with. It's been a day since I've had s*x, and I believe this woman is appealing because of that. "Tyler... you've got to keep Ryker under control," Liam snarled as he walked into the office. "Shut it, Liam. The troops just needed a break from training to do their best work, so I let them go early." Ryker walked with a carefree demeanor, his attention drifting to Riley. "You can't give orders or decide without Alpha Tyler's authority," Ryker growled at Liam's remark. Riley paused her task and raised her head to find out what was up with the ruckus. When her gaze met Ryker's, he grinned. "What's your name, pretty?" Ryker strode forward, a lovely grin on his face. As Ryker held her hand and smiled at her, I felt envious. What exactly is this sensation I'm experiencing? "Get the f**k out of my office, Ryker, and Liam. I need to work." When Liam and Ryker saw my rage flare, they stiffened, nodded, and tiptoed out of the office.
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