chapter -23

2148 Words

Riley - POV "What the fuck...?" The grunt drew my attention, and I could see the rage in Alpha Tyler's eyes, but Ryker didn't flinch at Alpha's anger. Ryker is still standing close to me. "Do you need anything from me, Alpha Tyler?" I inquired while attempting to soothe Alpha, who stared at Ryker with hostility. "I don't need you to be around Riley." Alpha Tyler's words came with his wolf surface, and his eyes changed to golden, and Alpha Tyler appeared surprised by his speech. Ryker flinched at the sight of Alpha Tyler's wolf on the surface. "I'm not sure why Alpha is saying such things. Riley piques my attention and she is even interested in me." Alpha snarled more angrily. My hand gripped Ryker's hand to keep him from speaking anymore. When Alpha Tyler saw my hand holding Ryker's ar

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