Chapter - 5

799 Words
Riley - POV I find myself on the front lines of the battle, my path unmistakable and unyielding. As I advance, my eyes meet the intense gaze of the Lycan king, and for a fleeting moment, I feel exposed under his scrutiny, my skin prickling with nervous energy. My mind betrays me with images of us in a more intimate setting, but I quickly shake off the thought. His allure is undeniable, and as we take our stances on the battlefield, the crowd roars around us. "You're such a horny vamp, aren't you?" Fifi's laughter breaks through my thoughts, and I can only sigh at her teasing; she's not entirely wrong. My weakness for handsome faces has always been my downfall. I snap back to reality just in time to dodge a punch, my vampiric reflexes kicking in with a speed that elicits a gasp from the audience—a mistake that sets the wrong tone. I can feel the skepticism from the crowd. "Riley, you're relying on your vampire abilities. Do you want to get caught?" Fifi's voice scolds in my ear. I realize the slip; my reflexes, faster than any wolf's, have betrayed me. I glance at Alpha Tyler, his expression inscrutable, but I know he's noticed. Speed is a vampire's gift and a werewolf's weakness. "In exchange for my power, you’ll need to partially transform your hands into claws," Fifi instructs, her voice steady. "A touch of air magic will help you evade the Lycan king’s attacks. He’s fast, even by our standards." I feel the warmth of Fifi's energy pulse through me, a familiar and comforting presence. Alpha Tyler's stance shifts—he's aiming to unbalance me with a leg sweep. I anticipate his move and, at the last second, leap into a backflip, landing gracefully on my feet. Why am I instinctively using my abilities? This isn’t a life-or-death battle; it’s a sparring match. Then it hits me: I need to lose. Winning means Alpha Tyler will choose me as his bodyguard and secretary, placing me too close to him. He's perceptive, and one misstep could expose me, leading to my death and the death of my parents back in the vampire realm if I fail my mission. I adjust my stance, summoning semi-claws and fur on my arms to appear as an average wolf soldier. The crowd's suspicious murmurs subside when they see my partial shift, but Alpha Tyler's eyes remain fixed on me, unreadable. I make clumsy attacks, which he dodges effortlessly. He’s toying with me, but it works in my favor. He aims a kick at my stomach, and although my vampire reflexes dodge it, I intentionally lose my balance, falling to the ground. Mocking laughter echoes from the surrounding wolves, but the other she-wolves offer mixed reactions—some silent, others visibly proud of my fight. Alpha Tyler approaches, and I rise, dusting myself off. "Trying hard to keep your skills under wraps," he murmurs in my ear as he passes. "It seems you don’t want the job badly enough, losing your footing like that. Intriguing." His words send a shiver down my spine. Sitting in a corner, I watch the other female competitors continue the matches. I’m confident I’ll be selected as an ordinary soldier—enough to defend myself and complete my mission without drawing too much attention. I catch glimpses of Carol, blending in as the perfect she-wolf, while my vampire instincts still simmer beneath the surface. The tests conclude, and I see Liam approach Alpha Tyler with the list of selected names. The she-wolves line up, waiting anxiously. As names are called, I realize with a sinking dread that mine isn’t among them. Carol's name is announced, and the remaining unselected she-wolves stand nervously. If I’m not chosen, it could mean death for my parents and me. "Before you all depart, I have an announcement," Alpha Tyler’s voice booms. "I have chosen Riley Laurier as my guard and secretary." His smirk unsettles me—I hadn’t expected this outcome. "You there, why are you just standing? The Alpha king has selected you as his secretary and bodyguard. Follow him," Liam orders coldly. I nod, grabbing my backpack. My eyes meet Carol’s, her expression saying what the hell have you gotten yourself into? Trailing behind Alpha Tyler and Liam, I catch a mix of reactions from the other she-wolves—some offer congratulations, while others glare in contempt. Relief mingles with dread; this role is my chance to save my parents, but it also brings me closer to danger. Just moments ago, when my name wasn’t called, I’d envisioned the vampire governor’s wrath and my parents’ execution. Now, as I step into this uncertain role, I can only hope I’m prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
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