Chapter - 4

896 Words
Alpha Tyler - POV - {Before the Match} “Alpha, as per your orders, the training of all soldiers is underway. Will you be visiting the training grounds today to inspect the progress?” My Beta, Liam, interrupted my peaceful early morning jog. “I’m not going to the training grounds today. I have a meeting with all the Alphas from the four regions. Send Ryker to oversee the training—he’s an omega, and he’ll manage it. Also, I need you at the meeting to keep me from losing my temper with anyone.” Liam sighed at my words. If anyone flaunts their power in front of me, I lose my cool, and most of the Alphas from the southern, northern, eastern, and western regions are arrogant; their attitudes rub me the wrong way. “Ryker, huh? I’m sure the soldiers will be thrilled to have him in charge since he’s so laid-back. He won’t push them as hard as you do.” Liam joined my side as I paused my jog to take a sip from my water bottle. I shot him a glare to shut him up. “Fine, I’ll be at the meeting. But remember, I don’t want a repeat of what happened with Alpha Killian from the south.” Despite his snort, I couldn’t help but smile at the memory of the last meeting. Thankfully, Liam had been able to defuse the situation before I took it too far. “You give me headaches, Tyler. I can hardly spend any time with my mate, Sia, because of you. One day, you’ll find a mate and be just as leashed.” Liam growled, but I chuckled at his remark. Liam’s been my friend since childhood, and nothing he says gets under my skin. “That’s why I’m content being an unmated Alpha King and the most eligible bachelor. Unlike you, I can have any woman I want in my bed.” Liam’s growl at my words only made me laugh harder. “You don’t get it. Once you find a mate, no amount of casual flings can fill the void. A mate fills the gap in your heart.” Liam seemed to lose his train of thought, and I scoffed. “Save the romantic lecture for another time. I’m happy enjoying life the way I want.” Liam shook his head in disagreement. We started sparring, and as we did, a maid walked by with a set of towels, giving me a warm smile. I winked at her, and she blushed. I saw Liam preparing to attack from the corner of my eye. I dodged and countered with a left hook, causing him to stumble. “Damn, I thought I had you that time.” Liam growled as he dusted himself off and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Keep trying, Liam.” He responded with a snort. “What’s the latest from our undercover agent among the Vampires?” I motioned for Liam to stop talking—we were out in the open, and he nodded, understanding. “Liam, we need more fighters, and not just male wolves. We need she-wolves, too. I’ve already discussed this with the other Alphas, and they agree. I’m putting you in charge of recruiting since you have a good eye for spotting talent.” Liam nodded, agreeing with the plan. “There’s still time before the meeting, so I’m going to enjoy breakfast with the maid waiting for me.” Liam gave me a disgusted look as I headed to my room, where the maid held a breakfast tray and blushed as I entered. “If you’re interested, sweetheart, strip,” I purred. She set the tray aside, quickly shedding her clothes. I kissed her lips as my fingers traced her thighs, drawing soft moans from her. My wolf relished her whimpers, and with a swift movement, I thrust my hips, finding my rhythm as her moans filled the room. I reached my peak, spilling onto her abdomen. Her face fell as she realized I hadn’t spilled inside her; she had hoped for a chance at becoming Luna by bearing my child. “Get out,” I snarled. I don’t let women linger after; their clinging and confessions disgust me. Her expression fell further as she realized her plan had failed. Dejectedly, she dressed and left. After freshening up and eating breakfast, I made my way to the conference room, where the four Alphas of the wolf regions waited: - Alpha Joe of the North - Alpha Killian of the South - Alpha Xavier of the West - Alpha Luke of the East “King Lycan has arrived. We can begin,” Liam announced. “King Lycan, the vampires attacked our region last night. We need to deal with these bloodsuckers immediately,” said Alpha Luke. “I agree,” Alpha Joe added. “These vampires are getting bolder in their attacks. I’ve already lost two pack members.” “I’m aware of the threat the vampires pose,” I said. “I will attempt a peaceful approach with the Vampire King. If he doesn’t respond, we will go to war by the end of this month. Be prepared with food supplies, and I will provide magic weapons.” The Alphas sat silently, absorbing my words, and I could tell they were in agreement.
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