Chapter 9: I will make her remember me

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Lugard's eyes were cast downward, his voice barely above a whisper as he recounted the story to Jonathan. His expression was dim, a mixture of sadness, regret, and longing etched on his face. He spoke in a flat tone as if the emotions had been drained from him. "I saved her that night, Jon. I got her out of there, held her in my arms... and then I left. I went abroad to study, thinking I'd come back and find her, but...". Lugard's gaze drifted off, his eyes unfocusing as if staring into the past. "But when I came back, she was gone. No trace, no hint of where she might be. It's like she vanished into thin air". His voice cracked, the pain and frustration evident. "I've been searching for her ever since, Jon. Years of searching, but nothing. It's like I lost her all over again". Kaidën's eyes dropped, his head shaking slightly. "I keep thinking about what could've been, what I could've done differently. If only I had stayed if only I had found her sooner...". The dim expression on his face reflected the despair and helplessness he felt as if the weight of his failure to find Layla had crushed him. I promised her that I'd always protect her, no matter what. And I meant it, Jon. I meant every word I said to her. But I failed her, I didn't fulfill my promise, at all, and there is no sign of her, I have been searching for her ever since I came back. I need to find her, to make sure she's safe. Lugard said looking at the necklace lying on his palm shining brightly. "Lugard, my face friend, I had no idea... I'm so sorry. You've been carrying this weight around for so long, punishing yourself for something that wasn't your fault. And we misunderstand thinking that you are punishing yourself for Hazel. Jonathan places his hand on Lugard's shoulder. You saved her life, handsome Lu! You did what anyone would have done in that situation. And she gave you that necklace as a symbol of her gratitude, not to burden you with guilt." Jonathan said empathetic, his voice filled with compassion. Lugard didn't say anything. "You can't blame yourself for not finding her, Lugard. You did what you could with the resources you had at the time. And now, we'll work together to find her. We'll leave no stone unturned, I promise. You're not alone in this anymore, my friend." he said hugging Lugard from behind. Lugard glared at him with a side-eye. Jonathan closed his eyes as if he didn't see those black eyes glaring at him. Jonathan's goal is to help Lugard release some of the guilt and self-blame he's been carrying, and to offer support and encouragement to keep searching for Layla. I will help you find her, Jonathan released his hug and said in a serious turn. Lugard sighs "Thanks, Jonathan. Just talking about it makes me feel a bit better. But I still can't shake the feeling that I failed her somehow." Lugard said calmly. Jonathan: Lugard you didn't fail her. You did everything you could at the time. And now, we'll do everything we can to find her. Let's start by retracing your steps from that day. Where did you last see her?" Jonathan asked. "It was at the coffee shop downtown. We said our goodbyes, and I left for the airport. I never looked back, thinking I'd see her again soon." Lugard said sadly. "Okay, that's a good starting point. I'll help you investigate. We'll talk to people who might have seen her, check security cameras... we'll leave no stone unturned." Jonathan said sharply. I have already done those things but to no avail. Lugard said seriously. We will try again and make other plans we will eventually find her. Do you remember what she looks like? Jonathan asked looking at Lugard with his sea blue eyes and a smile because he would help this cold Guy find his missing treasure, so he was happy. No, I didn't remember her face very clearly. Lugard said with a furrowed brow. Jonathan's mouth twitched, you didn't even remember the face of who you were looking for. So if you see her on the way you won't even recognize her. Jonathan asked. Lugard nodded in confirmation. Dem it, Jonathan said angrily. I thought you had a strong and highest IQ why can't you remember the face of your beloved first love, you get to meet her twice. He said angrily. Lugard glared at him with a warning guise. And Jonathan swallowed the rest of his words. We can find her through this necklace, Lugard said looking at the dark sky. Ok, but what if she has forgotten you? I will make her remember me. Lugard said with anger flashing across his face. Wow seriously, Jonathan said with wide eyes, I can see you love this girl, what's if she's married? Then I will try to forget about her and also return the necklace to her. Lugard said annoyed. Ok, we will find her together, and we will find her, Jonathan assured her. "Thanks, Jonathan. Lugard said with a sly smile. Jonathan: "Of course, I'm here for you, bro. We'll get through this together. And we'll find this your Layla, I promise." Both Lugard and Jonathan share a determined look. Man, what would you like to eat? Jonathan asked. Am not hungry. Lugard said. "Lugard, come on, man! You need to eat something! You've been refusing food since morning, and you know what that does to your stomach. Plus, you're supposed to take your medication before everything gets worse." Jonathan said refusing to give up. Lugard shaking his head "I can't, Jonathan. I just can't. I feel so guilty about Layla, I don't deserve to eat or feel better." "Lugard, that's not fair to yourself! You're punishing yourself for something that's not your fault. Layla's disappearance is not your fault. You need to take care of yourself, for her sake too! She'd want you to be okay." Lugard clenched his fists "You don't understand, Jonathan! I should have found her! I should have been there for her!" Jonathan: "Lugard, stop beating yourself up over this! You're making your stomach issues worse. Please, just take your medication and eat something small. For me, if not for yourself." Lugard sighs, looking weak "Fine..." Jonathan jumps in victory. Yeah. Jonathan: "Okay, handsome Lu, I'm going to order some food that'll help settle your stomach. How about some chicken soup or a gentle pasta dish? Something easy to digest." Lugard sighs "Fine... whatever you think is best, Jonathan." Jonathan: "I'll order something nourishing. And don't worry, I'll make sure it's gentle on your stomach. You need to take care of yourself, Lugard." Lugard nods slightly, looking exhausted Jonathan: "And don't forget, you need to take your medication as prescribed. I'll help you remember." Lugard nods again "I will... thanks, Jonathan." Jonathan: "No problem, buddy. We'll get through this together. Food will be here soon, and we'll get your strength back up." Jonathan orders food and helps Lugard take his medication, trying to lift his spirits and support him through. The butler and maids were happy. They breathed a sigh of relief.
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