Chapter 11

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Dr Robert’s POV We removed Annalisa from sedation on Monday and she is still stable. It has been five days, but she still has not woken up. Her bruising is all but gone. The damage to her eye socket was corrected. Once she wakes up, we will see how her eye function is. The swelling on her vocal cords has decreased but, like her eyes, we won’t know if there is damage until she wakes up. She is healing well from the spleen surgery and the liver laceration. I am planning to take her back to surgery to have the colostomy surgery reversed. “ROBERT? Robert, where are you?” Tara yells “Tara, I’m here, in my office. What is wrong?” I ask her “Look” she says giving me an US report, pictures and lab tests “Is this Anna’s?” she shook her head “Oh Goddess!” “What do we do?” she asks “Let’s put the surgery on hold now. I’ll contact Derrick and the grandparents” Why is this happening to this poor girl? How do we handle this when she hasn’t woken up from her coma? “Alpha Derrick?” I link him “Hey Robert? Is everything okay? Is Anna okay?” he questions “Yes, but there is something I need to talk to you about concerning her care. I would like you and her grandparents to come to the hospital today, please” I say “Robert, what…” he begins “Derrick, we need to talk face to face” I insisted. “Okay, let me call my parents, and I’ll link you with the time we will be there” “Thank you, Alpha” I reply Alpha Derrick’s POV I called my parents to inform them Dr Robert wanted to see us in person regarding Anna. They are coming to my office to meet me, and then we will go talk to Robert “Alpha, we have a problem at the gate” I am linked by a warrior “I’m listening” I reply “I have three shewolves here, at least two of them are rogues. They are requesting protection from the Dark Hollow pack. One looks sick” “Cuff them and bring them to the pack hospital. Explain that until we know what is going on we must cuff them for safety. Put them in the locked room for prisoners and you stand guard. I will have another warrior put on guard duty” “Yes, Alpha” he replies “Bastien, I need you send a warrior to the gate to take over Tad’s assignment. He had three shewolves come requesting protection and I had him guarding them at the hospital. Meet me there in about 30 minutes” I link him “Yes, Alpha” he replies My parents meet me in my office, and we head to the hospital. I bring Opal with me also. I have a feeling I am not going to like what Robert has to say. We meet him in his office “Alpha, Luna, Mama Leah and Papa Grant. How are you all today?” “We are good, Robert. Is everything okay with Anna?” Opal asks “Yes, we did an ultrasound today because I wanted to take her back to surgery to reverse the colostomy. The ultrasound showed something else. We did additional bloodwork to support the information and it is conclusive. Anna is pregnant!” Robert says “WHAT?” I stand up yelling, angry “She is about two weeks, so she got pregnant from the rape” he says “NO, NO, NO, NO! This is not happening. This can’t be happening. They rape her and impregnate her. She’s not even awake, Robert. She’s in a coma” my mother says “She is early, we can get rid of it, and she will never know. But she is not awake to give her consent. You would be making this decision for her. If we leave it, she could wake up and have a pregnant stomach, which could put her in a whole other state of shock”, Robert explains “This is f*****g ridiculous. We can’t make that decision for her, but if we wait too long she won’t have a decision to make and will be stuck with the baby. Poor Anna” Opal says “So, do we have to make the decision for her? We have to decide whether to keep or terminate her pregnancy? How are we supposed to decide this for her?” my mom asks “I don’t feel a decision like this should be made without her” dad says “But waking up pregnant after everything else she has gone through. How is she going to cope with that?” mom says “If she doesn’t want the baby, it can be put up for adoption” I suggest “I don’t think that is the issue, Derrick. It’s not her physical health that I am worried about, it’s her mental health”, Opal comments “I agree, but who are we to decide for her” I say “Then I say we leave it, when she wakes up she will decide what she wants to do, and we will help her with therapy and all the family support she needs”, dad says “I agree” mom says “Me too, but we have to make sure the therapist is here, and they are good because this girl is going to go through some s**t dealing with everything when she wakes up” Opal says “Robert, can you still do the surgery? I don’t want her to wake up to a baby and a bag she has to poop in” mom says “She is still early, I can do the surgery safely right now” “Okay, so lets do that. We’ll do the colostomy reversal surgery and wait for her to wake up” I summarize “Will the baby be okay with her getting the nutrition through the tube?” mom asks “Yes, I will increase the calorie content on the supplement to help provide for both. I will do the surgery tomorrow. We will do and ultrasound before, after and during the procedure to make sure the baby is okay” he replies “Okay, I need to go see about these female rogues. Robert, I need you to come with me. I will explain the situation on the way” I say “We are going to see Anna before we leave” Opal says We parted ways with Robert and I are going to see the rogues. I tell him what happened and what is going on.
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