Chapter 12

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Alpha Clarence’s POV “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST THEM” I yell “We were taking them to the transport truck when one of them fell. When we pulled her up from the ground, she hit Phil in the head with a rock. When I went after her, the other girl hit me on the head with something and knocked me out. When I woke up, Phil was still lying in the same spot, and he was bleeding from his head, so I think she killed him. I don’t know how long I was out, but they were gone. I tracked them by their scent but lost them at the river” “How many did we lose?” I ask “Three; that new kitchen omega and two rogues” “You need to find three women for me to replace them. I will be holding your family in the cells until you do. I will give you 48 hours. If you don’t return with three shewolves in 48 hours, I will give them your family instead” “Alpha, please it was a mistake” he pleads “48 hours. If I were you I would get started” I reply He runs out of the office. It was bad enough. I had to use my own pack members, and they were only able to capture five rogues. I promised him a dozen, and now I only have 9. Why are my plans always f*****g up lately? “What are we going to do?” Vance asks “I need to find these girls. First Anna gets away, now these girls. The only river is to the east of the pack and the only pack to the east of us is Crystal Lake. I need a spy at Crystal Lake. If these girls are there, they are a threat to my operation. I need them sold or dead, no in between” “I’ll see what I can do” Vance says “And put that warrior’s family in the cells” Alpha Derricks’s POV “So three women show up at our front gate running from Dark Hollow. And this happens less than two weeks after Anna escapes from there barely alive. What the f**k is going on in that pack?” Robert says “I am asking the same question” I reply We enter the room with the shewolves in it. They are dressed in see-through long white dresses. They are all wearing the same thing. They smell like they were doused with perfume. They are dirty and very skinny, almost mal-nourished. Was this because of their trip here or was this their life in Dark Hollow? “Ladies, my name is Alpha Derrick. I was told you came to our gates asking for permission to stay because you need protection from Dark Hollow?” “Yes, Alpha. We were part of a group of nine other women. We were being sold by Alpha Clarence to another Alpha. We don’t know who he is, but the Alpha pays Alpha Clarence for women. He has a guy who kidnaps women for him, but this time he used women in the pack. When we were being taken to our van, I acted like I fell and picked up a rock and hit the warrior with it. She then picked up a branch and hits the other guy in the head with it. When he fell down, we ran. We passed a river so we jumped in to hide our scent. We just continued to run until we reached your gates” the tall blond says “Alpha Clarence is selling women to other Alpha’s?” “Yes, Alpha” they all say “How long has he been doing this?” I ask “Not sure. My family were rogues, and they joined the pack after the battle six years ago. I just turned 18, but I know it has been going on at least the last two years.” Lucia says “Are you the one they say is sick?” “Yes, Alpha. I have been vomiting and having stomach pains for the past two days” “I am going to have Dr Robert examine all three of you to ensure everything is okay, and you are healthy. After he is done, we will take you to a room. There you can shower and eat. I will have food bought to you for now. You are to remain in the room until I know it is safe” “Yes, Alpha. Thank you Alpha” I had the warrior bring them to the packhouse and put them in a guest room, once they are done with Dr Roberts. He is to remain guarding it and I tell Beta Bastian to ensure this assignment is added to the guard rotation. I wonder if Anna knows anything about this business Alpha Clarence has going on. I opened my phone and sent Elder Crawford an email requesting a meeting with additional information. Dr Robert's POV I have a nurse assist me with the exams of the women. They are all afraid of men, especially Lucia. I do a quick physical exam, urine test and blood test. I get a history from all of them and ask about their families and how they ended up in Dark Hollow. Lucia has lived there for six years and her parents were rogues. She recently turned 18. The other girls were born rogues and have no connection to Dark Hollow. They were kidnapped about four days ago. I ask the girls about being raped since Anna was. Lucia admits to being raped by the Alpha and his son. She says it started almost two weeks ago, and it has occurred multiple times with both of them. Then twice in the cabin with the guards. The other girls are virgins. They explain that the girls who are going to be sold are kept in a small cabin right outside of Dark Hollow property. It’s not big and we all must fit. There are three guards there at all times with us. They were given a shower every morning and a new, clean white dress to wear. We all wore the same dress. The guards watch you shower and dress every day. You have no possessions. There were books in the cabin and that’s all. No technology or electronics. They give us a little food twice a day, and you take the cocktail once a day. If you are a virgin, they are allowed to touch you but can’t penetrate you because they get more money for virgins. So oral s*x is allowed. But they can’t leave any marks, or they will get punished. If you are not a virgin, the guards are allowed to take you up until the day you are transported. So in that little cabin or in the woods outside the cabin, the guards are just f*****g or getting blowjobs all the time, in front of everybody. They make you take a special cocktail that is supposed to make sure you don’t get pregnant and block your wolf, it also makes you sleepy. The other girls say they were forced to perform blowjobs on multiple men in the four days they were there, at least 4–5 times a day. They were given the cocktail every day from the day they got there. Lucia says she was taken to the cabin the day before they were transported. She was taken twice by two different guards and forced to give another one a blowjob. She was given the cocktail once after the first time the Alpha and his son took her. She did not go to the Doctor the other times like she was supposed to. They don’t give you the cocktail on transport days because it makes you too sleepy, and they need you to walk. But the amount they have already given you cuts you from your wolf, so you can’t fight them. With their permission, I recorded everything they told me for Alpha Derrick’s investigation. I did a vaginal exam on Lucia in addition to my other exams. She cried and held onto the girl's hand the whole time. She has lots of vaginal bruising and trauma but no severe injuries. While we are talking, I got the lab results back. The girls are just dehydrated and in need of food and sleep. Lucky for us, they were only missing for four days. I reviewed Lucia’s results next “Lucia, I believe I know why you are having the vomiting and cramping. You are pregnant” “I’m pregnant?” she asks and starts crying “Yes, and we need to do an ultrasound to check on the baby since you were given that cocktail which probably has drugs that can cause a miscarriage”, I say I had the nurse bring in the ultrasound and have her lay down to perform the test. “Okay, Lucia, this is your baby. You are about two weeks pregnant. It doesn’t look like the cocktail has affected the pregnancy, but we should keep an eye on it” “NO, Dr Roberts, I can’t have a baby. If I am two weeks pregnant, this is either the Alpha or the future Alpha’s baby. I don’t want their baby. And if they find out, they may come take my baby” she cries “Lucia, I know you are scared, but you have options. The last couple of days have been a lot for you. Why don’t we get you guys to a room, let you shower, eat and sleep. Tomorrow we will meet with Alpha Derrick and discuss your options. That will give you time to process the information and to think. Is that okay?” “Yes, Dr Roberts, that sounds like a plan” she agrees “Okay, I will have the warrior take you to the packhouse. I do want to tell you all that you are not in Dark Hollow or on the streets as a rogue anymore. Alpha Derrick will help you. You do have options” They don’t respond, but they do listen to me. I then had the warrior take them to their room and I took the recording to Derrick to add to his evidence.
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