Chapter 10

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Derrick’s POV I am sitting in my office with Bastian, Ronald, Robert, Thane, Brian and Gregory. We have an appointment to talk to Elder Crawford of the council regarding Anna. With the boys planning to take over the pack next year, I thought it's best for them to be involved in this conversation. Robert is here to support and answer any questions regarding her medical condition. It had been three days since Thane bought her home. She is still in an induced coma and still in stable condition. The chest tube was removed yesterday and the chest x=ray shows her no further blood on her lung, and it is working properly. Her bruising, black eye and busted eye socket have begun to heal. I have reached out to a few allied packs regarding a therapist, preferably a female that I can have on loan for an unforeseen amount of time. Full moon has a few therapists, but they are currently using them for another issue that has come up, where some women were saved from a s*x trafficking ring. Whisper Wind Pack offered their therapist, but she is currently training her daughter, and she will have to come also. They have a few nurses on maternity leave and ask if they can borrow two or three in exchange. We have excellent relations with Whispering Wind, and I plan to accept their offer. As I am informing the other guys about the deal with Whispering Wind, the phone rings. “Alpha Derrick speaking” I respond “Good morning, Alpha Derrick. This is Elder Crawford” he replies “Morning Elder Crawford. Let me introduce you to the other people on the call before we continue. I have my son and future Alpha Thane, my Beta Bastian and his son Brian, who will be Thane’s Beta, my Gamma Ronald and his son Gregory, who will be Thane’s Gamma, and my head doctor and medical advisor, Robert. He has been caring for Annalisa, the subject of this call” “Morning gentlemen. Alpha Derrick, I have reviewed the information you provided and your allegations against Dark Hollow are very serious. Is there any proof to support them?” he asks “I have a signed letter from now, Alpha Clarence that my niece was dead, but she was seen coming from Dark Hollow early Saturday morning. Do I have proof that someone in Dark Hollow abused her? No, I don’t, but that is where she was all this time. And if she was there, why did they say she died? Unfortunately, nothing can be corroborated until Annalisa wakes up” I say “I do agree with your suspicions regarding the pack, since she was there this whole time. And what reason do they have for lying about her being dead when she was in the pack for the last six years? We also have other concerns regarding Dark Hollow since your brother was killed. That being said an investigation was performed and no foul play was discovered” he says “I am also questioning my brother’s death. I am not sure that it really was a rogue attack” I say “Without proof or evidence from your niece there is very little we can do in this regard. I would like to confirm some of the medical information, and then we wait until she wakes up to see if she can confirm or provide evidence on the things happening at Dark Hollow”, he suggests “Okay, that is understandable. What medical questions do you have?” “Dr Robert, I have read your detailed report and saw the pictures. What is her chance for full recovery?” “Her physical injuries have already started healing. The chest tube has been removed, and her lungs are working properly. Her internal injuries have improved but will take some more time to heal. I plan to reverse her colostomy surgery before she wakes up. The damage to her eye and vocal cords will be assessed once she wakes up.” Robert replies “You did a rape kit?” Elder Crawford asks “Yes, four total assault suspects, but three penetrated her” Robert replied “Is it possible to get those DNA results? We have a database to compare them too” the Elder asks “This information can be provided to you if the results are also released to me” I say “My fear, Alpha Derrick, is that the results may confirm that the assailants are from Dark Hollow and you. go confront them” Elder Crawford explains “Elder Crawford, to be completely transparent; I know that Dark Hollow did this to my niece. I do plan on attacking them. I am waiting for the proof and attempting to follow the rules of the council. But there is no doubt, I will destroy Dark Hollow at some point. If you provide me with the information, or I obtain it myself, the end result will still be the same. I will concede to the council until our agendas differ, or you are covering for them” I state with finality “I understand Alpha Derrick. I will provide you with the information. I ask that we keep each other abreast of the situation and new findings?” he requests “Not a problem” I say and end the call
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