Chapter 15

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Thane’s POV Tessa and I are at the hospital visiting Anna. We came over after having lunch. We was famished after our activities this morning. Tessa uses the waterless shampoo and sprays Anna’s hair, then braids it. We tell her she needs to wake up soon because we need her at the Alpha and Luna ceremony in a few months. We tell her about the baby and how she will have so much support to take care of him. After being there about an hour, I get a link from my dad for us to get to the office now. We walked back to the packhouse and up to my father’s office; Mom, Bastian and Ronald were there also. We greet everyone and get congratulated for our marking and mating. “Dad, what’s up?” I ask sitting down with Tessa on my lap “Alpha Nash, his daughter Rachel and son Vick are at the gate. They just finished security checks and are on their way here” he says “Why?” I ask “According to him, to discuss you taking Rachel as your mate as you promised” he says “WHAT?” I scream Tessa tries to get up off my lap, but I hold her down. I look at Tessa to explain “Tes, baby please, let me explain. Rachel was a girl I had s*x with. That’s all. I met her a year ago at my 18th birthday party. I was drunk. She came on to me, we had s*x. For about a year after that, she was a booty call, nothing more. We were not a couple or in any type of relationship. I told her we would not be hooking up any more months ago. She pissed me off for the last time when she showed up at the hotel in Mexico uninvited, when the guys and I went away to celebrate our birthdays. She has been trying to get me to take her as a chosen mate since I turned 18. I never promised her anything. I have told her multiple times that it was just s*x, and we would never be together” I say to her “Then why is she saying you promised her?” she asks “I don’t know. I f****d her, that’s all. We never even shared a bed. I know it sounds mean, but that’s what it was. Brian and Greg were there for many conversations when I told her I would only be with my fated mate, and she would never be my chosen mate. To be honest, even if I was going to pick a chosen mate, it wouldn’t be her. She is annoying and spoiled, she only thinks of herself. She would be a horrible Luna” I say “Why did you bring her into the pack then?” Mom asks “I never bought her to the pack; she always initiated the visit. I would have s*x with her while she was here, but I never invited her. She always stayed in a guest room, and we did nothing else together; no dinner, no movies, no fun, nothing. I allowed it because we have an alliance with her pack and she was an easy lay, that’s all. I promise” I explain my actions to everyone, but I am specifically talking to Tessa “Dad, I have linked Brian and Greg. I want them here for this” I say There is a knock on the door, Alpha Nash and his children enter. Brian and Greg enter right behind them. My Dad and Mom stand and greet them, then introduce everyone else in the room. We all take a seat, with my Mom sitting in my Dad’s lap like she always has and Tessa in my lap. I always loved that my parents were that close to the point where my mom sat in his lap and I plan to continue that tradition “Why is she sitting in your lap?” Rachel screeches as we sit down I didn’t answer and look to my dad since he is running the meeting. Everyone ignores Rachel and we begin “Alpha Nash, what brings you and your family here today?” Dad asks “I am here to settle an issue. According to my daughter, she is Thane’s mate, and he has not accepted the bond with her yet. She says he wants to sow his wild oats first. I find this disrespectful and unacceptable. And to now have one of his whores in this meeting sitting in his lap is irreprehensible. His actions are cruel and inconsiderate to my daughter. I demand that you intervene now, or we will no longer be allies” he states I growl at him calling Tessa a w***e and have to fight to keep Lox from coming out. “Alpha Nash, I do believe there is a misunderstanding. The young lady sitting with Thane is Tessa Wright, she is Thane’s fated mate not some w***e” Dad replies “My daughter is his mate. She said they found each other months ago. They even mated” he says “Alpha Nash. I met your daughter last year at my 18th birthday party. I was drunk, and she came on to me. We had s*x, nothing more. Since then, we have hooked up and had s*x. I have never promised her anything. I have not spent time with her or dated her. She has come to my pack multiple times on her own, never by my invitation. I stopped having s*x with her months ago because she showed up at my birthday celebration in Mexico uninvited. I told her then not to contact me anymore, and I didn’t want to see her again. When she was here a couple of months ago, I told her not to come back and if she did, I would break the alliance. Sir, your daughter has requested I take her as a chosen mate many times and I refused every time. Now I have found my fated mate and we are marked and mated. So that ends this conversation” I say “My daughter said you were mates since last year. Did you reject her and that’s why you have a second chance mate?” he ask insistently “No sir. Rachel was never my mate. If I remember correctly, Rachel is 18 years old. Am I correct?” I ask “Yes, she turned 18 on her last birthday seven months ago” “So how could she identify me as her mate over a year ago when she was 17 and didn’t have her wolf yet?” I ask He doesn’t answer but looks at Rachel wide-eyed. I guess their plan is slowly falling apart. “So, you took my daughter’s virginity? You took away her childhood before she was 18? She was innocent before you” he yells “Sir, Rachel was not a virgin when we had s*x. I may have been drunk, but I know that much. I also can identify at least three men she had s*x with before me. We even have video of her having s*x at the public pool before the night we had s*x” I say “I may still have the video on my phone, if you want evidence to support his statement” Greg says, pulling out his phone “Now, if you wish, we can dissolve our alliance right now as you requested. It seems to me our alliance must not mean much to you. I warned your daughter that I would break the alliance if she came back, and here she is. Not only did she disregard my warning, but she lied on me. Your use of our alliance as a bargaining chip to get me to be with your daughter is unethical and not the way to conduct business” I say “Young Alpha, this was all just a misunderstanding. I approached you without having all the facts and for that I apologize. The alliance between my pack and Crystal Lake is an asset to both and not something I take lightly. Please forgive my haste in using our alliance as a bargaining chip. We have settled this issue, and we will be leaving” he says standing and instructing his children to stand “Wait. She smells like my mate” future alpha Vick says pointing at Tessa Alpha Derrick’s POV I am so proud of how Thane is handling Alpha Nash. We would not be hurt if we broke the alliance, unlike his pack which uses our outside businesses along with pack support and training. I don’t know what Alpha Nash was thinking about threatening us with the alliance. If we dissolved it, he could lose the pack. Just the financial support we provided that would come to an end if he broke the alliance would bankrupt the pack. I am just glad this is done, and I hope Tessa forgives Thane for his wandering d**k. I see Alpha Nash trying to leave but his son stops “Wait. She smells like my mate” Future Alpha Vick Says pointing at Tess The growl that leaves Thanes and Lox is one of fury and shook the walls. “Tess is my mate” Lox growls as he stands up Brian, Greg and Tess are all holding him back from attacking Vick “I know, she is not my mate, but there is a scent on her that is. Like she was around her recently” he says backing up and putting his hands up in surrender “Alpha, we were with Anna before we came here” Tess tells me worriedly. As she sits back in Thane’s lap, and he sniffs her calming down “s**t” I whisper “Future Alpha Vick, please sit down. If your mate is who we think it is, a conversation must be had” I say and they all sit back down “Tessa and Thane were at the hospital visiting my niece. We think that is the person you smell as your mate” I say “Hospital? Why is my mate in the hospital?” he asks “It’s a long story and only one she can tell you. Unfortunately, she is in a coma and has been for almost two months now. She is stable medically, and we are just waiting for her to wake up. I can take you to the hospital so you can at least see her and confirm she is your mate. Nothing more can be done until she wakes up” I offer “Yes, I want to see her” he says “Then I will have Thane take, just you. There is no reason for anyone else to go. Alpha Nash, you and Rachel can wait here, if you wish. I can have an omega bring you some snacks” I suggest “Thank you Alpha Derrick, that would be nice” he says sweetly I roll my eyes and link an omega to bring coffee and cake to the office for our guests, myself and Opal. Thane and Tessa leave with Vick to go to the hospital. Everyone else leaves to go about their business. I wonder how this will go with Vick
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