13 - Concrete Walls

1257 Words
Rayne knew she had been out for a very long period of time thanks to some drugged induced sleep. Her head was pounding in the temples from it. Her head was also sore to the touch and highly sensitive in the back where someone had bludgeoned her in the shower.  The dried blood felt disgusting in her fingertips.  She tried to focus to her surroundings.  It was dimly lit and the walls seemed to be a light grey all the way around. A cot, a toilet, a sink… Concrete walls. No. It couldn’t be. The description was nearly to a T. Rayne was sitting in the same room Darius had lived for almost eight years. A wave of panic hit her. She stood still wobbly and looked down. She had been naked and wet when abducted. She was now in yoga pants, a tank top and underwear that was on backwards.  “Alright you fuckers. Come in here and tell me what the game plan is. This s**t doesn’t work for me. Tell me the terms and I will consider it.”  There was silence. She looked around the room and saw a camera in the corner on the left upper wall of the room. She knew she was being monitored. Picking everything off the metal bed frame she lifted it into the tall position and tried to hit the camera with the leg. She came close several times but lacked the arm strength to make contact with enough force. The bed however was tall enough to reach the camera. She set the bed back down and tied the blanket on one end. Setting it up on the end the blanket covered most of the sight space of the camera angles.  She stood by the door and waiting.  The door made a clicking sound a few moments later and two men in black masks and attire opened the door. The cattle prods in their hands were supposed to be intimidating but Rayne was prepared.  “Step back Rayne. We don’t want to hurt you but we will.”  She knew this was not going to be a victory but with her Krav Maga training and the will to get back to her children and husbands, it would definitely be a fight.  “f**k you. Bring it stupid. I am ready for you and this won’t end well.”  The first male stepped inside and prodded forward to electrocute Rayne with the prod. He missed and in a few fluid movements she disarmed him and slammed the prod into his side repeatedly. He hollered and fell in convulsing pain. Kicking him in the face as hard as she could, three toes cracked and she was sure they were broken. The second man reached and grabbed Rayne’s arm before she could step back. She wailed at him and proceeded to beat his arm with the side of the prod.  He was stronger than the first and had the upper hand but Rayne was not going to give up. With a twist and her hand coming around she found place right in his nose line with an upper palm hit. It didn’t stop him but here was a teetering in his repose. She swiped his leg and fell on top of him. Reacting quickly she continued to beat his heat with the cattle prod until he regained his strength and threw her off. She landed on her backside winded but the blood dripping from his face covering said enough. She had wounded him enough to make him be alert that she wasn’t playing around.  “You b***h. You broke my nose!” “Come at me again and I will break more. Let me the f**k out of here and you might live.” The laughter from the doorway caused Rayne to look up. There stood a short little balding man with a gun in his hand.  “You are definitely all your reputation has preceded. Fiery, dangerous and gorgeous all rolled into one. Before you get yourself killed, lets discuss what is going on here. I am Peterman and you are my prisoner.” He smiled and held the gun on her still, just in case.  Rayne stood and brushed herself off. “I don’t give a f**k who you are. I don’t know what you will gain by having me hear other than money and leverage. Eventually, one way or another the leverage will run out and you will be s**t out of luck. The money isn’t a problem but I am. So kill me or get on with what you want from me but I won’t do eight years in this cell like Darius did. We clear?”  She was scared to death but knew what this was all about. Drakos Shipping had made Peterman look inept and foolish. Then they tried to kill him off. This was pay back.  Her breasts hurt and needed pumping. Her body ached and her heart was sad.  “Well, is that all princess? Can I get you some caviar as well?”  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want caviar you ass. I want a breast pump, a shower with a curtain to keep the girls clean and yeast free and some food. I want to know what you want and how I can get it for you so I can go home to my daughter and son.”  “Right. Well, about that. You are never going home. This is your home. I require your cooperation or your dead sliced up corpse will be sent to your husbands. Are we clear?” “Well if you want me to die of an infection or other things, don’t get me the breast pump but I assure you, I KNOW I am your only leverage at the moment and you need the money. Promises made and broken in your line of work aren’t easily mended. And you are right, I will comply to keep my family safe but the conditions in which I am kept right now are not acceptable. I am sure you can agree with that.” Peterson looked at her for a moment and lowered the gun laughing. “My colleague is correct in his statements about you. It definitely sucks that we are on opposite sides. Under my employee you would be ruthless and deadly but no one would see it coming past those blue eyes.”  “There is only one problem with that.” Rayne said crossing her arms.  “What’s that princess?”  “I am so far out of your league and pay grade it would be you working for me.”  He studied her for a moment and kicked the guy still laying on the floor. “Get her a breast pump, a camping shower and some decent food. Mrs. Drakos is going to be with us for a while and I don’t feel like dealing with her antics.” Stopping at the door he turned and looked back at Rayne. “Be careful sweetheart, if you mess with me, my patience might run out quickly.”  “Aye, Aye Captain. Hope you realize when I get out of here, I will kill you myself.” She said smiling and walked over to take her bed down and put it back in place.  Peterman slammed the door. He infuriated. This one was smart and mouthy. She was also beautiful. His boss had instructed her to be taken alive and not touched until he deemed it so. Peterman knew what kind of man he was inside. He wanted money, women and booze. He would do anything to gain lots of it including tempt the family of Dragons to seek him out. After all that was the meaning of Drakos, Dragon. And the most dangerous of the brothers was one of her husbands.  
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