12 - I Win

1136 Words
Miranda got to the last few dishes and decided to break and check on Ari and Zane. They were tucked away in their beds fast asleep. She shut the door and headed back to the kitchen. Rounding the corner she was met by a male figure dressed in black with a mask hiding his face. She screamed loudly and turned to run but crashed into another male figure, dressed the same.  The second one grabbed her arm and held her in place. “This her?” he asked in English. The first male figure looked her up and down and shook his head no. Miranda struggled quickly and the male figure holding her wasn’t ready. She broke free only momentarily. The first man caught her by the shoulder and pulled her in. Miranda knew in that moment what was about to happen and for the sake of her child and Zane she screamed in Greek. HIDE! As the knife slid across her throat, she couldn’t think of anything other than her family. Zane awoke suddenly hearing a loud scream and ran to the door. He opened it slightly looking down the hall. There wasn’t a clear view to where the noise emanated from, so he crept down the hall silently. He heard the Greek word for hide hollered from what seemed to be the kitchen area and rounded the corner in time to see his Aunt Miranda falling to the floor with blood gushing everywhere. The hooded man hollered to an unseen figure to check the house.  Zane ran to the room and shut the door quickly. Grabbing a sleeping Arianna and making the beds quickly so they didn’t look slept in, Zane went into the large closet. He packed them both in behind toys and clothing. Rocking a groggy Arianna in his lap, he hummed slightly to keep her calm and asleep. The sound of doors opening and banging into the walls with heavy force was getting closer. Placing his hands-on Ari’s ears Zane did his best to be strong and keep her from waking. The door to the room they were in crashed brashly into the wall. He could hear them both talking.  “I thought there were kids here.”  “No I saw a lot of kids leave earlier. I think it was just her alone. Rayne had kids with her I think as well. I didn’t get a clear view but am sure they are with her if anywhere.” The second man said.  “Well boss said Rayne’s kids are to be left untouched but anyone else is fair game.”  They both nodded and searched the room. Opening the closet door, Zane held his breath and sat still with his hands-on Ari’s ears. He prayed in his mind to anyone that would hear. Please let us be safe. Please let us be safe. They looked in the closet and poked around for a moment. “You are right they aren’t here. Let’s go to Rayne. She is our target.”  The gentlemen left and Zane cried silently in the closet, unmoving for nearly ten minutes. Realizing he had to save his mom, Zane lay Ari in her bed and played soft music on her tablet to keep her soothed.  He rushed to the front door and locked it. He refused to look in the kitchen, knowing what he would find. He cried harder remembering the horrific vision he witnessed only minutes ago.  Looking out the back Zane recognized the ATV’s were missing and went to the office. They had connected radios to both that could be reached by the house radio. Miranda grew annoyed when Kris and his dads would go out and not be reachable for hours. Fumbling through his tears and adrenaline, Zane found the radio.  ‘Dad, Uncle Kris, anyone? This is an emergency.’ He radioed. Nothing. Silence. Zane paced to the room and checked on Arianna once more. She was still sound asleep and unaware of what was taking place. Zane grew fearful the men might come back and decided to lock the back door as well. He had to pass by the kitchen to get there and was nauseous thinking of seeing his Aunt in that way. Putting up a hand to block his eyesight he hurried to the back door, locked it and rushed out. The blood on the floor was visible but he tried to block it out of his mind. Frustrated and scared beyond all reason, Zane picked up the radio and clicked it once more to reach out. His mind was reeling and his mom was in trouble.  “Hello? Dad? Uncle Kris? Anyone?”  Still silence. He was becoming more frustrated than anything.  “ANYBODY! f*****g ANSWER ME! I AM IN TROUBLE” he screamed into the radio.  ‘Zane? Is that you cussing? What’s the matter son?’ Darius answered.  The men were out scouting hogs and only Darius and Brayden were near the ATV’s retrieving water. The radio was down on nearly quiet but reaching on the floorboard, Darius had luckily heard something with static and turned it up in time to hear Zane cussing like a sailor.  “Dad. Aunt Miranda is dead and they are going after mommy. Two men in black. I hid Ari and me but I am scared for mommy.”  Darius froze. His heart pounded madly. Had he just heard Zane, right? Hopping in the ATV he barked at Brayden to find Dimitri and Kris and get them to the main house. He also instructed the other ATV radio to be turned on and he would be in touch soon.  It was about a five-minute drive back to the house from the location they stopped. Darius was panicked and headed his house for Sophia and Rayne.  ‘Zane. You did good. I want you to go into the room with Ari and lock yourself in. Dimitri and Kris are headed your way in a minute. I am going to save your mom. Ok?’ ‘Roger that dad. We are safe and hidden. But Dad, Uncle Kris can’t go in the kitchen. He can’t see Aunt Miranda like that.’  “Son, are you sure she is dead?”  There was silence. Zane composed his tears and sobbing for a moment before answering.  ‘Yes sir. They cut her throat. He can’t…’ Zane started to cry again.  ‘Zane listen to me. What has happened is awful but you are being the man of the house right now and you need to only think of Arianna and yourself. Think of keeping her safe. Ok? I am gong to switch channels and I will be right back.’  ‘Yes Sir. I understand.’ Zane sat on the floor in Ari’s room, in the dark, waiting. He was going kill anyone that tried to hurt her. She was his favorite person, ever. Zane picked up a walking stick out of the closet; he had found on an outing with his Uncle Kris. Taking place on his knees, Zane sat on the side of Ari’s bed ready for anything. 
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