14 - To Track a Peterman

698 Words
“I don’t give a f**k how many hours you have gone without sleep. Unearth a way to find Rayne or you won’t have a head to sleep with tomorrow!” Darius screamed in his cell before slamming it down on the desk.   It had been nearly a month since Rayne was taking. No word, no ransom. It had been two weeks since Kris buried Miranda. He was nearly nonfunctional and Arianna spent a lot of time with Zane and Dimitri. Darius was in charge of the search and with all their billions they still had no leads.   “No luck brother?” Dimitri asked with Arianna asleep in his lap, Sophia asleep in his arms and Zane curled up at his feet with a pillow, blanket and his walking stick.  “Nothing. Not a damn trace. I mean not a trace!.” Darius said sounding defeated.  “Something will come… f**k. f**k! Take the girls.” Dimitri waited until Darius lifted Arianna up and he stood with Sophia. Walking into the office with one hand full of baby and the other calling Angelos on video.  “Dimitri. Hey man. Any word? Oh cute bundle you have there.” Angelos cooed seeing Sophia in his arms.  “Did you put that tracking device in Rayne’s ring like I asked?”  “Yeah I put it in all your rings…What the hell! Why did I think of that. Let me get on it now.”  There was mad typing sounds coming from the computer in front of Angelos. Dimitri rocked back and forth waiting impatiently. Darius came into the room after laying Arianna down in Zane’s bed.  “I did a thing and didn’t tell you or Rayne. All our wedding bands have a tracking device in them. After we lost you and found you again, I decided I was never going to be without knowing where you were again. They are nearly undetectable by most scanners and are only emitting a frequency when activated.”  Darius patted his brother in happiness and just hoped Rayne still possessed her rings. Angelos sighed relentlessly while he typed away.  “Got it! She is…oh f**k me. She is exactly where Darius was hidden away. And if it is her in fact wearing the rings, she is alive and moving around.”  Dimitri sighed and threw his head back in a thankful groan. Darius took Sophia from Dimitri and lay her in the crib for a nap. Turning on the monitor and video for the girls he handed it to Zane to watch over while he and Dimitri made a game plan.  Darius asked Angelos to send them the link on the tracer and to call Eros in for back up. They were going to get their woman and would need back up guns just in case. Angelos trusted no one at this point and there had to be an insider that witnessed everything working against them. Angelos asked Eros to make sure he sent guns that knew nothing of the situation and Rayne, just in case. Eros agreed entirely and apologized again profusely for the Peterman situation not being handled the first time.  “I will call you back guys. Hang tight. Billee and I are in California right now and she is calling our plane to ready for flight. We will be there in a few hours. Then you can take the plane to Oman. Might want to call the Prime Minister and let him know you are coming. I have a shipment meant for there next week. We can take it early if you like. That might help.”  Darius nodded and picked up his phone to call Prime Minister Al Said. The conversation was completely in Arabic. The promise of an extra donation to Oman was discussed and agreed upon. They were cleared for whatever they wanted to do in Oman, no questions asked.  “Dimitri, we need to try and reach Kris. He needs to know what is going on. He is so far in his own misery this might give him something to fight for.” Darius said.  “I am going to the main house and retrieve him. He can’t watch the kids in his state but we can take him with us.”  Dimitri nodded and made another call to his pilot that was prepping to leave California in the next 15 minutes.  
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