15 - Worth a Billion Dollars?

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Kris sat silent in the middle of a dark living room. He had lost the true love of his life; he had lost a sister twice. There was a daughter that needed his love and attention but he could only see his dead wife in her face and couldn’t stop crying. Why had he been dealt this hand? She lay in the middle of the kitchen with her life force sprawled out on the floor around her. That is what he saw when rushing in the house only a month ago. The sweetest, kindest woman his heart had ever known. Gone. Dead and Gone.  He couldn’t even cry anymore. He had accepted she was dead and gone but being completely alone now was the more difficult pill to swallow. Rayne had brought him to life once. She pulled him out of his woman hating rhetoric and made him realize life was better with love and people that cared for him in it. Now he had no one like that and his daughter would only see loneliness on his face for eternity.  The front door swung open and Darius hollered. “We found Rayne.”  Kris jumped up and flipped on the overhead light. Darius ran over to him and grabbed both arms. “Look man, I know where you are at. But she is alive we think. We are flying to get her. Billee and Angelos are coming to take care of the kids. Do you…” Kris pulled away from Darius and headed to the office and bedroom. He returned in a few minutes with a bag and a gun in his hand.    “Kristos, did you hear me?” Darius asked not knowing what to make of his actions.  “Yeah I f*****g heard you. Let’s go. I want my sister back and someone is gonna pay for my wife. This motherfucker is going to die and I will watch happen it this time…” ~~ Billee and Angelos came into the house quickly and looking a bit tired. Zane ran to Billee and hugged her tightly.  “I have missed you so much Aunt Billee. I don’t like you living in Greece. Look how tall I am! I am the mini man of the house of the Dragons. That is what dad says all the time.” He hugged her several times.  “I see that Zane. You are so grown and from what I hear a big-time hero.” She hugged him back tightly.  Angelos, I know this is a lot but we have to go get her.” Kris said standing and embracing his brother. “I need to be there.”  Angelos nodded and hugged his brother back. “I know man. Life will go on and she will be back soon. Go kill those fuckers. Eros will have four of his best meet you all in Oman upon landing. She will be heavily guarded I am sure.”  “Uh guys. We got an email. Seems the starting ransom is 1 billion dollars to be transferred by midnight Friday or they will send us a piece of Rayne by express mail.” They all looked at their phones.  The email came through nearly an hour previous to the main address of Drakos Shipping International.  The only ones that had access were the men standing in the room.  They all seemed to read it several times before anyone spoke. “Well, that’s interesting. Timing is perfect wouldn’t you say? Perhaps we should reply. Just so it looks legit that we are not planning to fly there and kill them.”  Darius said plainly.  Dimitri was typing madly before Darius even finished his sentence. Pounding away at the letters he sighed when finished and hit send.  ‘Dear asshole if you hurt a hair on her head or touch her in anyway, we will come for you. The money is being settled and transferred within 48 hours. Go f**k yourself – Dimitri.’  They all read the response and couldn’t help but laugh. That is exactly what the normal Dimitri would say. It was perfect.  Packing clothes and things for Rayne and themselves, Dimitri and Darius stopped to talk to Zane before leaving.  “Zane, Uncle Angelos and Aunt Billee will be here for you but I need you to take care of Ari and Sophia while we go get mommy. They are the adults but you are the man of the house while we are gone. Got it?”  Zane smiled and held fast to his walking stick. “I got it dad. I will make sure that everything goes good and is ready for your return home with mommy.”  Dimitri and Darius both kissed his head and high fived him. They also gave love and affection to Sophia and Arianna. Kristos kissed Ari who was mad at him and ignoring his love but things would get better in the end, he could feel it. The three men headed to the car waiting outside. There was an air of pensiveness and uncertainty with both brothers but Kristos looked ready to take on the world and kill whatever stood in his way.
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