16 - Thanks for the Humanity

2021 Words
Rayne was doing sit-ups counting in Greek just to pass some time. It had been two weeks since Peterman had been by and she was allowed certain liberties by the guard named Jonas if she promised to behave. Rayne would stand on the wall facing away from the door spread eagle when they came into the room and they would set up books or music for her every day.  At random times. It helped her pass the time but more so made her weaken the resolve of the guards daily. She even got to play cards through the slot at the bottom the door with Jonas. He was particularly fond of poker.  Rayne sucked at it and lost many pennies in the process but it still helped her not go insane.  Jonas had even brought her cabbage upon request to help dry up her milk from Sophia weeks ago.  “Alright Rayne time is up.” Jonas hollered from the door.  “Five more please. I have one more set of ten stomach crunches. Please.” She hollered through her stomach cruxes.  “Now I said!” He hollered in a rude tone. She knew what that meant. Peterman was there. He had to be mean and not show any weakness. She spat back at him for the show.  “f*****g asshole. Fine.” She knocked the music box off the table and stood on the far wall spread eagle with her middle fingers in the air.  “Well I see you are the same rude b***h you were when we acquired you. Nice to see the way your ass is toning up nicely though. You are one of those fuckable hot bodied moms now, aren’t you?” Peterman said.  He made her skin crawl. She wanted to rush at him and stab him in the throat with anything. He had gotten more bald, if possible, and even older looking. The drugs, alcohol and woman were undeniably taking their toll on his body. “Rude. What do you want Peterman?” She turned keeping her back to the wall but pretending to taunt Jonas so he looked ready to stab her with the cattle prod.  Peterman put up a hand as if telling Jonas to stand down. He walked a few steps closer. “Well today we find out if you are worth as much as you think to the two Drakos brothers. I have sent a request for money to them due in two days by midnight or a piece of you will be cut off and sent to them in a box, express mail.”  The look on Rayne’s face was contorted in disgust. “You have the balls to do that. The man who doesn’t do anything for himself? That’s old school bullshit and definitely shows your amateur mindset.” She challenged.  Standing behind Peterman, Jonas was trying not to laugh. She was obviously smarter and more quick witted than Peterman and everyone on her security detail discussed it daily. But the pay and the fear of the mob taking them out kept them loyal. Rayne had never given them reason to doubt her intentions of remaining compliant and the four rotating guards loved working her shift. Jonas was the constant. There was only one day a week he wasn’t around and that was the worst day for Rayne. “Smart mouth from a dumb b***h. Two days and they will show if you are worth their time. I wouldn’t pay a billion dollars for you, not even if your p***y tastes as sweet as I think it might.” Peterman licked his lips and she cringed.  “Tell me Peterman, do your whores even look at you when they spread their legs? My thought is they close their eyes and pray for it to end.”  She had taunted him one time too many. Grabbing the prod from Jonas, he rushed towards Rayne and zapped her long and hard. She fell to the floor grabbing her side where he electrified her body. But she didn’t make a noise. She stood and held out her arms at him with a straight look on her face.  He zapped her again. She writhed in pain for a moment before finding the strength to stand again and hold her arms out in protesting significance.  “You are one crazy b***h but I see the attraction. Possibly before I kill you, I will have you at my mercy. I might like that conquest.” “You will never win that conquest. I am more than you can handle. And just so we are clear, I do taste that sweet. But you will never know because I will kill you first.” Rayne said sternly.  He stood for a moment and then laughed walking away. Shaking his head he handed the prod back to Jonas.  “If you say so princess. We will see who wins this battle of wits and words. And when I look down on you with your taste on my lips, you will realize I rule this world. Not you.”  With that statement he left and closed the door behind. She spat at the door and held her body in pain. She had to be strong. She had to get home. But who was she fooling, never had she been worth a billion dollars and she wouldn’t pay that for herself. Her only hope was that her children were happy. She lay on the cot on her side for a moment to try and regain her composure.  Nearly fifteen minutes passed by and Jonas knocked on the door. She assumed the position on the wall and waited.  “Here, take this. It’s just Advil. I am sure you are hurting. Why do you taunt him so? He wouldn’t have hurt you if you just shut that damn mouth.” Jonas said walking to her and slipping the Advil in her mouth. He handed her a bottle of water.  She could have fought him then and there. He was over six foot four and built like a brick shithouse, so likely she would lose but the thought crossed her mind momentarily. Turning to face him she smiled and took the water. He still had his hand on his taser gun but realized she was to hurt to fight.   She walked to the shower set up and turned on the hot water from the sink hose faucet to heat up. It never got super-hot but enough to soothe her muscles.  She walked back to where Jonas stood. She put both hands behind her back and looked at the floor.  “Are you alone tonight?” she said  He looked down at her and took a pause. Her position was submissive in repose. He knew why she asked.  “Yes. Just you and I on the inside, tonight.”  She looked up at him and his hand was readied on his taser. She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. His face contorted and he stepped back three steps.  “I just wanted to say thank you for the medicine and for not beating me like the other guards do. I know I am a prisoner but you have a heart, no matter your job title. I want nothing from you but to say thank you. If he kills me, will you be the one to do it?”  Her question took him by surprise. While he was a normally cold heartened criminal hit man, this woman was tough and astonishing. She should have died from the beatings and pain but she stood firm. She should have mentally broken down, after all he had learned that women were weaker in both mental and physical ability. But this ordinary little firecracker with a slight southern draw had made him realize life wasn’t as black and white as he thought.  “Why would you ask me?”  "Because you will just do it. You won’t think twice and you won’t torture me for shits and giggles. We have a friendship of respect. I respect you will take me out with one shot and not let me suffer. And I promise you, if I ever get free, I will remember your humanity.”  He nodded and left a towel on her bed so she could shower. Truth be told Jonas was very fond of Rayne. Being the evil asshole his childhood had created; it was deplorable the way he watched her shower on purpose and wished his life had a woman like her in it. Once he had been a normal man, one with a family and a real job. His wife and son had been blow to bits in a bombing and the ‘government’ did nothing about. Without faith and family he turned to the darker side and employed his navy seal training to make hundreds of thousands as a hitman and contract killer. He had a strict rule of killing no women or children. Rayne was proving to be one of the hardest contracts of his career this far. He was being paid a few million to keep her safely held in secret and to kill her if necessary.  Stopping at the door before closing it, he turned and cleared his throat. “I would pay the billion dollars for you, Rayne. I am sure they will to. You have ten minutes to shower before I come retrieve the towel. I will leave fresh clothes on the bed in a moment.” With that he shut the door. ~~ The plane ride was long, nearly eighteen hours. They drank, cussed and fidgeted more than normal. Kris slept for the first time in weeks and his gun was placed neatly in his lap the whole time.  They discussed a plan of the compound outside and in. Darius recanted all he could remember upon breaking out. The halls and doors and as much layout as possible. It was something he had tried to forget but it was forever engrained in his psyche. They drew crude maps and made notes. Eros had a team close by already surveying a way to enter other than the shop entrance that Darius broke out of not so long ago. Per the intel that Eros had collected that entrance had been boarded and walled over. The shop had been since changed in hands of ownership and closed for a month. The only way in or out was the exterior entrance a half a mile on the other side.  It was guarded by two heavily armed guards on the outside and the inside was unknown. They assumed once they breeched the outside it would be at least two or three on the inside.  “I mean really it is one girl. How many guards does Rayne really need?” Darius asked seriously.  “At least a dozen!” Dimitri said half laughing. “Have you seen her pissed of and caged. Her Sagittarian nature is not something to be trifled with. As angry as I can get, she far exceeds me when it comes to something she loves. And she loves her kids enough to want out.”  They all kind of snickered and nodded. Rayne was definitely not the most stealthy or strongest but her anger was nothing short of daunting. They proceeded to laugh for the first time in hours about things Rayne had done that were so out of character for most women. Kris recanted his favorite last.  “I think the best thing she ever did to show she is not to be messed with was taming the beast Dimitri. “ Dimitri looked pissed for a moment and punched Kristos in the arm before bellowing out in laughter. “True man, Too true. She healed up my broken parts and broke the mean ones.”  The pilot came over the cabin speaker. “We will be landing in fifteen minutes.”  They all looked at one another and joined hands. A silent prayer was said and they all kissed their two fingertips and lifted them to the sky as if giving this outcome of hopeful good fortune to God himself. They straightened their black camo pants and shirts and made sure they all were equipped with one weapon and a knife. Each one had a small walkie and some other useful items.  The plane started its decent and they buckled up. This was going to be a fight that had no other outcome option but victory. Kris didn’t care how it happened but he was ready to kill anyone that stood in the way of his sister.  
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