9 - Paying Off Old Debts

1568 Words
Sokard Business Solutions’ security department worked tirelessly to locate Peterman’s where abouts for nearly two months. Right as they got hold on his location, Peterman seemed to know they were coming and relocate. Truly it wasn’t because the Drakos brothers were having him tracked, it was more so he was a prominent family member of the mob, ever on the move.  Being caught too long in one place was not likely in his best interest.  Dimitri and Darius had discussed how to handle the Peterman case at length. They didn’t want blood on their hands as the Drakos part of the family had long since left the mobster side of the world order. They did definitely want to take Peterman out however, for his stealing from the company and the kidnapping of Darius. The funniest part of it all was they actually shipped a lot of items for the family that Peterman worked for at this time.  It was a gamble but calling him out to the family was one of the option and the other option, the ONLY other option was to have a hit put out on him and handle it that way. They had been forthright with Rayne on the options and her suggestion was kidnap him, lock him away for eight years and then decided. While it was partially pleasing it was also too dangerous. If he ever got loose it would be the end of the Drakos family.  The final decision was made when Angelos was brought into the fold of decision. His and Kris’ half-brother Jaxx was still actively working in the mobster side of the family and they were close enough to still talk about family and the goings on. They owed Angelos a huge favor for saving Jaxx and his work partner Brandon from losing a 2-billion-dollar shipment and being arrested by the authorities.  It was made very clear on the day Angelos stepped in and saved the situation that ‘anything’ he needed would be their pleasure. The situation was discussed at length with Jaxx and his governing family.  They found it funny that Peterman was the mastermind behind Darius’ kidnapping and faked death. Peterman strutted around like he was self-made and had the world at his fingertips.  It was also found amusing that a six and half month pregnant little Irish girl was the one to get his employee to squeal on Peterman. “Possibly we should try to employ this little firecracker the Drakos boys have chosen to share. Anyone that can handle and tame those two, get an employee to squeal and walk away must really be something special. Who is she?” Jaxx said amused.    Angelos shook his head and declined to give her name to Jaxx. “You know that is not how this rolls Jaxx. She is just a pissed off wife and pregnant woman.”  Eros the elder and head of the family Jaxx worked for put up his hand and cleared his throat. “Should we agree this is the payment for the favor you did us quite some time ago. I too would like to know this Child’s name.  We tried to employee Dimitri for years and found him difficult and untamable. She must be extraordinary; I want to know about her.”  “Eros, my deepest apologies but I do hate to comply with this request. May I first have your word discussion of her stops after this?”  Eros nodded and waited patiently. “Rayne Mills. She is from Texas and truly quite the firecracker but her heart and keen mind are what serve her best.”  Angelos said honestly.  “I see. Mills… Mills… Common name but I recall some twenty years ago I was working with a G.G. Mills. He was a thief and conman but could have been rich if he hadn’t hooked up with the wrong circle. You think there a relation?”  Angelos hung his head and realized Eros already knew all about Rayne and was testing him. He smiled and shook his head back and forth.  “Ahhh Eros, you already know Rayne and her father, don’t you?”  He chuckled and nodded. “Don’t worry my boy. None of this leaves this room. G.G. took a bullet in the arm for me once when we were younger. I wouldn’t have died but he decided better him than me. I can definitely tell you where his daughter gets her heart from. I should like to repay that debt of a messed-up arm and pain so long ago. You get Peterman locked down and we will handle it from there. Consider it a wedding gift to you and Billee. No blood on any of your hands. Just ridding the world of an A Class idiot.”  Angelos nodded and kissed Eros’ ring. He was thankful for the way that went but a little unnerved that Eros knew Billee’s name without ever being told. Now to just track down Peterman and the problem would be solved.    Kris having the best relationship with Peterman called him outright, after two months when the preparations for his capture were made.  He had been tracked to Prague with his mistress number two. They were to grab him when the phone call pinged his exact location.  Drakos’ “family” would handle business from there.  Finally peace would be had and justice served.  The phone call was late in the morning on a Sunday to Dimitri’s phone. Peterman had been nabbed right outside the hotel and was being flown to an undisclosed location in Greece for some torturous good times and death. Eros had set things up so his two up and coming hit men, under the supervision of Jaxx, would take care of the problem and earn some brownie points in the process.  It was over. His family was safe and the retribution owed was being paid.  ~~ Rayne was up early that morning. With Dimitri’s phone ringing at high volume it was hard for anyone to sleep in. The news that Peterman was handled and the completion of the questions and nightmares on what came next, had finally come to an end. She would always be bothered by humans causing other humans death but for whatever reason, this one got a pass. Walking into the kitchen she felt slightly dizzy. It was like the house was moving ever so slowly in a circle and she was sensitive enough to feel it. She hadn’t eaten much the day before due to extreme discomfort and figured maybe her sugar was a little low.  Reaching into the fridge she pulled put some cold chunk pineapple pieces and a bottle of water. Suddenly the pain in her groin was so intense she fell to the floor.  The pain was so intense she found it difficult to call out.  Looking down to the floor and trying to stand she noticed a small pool of blood forming underneath her.  “Darius! Dimitri!” She hollered at the top of her lungs before screaming in agony.  The office door opened and Darius came out quickly. “Rayne? Where are you?” “Kitchen.” Was all she could manage to get out as she cried out in pain again.  Darius was on her in a moment and noticed the pool of blood. “DIMITRI!” he bellowed. Dimitri came out of the office with the phone still on his ear. In Greek, as to not scare Zane, he simply said, “She is bleeding.”  Zane came out of his playroom and looked at Dimitri. “What’s all the screaming?”  “Go back in your playroom. Mommy just hit herself in the belly and it hurt.” Dimitri said calmly.  “Wow. Having a baby makes you do stupid things. Love you mommy!” he hollered. Not knowing where the strength came from, she answered. “Love you too Z!”  Once Zane was safely in his playroom, Dimitri strode into the kitchen.  He began to dial 911.  “Don’t you f*****g dare Dimitri. Get me in the car and drive me there. I can’t have…Ohhh. f**k this hurts.” She winced and stood.  Darius scooped her up and walked her to the back seat of the Bentley. She lay on the back seat for the twenty-five-minute ride. It was a lot of groaning and some mild yelps in pain. The baby had stopped kicking and became still. She was scared but let Darius drive without alarming him further.  Dimitri had taken Zane to be with Kris and Miranda and was only about ten minutes behind Darius. He cussed and shifted in his seat a lot, on the drive there. His child was in distress but more importantly the love of his life was in pain and bleeding. Had they not been through enough? He thought to himself.  The ride alone was torturous. He called Darius’ phone.  “Dimitri. I am about to pull in the hospital. Where are you?”  “About ten minutes behind.” Dimitri answered hitting the gas harder.  “Stay on the phone. Rayne is in the backseat and I will run in and get someone to help.” He rushed out of the car and slammed the door.  “Baby girl, Blue eyes…I am coming. You will be fine.” Dimitri cooed into the phone hoping to provide some comfort.  “I know love. I know. I am just waiting for a wheelchair and you to get here. I love you.” She kept her voice as calm and even as possible.  “Good. I am almost there.”  The car door opened and Darius shut off the car. “We are inside. Come to the desk at emergency when you get here, they will help you. I am taking her inside.” With that Darius hung up and Dimitri was only five minutes away.
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