I love you

3996 Words
Ella's POV Darian climbed into the back seat with me still in his arms. Once the door was shut, he claimed my lips in a heated, hard kiss. He grabbed the back of my neck and tilted my head, deepening the kiss and plunging his tongue into my mouth, fully exploring every inch he could. A small moan left me, as his hand gripped my waist, tightly. He groaned and began trailing kisses down my neck, sucking and nipping as he went down my throat. I could feel his hardened length pressed against my ass. I shifted slightly in his lap, rubbing up against him, causing him to grab both sides of my hips and hold me still. "Please. I beg of you, don't move.", he pleaded in a husky voice, his lips still pressed against my neck. I gasped for air, "Darian". He pulled away from my neck and gazed at me, "Rose", he uttered, sending a heat wave through my body. I bit my lip and Darian's eyes immediately locked on them. He reached his hand and used his thumb to free my lip from my teeth's grasp. The front doors of the SUV opened and Trip and Dan got into the front seats. "We are going to head back to the apartment to let you change, then we will head to the compound", Trip said, as he started the vehicle. Darian tightened his grip on me and smiled when I looked up at him. "It's almost over", he whispered. I smiled and nodded at him. The trip back to the apartment seemed quicker than the trip to the fundraiser. Soon we were changed and were on our way back to the compound. I knew it was a five-hour drive, so I cuddled close to Darian's side and yawned. Darian chuckled, "Sleep, baby girl", he whispered in my ear before darkness consumed me. When I woke up, I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep, but we were still driving. Dan was asleep in the passenger seat and Darian was asleep next to me. "Only ten more minutes", Trip said, looking through the rear-view mirror at me. I nodded my head and looked up at Darian's sleeping face. He had stubble on his face from not shaving in a few days. I slowly ran my hand up his chest, admiring the dip between his pecks. Then, I traveled up his neck and ran my thumb over the stubble on his jaw-line. I enjoyed the tickling feeling his stubble produced against the pads of my thumb. Darian's lips tilted up into a smile, before he opened one eye and looked down at me. " You're awake", he grunted, sleep still evident in his voice. "We are almost there", I whispered, still running my fingers over his jaw-line. He reached his hand up and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. Then, he leaned down and connected our lips in a soft kiss. "I could definitely get used to this", he whispered against my lips. I smiled, "Me too". Just like Trip said, ten minutes later, we were back in front of the Don's compound. The Don himself stood outside the door waiting for us. "Bravo. I knew you two could do it. Might I say your approach worked well", he smirked as we approached. "Thank you, sir", Darian replied. "I'm sure you are ready for your dissolution of marriage. Follow me, we will get it taken care of. Then you can rest and in the morning I will have you brought home", he said, as he turned and walked inside, Darian and I following behind him. We walked into his office and he handed me a legal document to sign. After reading it thoroughly and making sure that it was solely for the dissolution of my marriage to Micheal, I signed it. "Thank you, sir. Very much", I told him, getting a copy of the papers from him. "Thank you, Ella. I didn't want him near my daughter for a second longer", the Don replied. We all nodded at one another, then Darian and I went upstairs to our guest room. Darian's POV As we stepped into our room, Ella turned and looked at me. She had the most radiant smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes that I hadn't seen before. "You are so f*****g beautiful", I said, not able to take my eyes off of her. She scrunched her nose, adding to her adorableness. "I think you may be the only person who thinks that", she retorted, a blush creeping onto her face. I slowly approached her, "I can promise you, I'm not", I said slowly. She shook her head, trying to avoid what I said. Nope, not going to happen. She will believe she is beautiful. She took a step back with each step I took towards hers, until her back finally hit the wall. I smirked as I caged her in my arms. When I leaned my head down to her ear, I noticed her breathing had become erratic, making my smirk deepen. I placed a gentle kiss on the skin of her neck, making her gasp and her hands shoot up to my shirt, fisting it in her hands. "Why can't you just say 'thank you'?", I whispered in her ear, before kissing her jaw softly. She shivered, "T-Thank y-you", she stuttered. I smiled and placed a more sensual kiss on the soft spot of her neck, coaxing the most precious moan from her lips. I took one of my hands and grabbed the side of her neck, as I trailed kisses up her neck and jaw, until finally claiming her lips with mine. I pushed my body into hers as I devoured her mouth in a bruising kiss. I groaned and pulled back. I rested my forehead on hers and looked at her swollen lips. I did that. A bit of pride swelled up in me. "Ella, take a shower with me", I said softly. She blushed and nodded her head meekily. I grinned from ear to ear and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the bathroom. I turned the shower on hot, just the way she likes it. Then, I turned and started pulling her shirt over her head. I ran my fingers down her chest and stomach, until I reached the band over her pants, then I pushed them to the ground and helped her step out of them. Before I could unclasp her bra, she grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head. After she dropped my shirt on the floor, she slowly ran her hands down my chest and abs, causing me to shudder. My eyes slightly rolled back in my head, "God El, I love the way your hands feel on me", I whispered, letting out a shaky breath. She smirked and brought her lips to my chest, sending electricity coursing through my body. God, I have been imagining what this would feel like every since I laid eyes on her and my imagination did not do me justice at all. This is so much more satisfying. Her hands went to the button of my pants, she quickly undid them and pushed them off my hips. My d**k sprang free from the grip of the pants, drawing a sigh from me. I grabbed her face, tilting it, so I could crash my lips into hers. I deepened the kiss by entwining my tongue with hers. My hands reached around her back and unclasped her bra. I drew back from her lips as I slid it off her body. My eyes roamed her body, appreciating every inch of it. I ran my hands up her stomach and lightly brushed her n*****s. I watched as they immediately stood at attention for me and Ella's breath hitched. She tried to bring her arms up to her chest to cover herself, but I grabbed her wrist to stop her. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Don't hide yourself from me", I said, my bottom lip out in a pout. The look in her eyes told me she was conflicted, scared and worried. I leaned down so that my lips brushed hers, "I promise, baby girl, I will only ever worship your beautiful body", I whispered, then connected my lips to hers. Our lips moved slowly against each other, passionately. I moved my lips to her jaw, slowly trailing hot-breath kisses down her neck and shoulder, to her chest and over her breasts. I fell to my knees in front of her and took one of her n*****s in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it as I pinched her other one. My other hand squeezed her hip tightly. Ella moaned and threaded her finger through my hair, our eyes stayed locked the whole time. I switched breasts, showing her other n****e the same attention. She arched her back, pushing her chest further into my face. When I pulled away, I began trailing my lips through the valley between her breasts and down her stomach. By the time I reached her panty line, she was a panting mess, which only fueled me more. When I kissed her hip bone, her whole body jerked away from me. I smirked as I peeled her panties from her body. I stood and connected my lips to hers once more, as I dropped my boxers. I reluctantly pulled my lips from hers and grabbed her hand, leading her into the shower. She was so exhausted last time that she barely remembers it. This time, I can properly take my time. I smiled at the blush on her cheeks. "Have I told you that you are the most breath-taking woman that I have ever laid eyes on?", I asked, as I pulled her under the water. The red on her face only got darker, as she remained silent. I chuckled, "It's absolutely adorable how easily you blush", I smirked, as I kissed her nose. I began the process of washing and rinsing her hair. Then I started washing her body. I took my time massaging her arms and back, over her shoulders, breast and stomach. She gasped as I knelt down and ran my hands over her hips, ass and legs. As my hand traveled up her inner thigh and over her sweet spot, she let out a combination of a gasp and a moan. The way her mouth opened had me in a trance. I couldn't take my eyes off her mouth. I loved it and will love coaxing more sweet sounds from those lips. I washed her feet, then stood and started running my hands over her body again to rinse her off. I'm in love with the way her skin feels beneath my hands. I wasn't ready to take my hands off of her when she grabbed my wrists to stop me. I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout, already missing the contact. I furrowed my eyebrows in question. She smirked at my reaction, "My turn", she whispered. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. She is the first woman I have ever bathed, and she will be the first woman to have ever bathed me. f**k, I'm excited. She started with my hair, she had to stand on her tip-toes and I had to squat down a little, but holding her hips in my hands made it all worth while. Then the way her fingers rubbed against my scalp, made my eyes roll back slightly, as I groaned in satisfaction. I'm marrying this woman, and I'll kill anyone who tries to stand in my way. She's perfect. She rinsed my hair, "You can stand straight now", she said softly. I stood straight and opened my eyes to look at her. She was putting body-wash in her hands. "Did it feel that good when I washed your hair?", I asked. She grinned and blushed hard, "Uh, yes it did, actually", she spoke so softly, that I almost didn't hear her, but I did and it brought me great satisfaction to know she felt as good as I did. She started at my neck, slowly massaging her way over my shoulders, pecks, abs, and arms. I watched her, completely captivated by her look of concentration and admiration. She slowly ran her fingers over the bible verse tattoo on my side and 'USMC' that is tatted on the inside of my arm. "You're the first man I have ever bathed", she whispered, still watching her own hands as they worked their way over my body. She circled me and started on my back. I smiled widely, we are each other's firsts. "You are the first woman I've ever bathed", I said confidently. I felt her hands falter for a second on my back. "Really? I find that a tiny bit hard to believe", she said, surprised. "And why is that?", I asked. Her hands ran over my ass and legs, making me forget what the hell we were talking about. "I don't know", she whispered meekily. She made her way to the front of my legs and worked her way up. "I promise, you are the only person I have ever bathed", my voice came out a little shaky. She stood as she washed my upper thighs, when her hand ran the length of my d**k, I groaned. My head rolled back as my hands shot out to grip her waist firmly. I didn't expect it to feel that f*****g good. Damn. I still held onto Ella as she rinsed the soap from my body. She didn't move my hand away, so I soaked up the moment and contact as much as I could. I was lost in her beauty when a dazzling smile graced her lips and her eyes connected with mine. "All done", she chirped, reaching up and pecking a kiss on my jaw. The pride that shined in her eyes was definitely something I wanted to see more of. "Thank you, baby", I said, cupping her cheeks and kissing her. "You're welcome", she mumbled against my lips. When I pulled back and looked at her, she gave me a serious look. "Thank you, Darian. For everything. This shower...", she trailed off, shaking her head slightly, "It made me feel so much better. Thank you", she finished, gratitude flooded her words and face. I kissed her again, slowly and passionately. Our lips moved in sync with one another, as her hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I turned the water off and grabbed us both a towel. When we had dried off and wrapped our towels around our bodies, we walked out into the bedroom. I took the clothes they left on the bed for us and put them on the ottoman at the foot of the bed. Ella gave me a questionative look, "What are you doing?", she asked, a smile playing on her lips. "Come here", I whispered, with a smirk and my hand held out to her. She hesitated for a second before placing her hand in mine. I pulled her to me, my eyes raked over her face, neck, chest and down to the towel that was hiding her tempting body from me. I reached up and unraveled the towel with my free hand. "I wasn't done worshipping your body for the night", I said low, my voice gravely, as her towel hit the floor. I soaked in every inch of her body, trying to memorize every curve. I put my lips to her neck, "Just tell me to stop if you get too uncomfortable. I promise, I'll stop, baby.", I whispered against her neck. I felt her nod her head, signaling for me to continue. My hands roamed around her hips and up her sides. She moaned as she leaned into me, her n*****s grazing my bare skin. "Darian", she whispered. When my name left her lips, my hands went to her thighs and lifted her for her to wrap her legs around my waist. I had to grip her thighs tightly to keep from losing control. I could feel her warm p***y against my lower stomach. I groaned as she ground her hips into me and she moaned. I climbed onto the bed, laying her down on her back. I broke our kiss, continuing it down her neck, chest, n*****s and stomach. When I was positioned between her legs, I pushed her thighs apart with my hands so I could see her. My breath hitched at the site, her p***y glistened in the little light that shined in the room. She was so wet and beautiful. I ran a finger slowly over her clit and through her juices, making her mewl and wiggle. I groaned, "Baby girl, you're so wet", I grunted, getting another moan as a reply. I slowly inserted a finger into her and her back arched off the bed, with a gasp. "f**k, and tight", I grumbled, before circling her clit with my tongue, then sucked her clit into my mouth. A long moan left her lips as she started to squirm. She tried scooting away from me, but I wrapped my free arm over her stomach, pinning her in place."You are so f*****g delicious", I hummed into her clit. Her moans became louder and more frantic as she neared her climax. "Darian", my name left her lips in a desperate plea. I pulled back a little, "Come for me, Ella", I said huskily, before sucking her clit back into my mouth and adding another finger inside her. Her back arched from the bed, as a cry of pleasure left her lips. I felt her tighten around my fingers, as she gripped my hair in her hands. I kept up my pace as she came down from her orgasm, before pulling my fingers from her and putting them in my mouth and licking them off. Ella watched me, her breaths were still uneven and her face was red. She looked f*****g delectable. I ran my tongue over her clit and through her juices, coaxing the most precious mew from her. "Darian, please", she rasped. I stopped and looked at her. "Tell me what you want, baby", I said, running my hand over her stomach. She locked eyes with me, "You", she breathed, "I want you". I climbed up her body, so my head was over hers, "Are you sure, love? Once we do this, you're mine.", I said, meaning every f*****g word. She nodded, "Yes, take me." I connected my lips to hers, as I ran my hand down her body slowly. I grabbed the base of my d**k and rubbed the head of it up and down her clit, making her mouth open as she gasped. I deepened the kiss as I slowly slid my head into her. We both moaned as I slid deeper. I broke the kiss and dropped my head to her neck. "God, Ella. You're so f*****g tight", I groaned. I had no idea how long I was going to last inside of her. I haven't made it all the way inside of her and I'm already ready to blow. When I felt her walls relax, I thrusted to the hilt inside of her. The moan that left Ella's lips made me shudder and my d**k twitch inside of her. I pulled my head back and looked at her face, looking for signs of discomfort or uncertainty. As I looked over her face, all I saw was pure bliss and ecstasy. Her eyes were half-lidded and her mouth was slightly open as she breathed heavily. When she ran her tongue over her bottom lip and pulled it in to run her teeth over it and she ran her hand up my chest, I lost it. My pace was unforgivable as I chased her high as well as mine. She writhed under me, yelling and moaning, and running her nails down my chest. God, if she keeps that up I'm going to c*m too soon. I grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them above her head and laced my fingers with hers. I brought my body as close as I could to hers, engulfing her with my frame, holding her in place. "Oh, my God, Darian", Ella rasped between pants and moans. "f**k, Ella", I gritted, "Come for me, baby", I said in a guttural tone. I latched my lips to hers hard, swallowing her scream as she tightened around me. I couldn't hold back any longer and let go with her. Our bodies writhed together as our orgasms raked through our bodies. I released her hands and rested on my forearms, lifting myself to look at her. She was gorgeous, her face and body were flushed, with a thin layer of sweat covering her skin, making her hair stick to her face and neck. Her arms came down and rested on my shoulders, both of us were still panting as we came down from our high. "My God, you're gorgeous", I whispered. She smiled, "Thank you", she breathed. The biggest smile I have ever had, crossed my face, "That was the most amazing s*x I've ever had", I said, honesty thick in my voice. She blushed, "I, uh, have to agree with you on that", she said softly. "Yeah?", I asked, with an arched eyebrow and smirk. She nodded, "I have never experienced anything like that before. It was so...intense", she groaned. Her hips lifted slightly, reminding me I was still inside her. I thrust my hips forward, automatically, to meet her movements. We both moaned, my head falling back to the crook of her neck. I kissed her neck, "I want to spend the rest of my life worshipping your body, bringing you intense pleasure and immense happiness. I love you, Ella", I admitted between kisses on her neck. I froze as I registered the words that came out of my mouth. I pulled back and looked at Ella. She looked a little surprised but not put off. She tilted her head and studied my face, I guess to see if I meant it, which I do. Or if I regret saying it, which I don't. She smiled that brilliant smile that always takes my breath away. "I know I haven't known you long, but..", she started, "I love you too, Darian", she said softly. I smiled wide and connected my lips to hers. The kiss was soft and passionate, my way of showing my love for her. "We should, uh, probably take another shower", she whispered, a beautiful pink tinting her cheeks. I smirked, "Wrap your arms and legs around me, baby", I said, my voice coming out deeper than expected. She clung to me, like her body was responding before her mind. I stood up and walked back to the bathroom. After another quick shower, we laid down in bed. I had slipped on a pair of sweat-pants and Ella put on the shirt they had left me. It came down to about mid-thigh on her, engulfing her. We were curled up in bed, her back flush with my chest. We fit so perfectly together, her body fitting snuggly against mine. "Goodnight, Darian. I love you", she whispered, trying to snuggle closer to me. I chuckled at her attempt. I had already had her as close to me as possible. "I love you too, Ella. Goodnight", I said, kissing her head. She hummed in content, vibrating my chest. I have never felt at such peace as I do right now. I have decided that I'm not letting this woman go, ever. I will cherish her, protect her and love her for the rest of my life. She was meant for me. Her breathing evened out, telling me that she was asleep, allowing me to slip into a peaceful sleep as well.
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