It's time to go home

4138 Words
Ella's POV I woke up to light fingers caressing my thigh. I squirmed at the feeling stirring in me. Last night was the absolute best night of my life. I almost thought it was a dream, but lying here now, engulfed by his body, his finger tips trailing from my knee to my hip, then back down. Plus the feeling between my legs. Yeah, it was definitely real. "Good morning, gorgeous", his husky voice whispered in my ear. My breath hitched as his lips grazed my ear. Is it even possible for a man to sound this sexy? "Good morning, sexy", I sighed, with content. He gave my thigh a little squeeze, "Sexy, huh?", he asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice. I hummed in response, receiving a chuckle from him. "It's time to get dressed, love. You need to eat breakfast before we head back to Colin and Jill's", he whispered, as he kissed my neck. I moaned, "Then you need to release me", I chuckled. He grumbled, "I don't want to", he whined as his hold on me tightened. I sighed and relaxed into him. "That's the response I wanted", he whispered. He planted another slow sensual kiss on my neck, his hand slipping past the hem of my shirt and up my side. I pressed my body into his with a moan. I love the way his hands feel on my skin. He groaned and ground his hips into my ass, using his hand to pull me closer at the same time. A knock interrupted us, making us remember where we were. Darian groaned as he got up to answer the door. "Good morning. I have brought clothes for you. I was told to tell you that you will leave in an hour and breakfast is ready", the man at the door said, as he tried to peek around Darian at me. Darian growled and closed the door more and used his body to block the complete view of the room. "Thank you. We will be down shortly", Darian replied curtly, taking the clothes from the guy and closing the door in his face. When Darian faced me, he was fuming, but I was smiling. When he saw this, he stopped in his tracks and furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you smiling about?", he asked shortly. "You", I answered simply. His face of fury softened as he walked towards me. "I didn't want that d**k to see something he shouldn't", he grumbled, trying to explain himself. I sat up and grabbed his hand and pulled him down to me. I grabbed a handful of his hair, holding his lips close to mine. His mouth was slightly open as he watched the events unfold in front of him. "It was incredibly sexy", I whispered, crashing my lips into his. "I'm glad you two could peel yourselves away from each other long enough to come eat", the Don joked. I felt my face turn a bright red as Darian pulled my seat out for me. "Forgive us sir, it's been a stressful few days", Darian said with a smile, as he took the seat next to me. "Forgiven. What I'd give to be young again", the Don chuckled. "After breakfast, Trip and Dan will take you home. Then you can move on with your new-found freedom", he said. My gratitude goes out to the Don. He freed me from a contract that I wasn't sure I'd be able to get out of. Between him and Darian, I'm now a free woman. Free to love, free to make my own decisions and free to live. Now I can focus on my family and this new chapter of my life with Darian. "What are you thinking about, baby?", Darian whispered, pulling me closer as we sat in the back of the SUV. I tilted my head, laying it on his shoulder and looking up at him. "You", I smirked. He raised an eyebrow, "Me?", he asked. I nodded, "I'm happy Darian. Thank you", I said. He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I am too, baby". Pulling up at Colin and Jill's house, there were a few extra cars in the driveway. Darian and I gave each other questionative looks as we stepped out of the vehicle. Colin, Jill and the kids filed out of the house. "You're back, Auntie!", Rained yelled, as she ran into my arms. "I'm back", I said. Jill and Cody gave me a hug, while Darian shook Colin's hand. "I was worried there for a bit", Colin said, hugging me next. "So, uh, what's up? You got company?", I asked, gesturing to the cars in the driveway. "Oh, yeah. We are having a barbeque with a few of the guys from the Corps and their families. Come on. The party can officially begin", Colin said, turning and waving us into the house. I grabbed Jill's hand to stop her and looked up at Darian. "I'm right behind you", I said softly. He nodded and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before following Colin and the kids inside. Jill looked at me with a genuine smile, "You look happy, Els", she whispered. "I am", I smiled. "What happened at the party? How have things been?", I asked. She sighed and hung her head. "It wasn't too bad. I just hope it gets better. I love him so much", she said, her voice cracking. "I know", I whispered, engulfing her in a hug. "We will get him the help he needs. Now, come on. We don't want to keep them waiting", I said, wrapping my arm in hers. As we walked through the house and to the backyard, people were scattered everywhere. Men, women and children talking, laughing and playing. I found Darian in the back yard at the picnic table with Colin and a few of his friends. He was laughing and talking with the guys. As we approached the table, Darian's eyes immediately found mine. His smile widened, as he reached his hand out to me. When I grabbed his hand, he pulled me into his lap, wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck and hair. "Y'all have gotten pretty close, don't you think?", Colin asked, eyeing us from across the table. "We have", I stated. "Extremely close", Darian grumbled in my hair, as he pulled me closer. "Well, you guys look happy. And you both deserve happiness", Colin said. I was shocked that he was so laid back about it. "Thanks, bro", Darian said, as he lifted his head from my neck and kissed my temple. "Thank you", I said with a smile. Jill placed a margarita and a beer in front of me on the table. I looked up at her and she smiled, "You deserve it." I handed Darian the beer and picked up the margarita for myself. "So the Don, huh? Must have been quite an adventure", one of the younger guys at the table said, with a wink and a smirk. Darian's grip on my thigh tightened. I could feel the anger radiating off of him. "I'm not at liberty to discuss that. You took your oath, I took mine", I said stoically, taking a sip of my drink. Darian polished off his bottle and placed it on the table, with a little more force than he probably needed too. Then, he grabbed my chin, making me look at him, and crashed his lips into mine. I savored the kiss, it was dominant and possessive. "Point taken, dude", the young guy grumbled. When Darian released my lips, I grabbed his empty beer bottle and stood up. "Where are you going?", Darian asked with furrowed eyebrows as he grabbed my hand. I bent my head down next to his, "I'll be right back, baby. Please watch my drink", I whispered in his ear, then I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He nodded his head and I stood up straight. I ran my hand over his chest and down his arm, not taking my eyes off his. I could see the hunger in his eyes as I walked away. A triumphant smirk crossed my lips. I threw his bottle away and grabbed him two more beers. As I walked back towards Darian, Raine and Cody jumped out in front of me. "Aunt Ella, can you swim with us please?", Cody asked. "Not this time baby.", I said softly. My eyes wandered behind them, connecting with Darian's forest green eyes. I knew he hadn't taken his eyes off me, even as he talked to the guys at the table. "Okay. Can we play a game tonight?", Cody asked. "Absolutely", I answered with a smile, looking down at the kids. They squealed with excitement and ran off. I made my way back to Darian. I handed him his beer and set the other on the table. "Thank you", he said surprised, as he eyed the other bottle. "That one is for you, too", I said, answering his unasked question. He grinned and pulled me into his lap. "If I didn't know better, love, I would think you were trying to get me drunk", he whispered huskily into my ear. I grinned and turned sideways in his lap so that I could wrap my arms around his shoulders and burry my head in his neck. "No, I just want you to relax. I'm in your arms and finally safe. You deserve this", I whispered. He squeezed my hips, before wrapping his arms around me and burying his head in the crook of my neck. "Why didn't you want to swim, baby?", he whispered, as he laid a kiss on my neck. "Too many people here", I whispered back. He nodded his head and we stood in each other's embrace for a few moments. When we pulled away, Darian chugged his beer and popped the lid off the third. He took a sip, then looked at me with a sheepish grin. "I'll savor this one." I chuckled and shook my head. I looked over at Colin, "The kids are bored. We should play football, there are more than enough people", I suggested. "I'm down", Darian chimed in, followed by murmurs of agreement. Colin narrowed his eyes at me, "Fine, but you can't play". "What? Why?", I asked, my voice pitching at the end. "You know why", he deadpanned. I crossed my arms, "No, I don't. Please enlighten me", I snapped. Colin crossed his arms over his chest, as well. "You are ruthless, Ella", he snapped back. "Sounds like an excuse to me", one of the older men at the table said. "You know what! Fine, but I don't want a phone call from any of you fuckers tomorrow, bitching about how badly you are hurting", Colin said, pointing at the men around the table. Darian chuckled, and tightened his hold on me, "Is my baby really that ruthless?", he asked playfully. "Meh", I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Darian roared with laughter. We gathered the men and kids who wanted to play, and split up into teams. Darian, Cody, and I were on the same team, with Darian being captain. Colin was the team captain for the other team. Once we were split into teams, each team had twelve people. With my leg still healing, I wasn't as quick as I usually am, but still managed to score a few touch-downs before the game ended. Our team had won by two points when we finally called it quits to sit down and eat. The game wore the kids out, getting them to finally settle down a bit. We all sported a layer of sweat, as we engaged in conversation and ate dinner. After I finished eating, I laid my head on Darian's shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer so I could put my head on his chest. "Are you getting tired, baby?", Darian asked softly. I nodded my head. "Come on, we will turn in early", he said, helping me stand. "We are going to call it a night. Y'all have a great night", Darian said, waving to Colin and the handful of people still left. "Night", they called back. "Can we shower first?", I asked sleepily, as we walked down the hall towards the guest room. Darian smiled, "Of course, my love", he answered. "Go ahead and go get in the shower. I'll grab some clothes", he said, as he kissed my forehead. I nodded and went into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and started peeling my sweaty clothes off. Once I was down to my bra and panties, the bathroom door opened. Out of instinct, I covered myself with my arms and spun around to face the intruder. "Darian", I breathed out in relief. He smirked as his eyes took in my body. He reached up and locked the door. "It's a good thing it was me. Don't hide yourself from me, beautiful", he said, as he slowly approached me, like a predator stalking his prey. I realized my arms were still wrapped around me, so I let them fall. "In my defense, I wasn't hiding myself from you. I was hiding myself from the person who opened the door. It just happened to be you", I said, using my hands to talk. He smiled and chuckled, as he grabbed my face, "That is a valid defense", he said, before connecting his lips to mine. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it over his head, breaking our kiss long enough to take it off. Then our lips were back together and the rest of our clothes started falling to the floor frantically. My bra and panties, his pants and boxers. Darian grabbed the back of my thighs and hoisted me up, my arms and legs automatically wrapped around him. He walked into the shower and and instantly pinned my back to the cold shower wall, I gasped from the sudden contact. Darian started trailing kisses down my neck. "Darian", I moaned, as he latched his mouth to the most sensitive part of my neck. I ground my hips into his lower stomach, receiving a groan of approval from Darian as he used his hands to guide my hips against him. "Tell me what you want, baby", he said huskily, against my throat. I moaned, arching my back slightly. "Take me, please", I rasped out. My body was on fire with need for him. "As you wish, my love", he whispered, pulling back and claiming my lips with his. He slowly slid into me, giving me time to adjust to his size. When he pushed to the hilt, my head rolled back and I arched my back, pushing my chest into his. A long satisfied moan left our lips. I felt his d**k twitch in me as he held my hips in a death grip. A beautiful husky moan left his lips, "Ella, you are so f*****g tight", he grunted, as he started slow, steady thrusts. His eyes roamed my face as my mouth fell open and I moaned. "So beautiful", he whispered, picking up his pace. I could feel my orgasm building. I laced my fingers into his hair, at the back of his head and gripped tightly, as my moan became broken and louder. Darian clenched his jaw and smirked, "Does that feel good, baby?", he asked as he shifted slightly, driving deeper into me. I let out a broken gasp, "I'm going t-to", I tried to say. "I-I..", I tried again, as my breathing became irregular. Darian's smirk deepened, "Not yet, baby." "W-what?", I asked, confused. "Don't come yet. I want you to wait until I tell you to", he said huskily, speeding up again. I shuddered, "Darian, I..", I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I had to put too much focus on not having an orgasm. Darian wrapped an arm around my waist, and kneaded my breast with the other one. He pinched my n****e, coaxing another broken moan from me. "f**k", he grunted. The deep moans and grunts coming from him only made it harder to hold on. "Darian", I rasped, "please". A beautiful smile crossed his lips as he leaned his head on mine. "Come for me, baby", he commanded huskily. My body immediately reacted to his command. I tightened around him , my mouth opened to release a broken scream, only to be swallowed by Darian in a fierce kiss. His chest rumbled with a moan, as he found his release as well. Our bodies writhed and jerked together, as the most intense orgasm I ever had raked through my body. Darian broke the kiss and leaned his forehead on mine, as he continued to hold me against the wall. "God, Ella. You feel so good wrapped around me", he was breathing heavily, with his eyes closed. I moaned in response, his words stirring the fire in my belly. I tilted my hips slightly, causing him to push as far into me as possible. "f**k! Ella", he grunted, then whined, burying his face in my neck. He placed a gentle kiss on my neck as he slowly pulled out of me, coaxing another moan from me. He gently put me on my feet and I slumped against the wall. Darian chuckled, "I love the sounds you make. But, I especially love how you look right now", he said, trailing his fingers over my chest. I felt my face heat more than it already was. Darian chuckled again, "So beautiful", he uttered. Darian gave my body a quick wash and rinse, then his own, as I stood slumped against the wall. After drying me off and helping me dress, he carried me across the hall to the room. "You didn't have to carry me", I mumbled against his neck. He chuckled, "I like carrying you", he whispered. He laid me down in bed and curled up behind me. "I love you, Darian", I whispered. "I love you, Ella. Sleep, baby girl", he whispered, kissing my head and pulling me closer to him. Darian's POV I woke up to my face buried in Ella's neck. I immediately breathed her scent in and groaned. I want this every day, for the rest of my life. I pulled her shirt over her perfect ass, sliding my hand over it and her thighs. I kissed her neck, as I gently rolled her on her back. I started trailing kisses up her stomach, as I pushed the shirt over her bare breasts. I pulled back to admire my view. The beautiful woman before me in black lace panties and my shirt bunched up over her t**s. Best view ever. I started kissing the valley between her breasts, when she squirmed and moaned a little. A smirk crossed my lips. "Mhmm. What are you doing, baby?", she said sleepily. "Worshipping your body the way I didn't get to yesterday", I mumbled against her skin. I took one of her n*****s in my mouth. Nipping at it before swirling my tongue around it. Her back arched off the bed, pushing her chest closer to my face. I groaned in approval as I slid my hand up her thigh to her panty line. I ran my finger over her clit through the panties, making her moan. Then I hooked her panties to the side and ran my finger through her folds. We both moaned at the friction. "So f*****g wet", I hissed, as I moved my mouth to the other breast. She gasped as she tried to quiet down. I slid two fingers into her and pumped them, as I trailed my lips over her skin, down to her clit. As soon as I ran my tongue over her swollen clit, a small knock sounded at the door. My movements stilled, making Ella whine a little. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Aunt Ella, Mr. Darian, Dad said to tell you breakfast was ready", I heard Cody yell through the door. Ella didn't look like she could speak without moaning, so I answered, "Okay, buddy. We will be out in a minute", I yelled back, as I started slowly moving my fingers in and out of Ella. It was quite erotic watching her squirm as she tried her hardest not to moan or cry out. When I heard Cody walk away, I latched my mouth to her clit. I swirled my tongue around it, then flicked it a few times, as I picked up the pace with my fingers. Her legs started to shake as she tried to scoot away. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pinning her in place. I could feel her start to tighten around my fingers. "Come for me, baby. I want to taste you", I growled into her clit. Her back arched off the bed as she slapped her own hand over her mouth to muffle her scream. I let her ride her orgasm out, then licked her clean. She moaned and squirmed the entire time. I kissed her stomach once, then the valley between her breast, then her lips, as I climbed up her. "I can't wait to take you home, so I can ravish you whenever I want and you can scream as loud as you want", I groaned, as I rolled my hips into hers. She gasped as she met my thrust. "You want me to move in with you?", she asked in a small voice. I pulled back and looked at her face. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?", I asked. She looked so vulnerable lying under me, that it hurt my heart. "I don't know", she whispered. "Ella, I love you. I want to marry you, have kids with you and grow old with you. And, now, that I know what it's like to go to sleep and wake up with you in my arms, I won't be able to go another night without you", I told her, pouring my heart out to her. She smiled, taking my breath away. "I love you, baby. And I don't want to spend another night without you either", she admitted, putting a big smile on my face. I kissed her slowly, pouring my love into it, and she kissed me back with the same furver. "Took you guys long enough", Colin grumbled, as we walked into the kitchen. "Sorry", I smirked, definitely not sorry since he interrupted me. "You know, Colin, I got you something for that attitude", Ella said, non-chalantly, I chuckled but Colin glared at her. "What is that suppose to mean?", he snapped. "I got you something before I left, but didn't get a chance to give it to you. I'll grab it after breakfast", she said. Colin grumbled but didn't say anything else about it. "Robert came by while you were gone. I didn't tell him where you went, but I think he had a pretty good idea. He left immediately afterwards and I haven't heard from him since", Colin said. "Good, maybe he will leave me the hell alone", Ella said. "One can hope", he replied. "So what's your plans now, Ella?", he asked. "She's going to move in with me and I'm going to take care of her", I said, putting my hand on her thigh. Colin nodded, "Treat her right", he warned. I smiled, "You don't have to worry about that." After breakfast, Ella grabbed the weed we had bought earlier in the week and gave it to Colin. "It helps a lot of people with PTSD. You live in a state where it is 100% legal. Use that to your advantage", she told him. "Thanks, El", Colin said, engulfing her in a hug. After that, we worked on getting the blood stain out of Ella's jeep, but it had sat too long, so I told her I would have it brought to a detail shop to be thoroughly cleaned. She packed a bookbag with the few clothes she had bought and said goodbye to her family. Luckily, I only live 15 minutes away, so we will be able to make visits more often. I settled on my bike and grabbed Ella's face before she could climb on. I stared at her lips for a second and noticed she was doing the same. I smirked and kissed her hard. "Are you ready to see your new home?", I asked. She smiled, that radiant smile that snatched my breath away every time. Then, she bit her lip and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Take me home, baby", she whispered against my lips.

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