The Fundraiser

3486 Words
Darian's POV After I finished helping Ella get dressed, she laid down on the bed, and immediately fell asleep. I smiled and shook my head, as I got dressed in jeans and tshirt they left for me. The memory of Ella's body burned into my mind now. I can not wait until I can worship it. Every part of her body is absolutely perfect. Her skin is so smooth, that it's hard to keep my hands off her. I know she is beyond exhausted right now. Her adrenaline has been pumped to its max twice, within a three-day timeframe. She needs to rest the whole trip there or tonight will be impossible. There's a knock at the door that draws me from my thoughts. It's Trip. " I brought some food. We will be heading out in twenty minutes", he said. "Thank you", I said, taking the tray of food from him. After closing the door, I sat on the bed next to Ella. "Ella, you need to wake up to eat, baby", I cooed in her ear, as I rubbed my hand up her side and back. She groaned, her face scrunched up in defiance. It was the most adorable face she's made yet. "Ella", I sang,"You need to eat, my love", I said softly. "Mmm. I'm not hungry", she groaned. "Just eat a little bit, baby. Then you can sleep. Deal?', I asked, pushing her hair from her face, gently. She whined as I helped her sit up against the headboard. I fed her some of the meat and fruit, until she protested. Then, I let her lay back down, as I finished up the food. I played with her hair, stroking it gently, until Trip came to let us know that it was time to go. Then I picked up Ella and carried her out to the SUV that we were to take. Dan opened the back door of the vehicle for me and I climbed in, Ella still cradled in my arms. I settled her down on my lap and wrapped my arms securely around her. I could feel her muscles jump as she fell into a deeper state of sleep. "She's tired, huh?", Trip said, as he climbed into the driver's seat. "Yes. She exerted all of her energy into sparring Gerard and Phillip", I answered, as I ran my fingers through her hair. She snuggled closer to my chest, making me smile. "We heard about that. It's pretty impressive", Dan said. "Impressive indeed", I agreed, staring at the beauty's face before me. She looks so peaceful. Ella slept the whole ride, only moving to burrow further into my chest. At some point, I fell asleep too. I woke up to Trip informing me that we had arrived. I looked out the window and was greeted by a twenty-story apartment building. "El, wake up baby, we're here", I whispered, as I brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She hummed in response, then slowly opened her eyes, and looked around. "That didn't feel like five hours", she said, with a yawn and small stretch. I chuckled, as I watched her body stretch. Man, that's a site to see. I bet it's better when she's naked. "Come on, baby", I said, stepping out of the SUV and extending my hand to her. She took it and slid out of the vehicle, with my help. We followed Trip and Dan inside into the elevator and Trip pressed the button for the twentieth floor. Ella leaned back on me, "You okay, baby?", I asked. She nodded her head then looked up at me. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Watching her prepare for this has shown me that not only have I never met a woman like her, but I will never meet another, as well. "Okay, we have a few things to go over before you start getting dressed", Trip said, as he opened the apartment door. It was definitely a bachelor's pad. Maybe two bedrooms, the living room was decorated in light gray and white, a fireplace with gray instead of red brick to accent the room. The kitchen was all white, with black appliances, and a black kitchen table. It had taken every bit of self-control not to pull Ella into my lap as we sat down. "First thing first, how do you plan to draw him outside without causing a scene?", Trip asked Ella. She half-shook her head, "That'll have to be impromptu. He could follow me as soon as he sees my face. It could take an actual interaction, or jealousy will draw him out", she said, looking at me. "It depends on his mood, I guess", she added, with a shrug. I guess that makes sense, she doesn't know him well enough to predict his reaction. Trip and Dan seemed to come to the same conclusion, because they both nodded, then Dan pulled out a huge blue sheet of paper. Blue prints. " These are the blue prints for the building that the event is taking place in. Gerard and Phillip will be here in an hour with extra men. The plan is to split them up in each alleyway on either side of the building. It'll be up to the two of you to get him outside, and to one of the alleyways. We want this operation to be as quiet as possible", Trip explained. "That can be done", I said, looking over the blue prints. "Let's see what else?", Trip asked himself, tapping his chin. "Oh, earpieces", he said, reaching into a bag and grabbing a small black case. "You both will have one, and me, Dan, Gerard and Phillip, will all have one as well", Trip said. "Now, you guys go get ready. You'll get your earpieces before leaving", Dan said, ushering us to the master's room. On the king-sized bed, two outfits lay. A tuxedo and a beautiful emerald green ball gown. The dress had a studded patter on the bust and a slit dangerously high up the side. "Wow", Ella gasped, as she ran her hand along the fabric. I smiled at her joyfulness of the dress. I walked up behind her and grabbed the hem of her shirt. "How about we get it on you, so I can say the same thing", I whispered in her ear. Then I smoothly pulled her shirt over her head, then reached down and dropped her shorts. I ran my hands up the back of her thighs, ass and back as I stood up. God, this woman is gorgeous. I helped her slip her dress on her and zipped it up, before I started getting ready myself and Ella did something with her hair. She had pulled the top half of her hair back and pinned it. Most of it fell down her back, while some pieces fell over her ears and around her face. I was still buttoning up my shirt when I caught sight of her. She was breathtaking. I've never seen this woman wear make-up and I hope I never do. Her natural beauty takes my breath away every time. I stood frozen in place as she walked towards me, with a beautiful sly smile on her face. She took over buttoning my shirt, while I stood there silent and wide-eyed. I think I'm in love with this woman. I never want her to leave my side, ever. "You okay, Darian?", she asked sweetly, with a small smirk on her face. I cleared my throat and swallowed hard. "Yes. You are just breath-taking. What can I say?", I asked, smirking. She smiled as a blush formed on her face."Okay, Casanova. Where's your tie?", she asked, looking at the bed. I grabbed her face, making her look at me, then crashed my lips into hers. She ran her hands up my chest and gripped both sides of my neck, trying to pull me closer. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her body flush with mine, while using the other hand to tilt her head to deepen the kiss. A small moan escaped her as she tightened her hold on me, making my d**k jump. I knew if I didn't stop now, her and I would not be leaving this room this evening. With a groan, I reluctantly pulled my lips from hers and rested my forehead against hers. We stood there for a moment, eyes closed and breathing heavily. When I opened my eyes, I was met with her beautiful gray orbs. I smiled and pecked her lips again, then turned, grabbed the tie from the bed and handed it to her. She gave me a soft smile and took it. I could tell something was bothering her as she knotted my tie. "Nervous?", I asked softly. Her eyes met mine and that's when I saw it. It was fear, not nervousness. "No", she shook her head, continuing with my tie. "I'll be with you the whole time, El. I won't let him hurt you again", I said, trying to comfort her a little. "We don't know how tonight is going to go. What tactics we will have to use to get him outside, or anything. Please don't make promises you can't keep", she whispered. She straightened my tie and took a step back. "All done", she said meekly. "Ella", I said, as I took a step forward and cupped her face in my hands. "No matter what happens tonight, you will still be free, even if I have to give my life to ensure it", I told her. She frowned, "That's what I'm worried about, Darian", she whispered. She's falling for me too. I didn't know what to say other than 'I love you', so instead, I gave her a slow passionate kiss, pouring my unspoken words into it, hoping she would be able to decipher it. "Hurry up, guys. Gerard and Phillip are here. It's time to get this show on the road", Dan called through the door. I pulled back from Ella and smiled at her, getting one in return. "Coming", I called back. I helped Ella slip her heels on, then shrugged my jacket on. As we stepped into the living room where the guys were, their eyes fell on Ella, and their mouths dropped open. I stepped in front of her, blocking their view. "Close your mouths, men", I snapped. They all closed their mouths, and quickly averted their gazes. Ella chuckled as she stepped out from behind me and grabbed on to my bicep, placing a kiss on it. Trip handed us the earpieces and we put them on. "Remember, discreet", he said. "Remember, plans fail", Ella added. Everyone looked at her, wondering what she could mean. "Things rarely go as planned. That's all I'm saying", she shrugged. "Alright, let's go", Gerard said. Pulling up in front of the building, we realized it was more like a wedding venue. Balloons, streamers and colored lights lit up the front of the banquet hall. I stepped out of the vehicle and extended my hand to her. She grabbed it and used it as a support to climb out of the SUV. The slit on her dress shifted enough for me to see her whole leg, making me internally groan. Ella wrapped her hand around my bicep and we started walking up the walkway, while the men got into position. "Name?", the greeter asked. "Bladez", I answered. The Don told me to use my name, that he would make sure my name was on the list. The man removed the red rope and stepped aside, "Go on in, Mr. and Mrs. Bladez", he said. I nodded and led Ella in. She shot me a surprised look and I smiled in return. I bent over and placed a soft kiss on her temple. "Sounds nice, doesn't it?", I smirked, with an arched eyebrow. A beautiful shade of red graced her cheeks, as she smiled shyly and tried to look away. I chuckled as I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. "You are too cute", I whispered against her lips, before I placed a soft kiss on them. Making Ella turn a shade darker. The inside of the banquet hall was filled with rich people in suits and ball gowns. Most everyone held a drink while they mingled. "In position", we hear four different voices ringing out in our ears. Ella and I walked around with fake smiles as we scanned people's faces. "How about a drink, my love?", I asked. Ella smiled at me, "Sounds good", she answered. We made our way to the bar, scanning every face we passed. I ordered us both a sweet tea. I glanced at Ella, she was non-chalantly looking around the room, but I could see the worry etched in her gray eyes. I reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You look absolutely stunning. Don't be worried, my love", I whispered, as I stroked my thumb under her eye. She smiled at me and nodded slightly. As music played, people took to the dance floor. "Dance with me, beautiful", I said, holding my hand out for hers. She took it and let me lead her to the dance floor. The first song that played was a slow song, so it allowed us to dance at a slow pace to scan the faces in the room. I sensed a pair of eyes burning holes in me, and when I scanned the room and found them, I realized they belonged to Micheal himself. I smirked, jealousy is the key today, I see. "I see him", I whispered to Ella. I felt her tense in my arms, making me rub my hand along her lower back to comfort her. "Where?", she asked. "six o'clock", I answered. She nodded her head. She waited until we had turned a bit to catch a glimpse of him. "He looks pissed", she whispered into my chest. I put my hand at the base of her back, letting my finger drape over her ass cheek, and pulled her body flush with mine, making sure he saw my gesture. You can't get pissed, man. Maybe if you tried to care about her from the start, show her love, and not hate, she'd be happily dancing in your arms. As we turned again and I made eye contact with him, I flexed my hand on her ass, bringing her even closer to me, and dipping my head into her neck. I held eye contact with him as I left a slow, sensual kiss on her neck. One that made her gasp and melt into me. Micheal's fists and jaw clenched tight. He looked ready to pounce on me. I looked down at Ella. Her eyes were swimming with lust and fear. I took my hand from hers and grabbed her chin with my forefinger and thumb, making sure I was tightly holding her to me with my other hand. God dammit, this woman fits up against me so f*****g perfectly. "You look ravishing, my love", I said slowly, being sure to enunciate each word. If he was watching as closely as I assumed he was, then he would be able to read my lips. Then, just to piss this asshole off, I crashed my lips into hers, grabbing a hand full of her ass as I rubbed her body into mine. When I looked back at Micheal, his face was red with anger, a vein on his fore-head beginning to protrude from the skin. So, I do what I do best, and I smirked at him. Ella caught onto what I was doing because she grabbed my hand and took a few seductive steps back, slowly swaying her hips as she did so, immediately drawing my eyes to her perfectly round hips. She made sure we were in ear shot of Micheal before she spoke, "How about we take this somewhere more private, Casanova", she purred. My mind knew she was just saying it to get Micheal to follow out of jealousy, but my d**k immediately stood at attention for her. I nodded, "Lead the way, temptress", I replied huskily. I watched as Ella's lips parted ever so slightly. Ella pretended not to see Micheal, at all, as we walked towards the door, but I could feel that he was following closely behind us. Ella led me outside and around the side of the building, to the alleyway. We couldn't see anyone, but we knew the men were there in position. I tugged Ella towards me, then pushed her up against the wall. I grabbed her leg and wrapped it around my waist, sliding my leg up the back of her thigh, dangerously high. Then, I crashed my lips onto hers. Our instincts took control of us, as my tongue stroked hers and she moaned. I want him to know that I can have what he never could, and I want him to be beyond f*****g pissed when I break his jaw for shooting my beautiful angel. I felt a hand on my shoulder rip me away from Ella. "What the f**k are you doing? That's my wife", he yelled, throwing a punch at me. I blocked it and clocked him with my strongest right hook, knocking him out cold. "She'll be mine soon", I said, right before his eyes closed. The Don's men were already surrounding us and beginning to pick Micheal up off the floor. I turned back around to face Ella. She had love and admiration in her eyes as she looked at me. I smiled at her. "Did you mean that?", she asked. "What? That you'll be my wife soon?", I asked, a cocky smirk on my lips and my eyebrows arched. She meekly nodded her beautiful head. I smiled and took a step forward, bracing my hands on the wall on either side of her head, caging her in my arms. "Only if you say yes. When I ask", I said, seductively. She blushed a bright red, making me chuckle. I placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "Let's go terminate this contract, so we can go home", I whispered. Ella nodded and grabbed ahold of my arm as we walked back to the SUV to leave. Ella's POV Walking back to the SUV, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I stopped, bringing Darian to a halt. "What is it?", he asked softly. "Movement, three o'clock", I whispered, as I faced him. He tensed and looked in the direction I had told him. Then he swiftly moved me behind him, protecting me with his body. The men who were with us had already left the alley to take Micheal to one of the SUVs. "We have company. He didn't come alone", Darian whispered. I heard him perfectly through the earpiece. "Circuling back now", Gerard said. Four men stepped out from behind a few dumpsters, closing in around us. They each pulled out a knife and Darian pulled me closer to his back. I could feel something hard poke my stomach at belt height, in his lower back. I slowly slid my hand up the back of Darian's jacket to his waist band, until I felt the butt of a gun that was wedged in his belt. "He said you might ask the Italians for help. I just didn't think you'd be stupid enough to be in debt to the Don", one of the men said. I know that voice. Still positioned behind Darian, I poked my head out from around his shoulder to get a good look at the guy. I recognized him, he came to the house often to meet with Micheal. "No debt, just a fair trade, Drew", I snapped, my voice not wavering. I felt Darian tense at the familiarity I have with the man. He tightened his grip on me even more. "Huh? What do you mean?", Drew asked. Before I could answer, or even pull the gun from Darian's waist band, Gerard and his men surrounded us. They had their guns drawn and pointed at Drew and his men. "Drop your weapons, get on your knees and put your hands behind your heads", Gerard commanded. The men, realizing they were out numbered, dropped to their knees and did as they were told. I removed my hand from Darian's jacket and he turned around, engulfing me in a hug. "It's over now, baby", he whispered, burrowing his head further into my neck and placing a soft kiss on the skin. I shuddered and hugged him tighter. "Please get me out of her", I whispered into his chest. "Gladly", he said, scooping me up bridal style and heading towards the SUV that we were leaving in.
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