Chapter 6

1526 Words
It has been ten minutes since the message was passed, yet Mara found it hard to concentrate on the open gossip flying around the hall. It was all about The Twin Lycan Kings! Her mind drifted, her heart thumped and her body uneasy, just in thought of what happened some weeks ago when she first encountered them. She wondered what the Lycan tended to do with her that day, their actions were that of someone being outraged, had she committed some grievous sins to warrant such action from them? What form of hatred did they have for her? Or was there another person with her? To her own knowledge, she definitely knew she was the only one occupying that stream and concluded that they set to attack her but the moon goddess might have spared her life for another purpose again. She must leave, she thought. She must leave before they arrive. She might have gotten over Mina's wickedness but she already knew she couldn't survive the paws of two angry large beasts like that of the Lycan Kings. She comprehended that their paws if yanked into her chest could rip her heart into pieces and she must avoid them at all costs. She mind-linked Lydia, informing her that she would be outdoors, strolling until the meeting would start and Lydia replied to her through the same link to go ahead. She walked slowly out, trying not to arouse others' attention, and exit through the back door, walking slowly so the sound coming from her high heels shoes wouldn't be heard on the hard terrace floor. Her movement became swift when she passed through the garden, but some moment later, heavy sounds coming from the patio tilted her ears and she was startled. Struggling to hide, eyes scanned around, but there was no hidden place, the only long pole around couldn't hide her face, talkless of her whole body. Then her eyes caught a ton of cars propelling toward the large meeting tower, she never even had the time to check who just arrived, she already knew it was the Lycans and her heart clicked. She was trapped! Trying to think of a plan to escape without being seen but she knew there wouldn't be any grace to save herself from being seen, they were already near. In fact, the first car halted, then the others until the last, maybe five cars or six, she never fit to count. She watched until two hefty muscular guys hopped out. She recognized them instantly. The Lycan Kings! Her heart pounded, her breath taken, her body bewildered like a rotten cooked egg and then the scent coming from them came meeting her nostrils, her eyes flickered up while her mind was trying to race up, yet couldn't comprehend what smell their wolves scent means and when she actually got the draft, she couldn't believe it nor accept it. "No,! It can't be!" She drew back, and back again until their eyes caught her and their eyes met with her. "No! I must run! They must not get to me!" She took to a race, sprinting without gazing back. She knew it could take some time to get to her, she just prayed they shouldn't shift because if they did, they would get to her in just a few seconds. She saw a beach, and without wasting time, a thought crept into her head and she hurriedly took off her dress and tossed it far away into the sands, dived into the water, and buried her whole body in depth into it, so her scent wouldn't be traced by them. Obviously, Alan saw her first, even before then, Alex's nostrils sniffed her scent first. "What scent is that?" He asked inwardly, gazing around the tropical nature of the lane their cars were prying. The tall tree plants and the early spring cold atmosphere. Wild breeze accompanied them, and blooming weather met his nose but there was another scent different from those natural smells, this was new, like a beacon-sweetened scent. It refreshed as if he had once smelt it from afar. He inhaled again and the scent became so coarse, sending some pains into his heart. He recognized the scent immediately as a mating scent which gave him an assurance that his mate was nearby but he waved it off because they were prying through a desert, although the venue of where they were going was just a stone's throw. "Halt the car!" He yelled when the scent kept meeting his nose and he never wanted to lose her again. "All cars halt!" Ben, their Beta said into the intercom and the first car halted, then the second, theirs the third, followed by the fourth and fifth. Alan stepped out and his eyes gazed around, same with Alex, then Alan saw her, standing, staring at them. "Alex, that is her!" He said pointing in her direction. Alex saw her and his face lit up with smiles but it seemed they startled her because she drew back several times, before she took to a race, sprinting toward the other angle. "She's escaping!" Alan screamed and they both ran after her. They were about to run past the entrance of the meeting when Alpha Keith and Alpha Jim, the two hosts of the meeting, walked out, saw them, and stood in front of them, blocking their path. "Welcome!" Alpha Keith said, blooming with smiles and straightening his suit. The twins curse inwardly, trying to hide their anxiety. "We will be back, we need to attend to something very important," Alex said, trying to walk past them, but Alpha Keith and Alpha Jim ran over and blocked them again. "Listen, sirs, the Alphas and Lunas had been waiting for hours, we need to get the meeting to kick start," Alpha Jim explained. "Start it without us, we will be back," Alan said, then shoved them to the side and they raced toward where they saw her head. "f**k!" Alex cursed, foaming in anger. They had lost her, the whole place was deserted, with no living creatures except of course the flying birds and the unknown on the beach they saw. Their eyes kept roaming the beach, scanning for a movement but there was none. "Where could she be?" Alan asked and Alex turned to face him. "I have no idea, her scent is gone, she must have hidden it," he said disappointed. "Why could she do that? I'm sure she already knows we are her mates. Why run away? Is she a shame of us?" Alan stated sadly. "C'mon, we can still find her. You can check through the right and I will pass through the left path, we will meet under that tall tree, I'm sure she is already," Alex suggested, pointing to the tallest tree in the area and Alan agreed. They raced off again, searching for her but still they met each other at the far end. "I don't believe she isn't here, but where could be?" Alex said disturbed the moment they met again without finding her. His mind was racing, sprinting and his breath was heavy, inhaling and exhaling heavily. They had been searching for their mate for years back, now they found her but she kept on hiding away from them. Why? The question kept lingering, making his head pound as headache overtook him and he grunted. Alan wasn't different, he was frustrated and it was visible as he paced through and forth, sighing every second. "We need to go," "Yeah, you are right, but when next I meet with her, she will go nowhere," Alex spat. But the moment they were about to walk away, he sighted a dress, he walked forward and picked it up. "Her dress," Alan said behind him, he had followed up when he saw the cloth too. "Then when is she hiding?" Alex screeched in anger "She definitely running away," "Why?" Alex foamed in anger. "Come, let's get out of here, she will definitely come out of hiding and certainly come for the meeting," Alan assured and he pulled Alex along after dropping the dress back to the sand Alan and Alex walked back to the meeting venue to find the place in commotion. An ambulance was seen and the nurses wheeled someone into it. A guy was being led into the same ambulance, he was holding his heart and groaning. "His mate is hurt,": Alan mumbled. "A rare bond! I just pray our mate is tied so bound with us that way we'll know whenever she is hurt," Alex dreamed and Alan nodded. Their Beta walked out too and saw them, he hurried to them. "What happened?" Alex requested. "One of the Alpha is sick, his wolf has gone crazy because his mate fainted," Ben replied. "How did it happen?" Alex asked, folding his arms. "No one knows, the Alphas are already leaving, and the meeting is adjourned. I think we should leave too," Ben advised and Alex nodded after watching many cars leaving. They were about to swivel when they heard the call of their name. "The Lycan Kings!"
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