Chapter 6-The Divorce

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(Giada) Jane and I ended up parting ways since her place was closer to the city than mine and I was now riding with Sebastian. I sat in the back seat, my mind running wild as I tried so hard to remember what Nico was like those few days before my dad's birthday. I would've remembered if we did this..but for him to want to have dinner with me? That's not how it worked in the past. Before Isabella moved in, Nico would be at work all day and come home around 7pm. I would make dinner around 6pm and eat by myself because the awkward silence seemed to make him even more distant. On weekends we ate together and I would ask him how his week went or some bullshit..I guess I just felt lucky enough to be sitting at the same table as him. I don't even want to be in the same damn room as him. He made his point very clear that he never was fond of me. The day he asked for the divorce, is one day that will forever be etched in my mind. He stormed into the house, I was upstairs folding some laundry as he burst into my room. His eyes were ice cold and his hair disheveled. "Sigh these, I want a divorce." He said, tossing the papers onto the floor as I looked at him with shock. I mean..I knew this day would come..but I wasn't ready for it. "Nic, if we could just talk.." I began, sliding off of the bed as his hands flew up to his hair, pulling at the black strands as he let out a growl. "Don't call me that, you have no damn right! All you have done is lie and manipulate act so weak and innocent..just give up the f*****g act Giada!!" He shouted, making me flinch as his words felt like a slap. Isabella had warped his mind so much that there was no truth left. I was a monster in his eyes. "If you let me explain..I don't even know what she has said about me." I whispered, causing him to reach down and grip my lamp before chucking it at the wall. "Bullshit!! Every f*****g mental scar that girl has is from you!! Do you know you bullied her so badly in high school that she tried to kill herself!! She just admitted that to me! How sick can you be Giada?" He shouted, making my heart drop as I took a tentative step forward. "No, it's not true...I would never!!" I cried out, shaking my head as he looked at me with that deathly stare. The one he would only give his worst enemies. "How can I believe a w***e like you? Do you know how many men have come many guys have confessed to f*****g my wife? How there are texts from your secret phone that I found!" He shouted before bringing a white phone out and holding it in front of me. "That..that's not mine..I don't know where you got that from." I said, feeling like my life had been ruined and there was nothing I could do. "It's in your f*****g name Giada..I even checked the surveillance at the bought it three months ago." He stated calmly, and I furrowed my didn't buy that phone.. Then it hit me..She set me up, she f*****g played me again. It was our housekeeper Rose's birthday and Isabella came to me saying we should get her something..this was when Isabella was acting like my "friend" and saying she felt f*****g bad for me and all this s**t. She said she didn't know why Nico was so upset with me..I fell for it. She said I should buy Rose a phone since hers was outdated. "No! That was Rose's phone! I swear, I bought it for her as a gift. A birthday can ask her." I rushed out, desperation filling me. "I never cheated Nico..never..I have never been with anyone. I swear.." I cried out, tears streaming down my face as I fell to my knees. Desperation taking over as I officially hit rock bottom. "Please give me a chance..I..I can show you I mean it.." I began to crawl towards him. I felt like I had lost my mind..that I didn't know what to do or say, I just felt lost. "Sign the papers, I want you out of this house in a week..." He stated firmly before crouching down. His hands gripping my wrist as he pulled my wedding ring off of my finger, making my heart shatter into millions of pieces as I just curled up and cried. "I thought you were different..I didn't want to believe it..but it's all here Giada. It's over." He stated before walking out and shutting the door. I laid there, crying for hours. The reality of it all finally hit me as my life had been ruined. It was over..Nico would never love me..he would never believe me and that's why this time, I'm not going to cry and beg..I will wave goodbye happily as he signs his life over to the devil. "Gia, we are here." Sebastian spoke softly, his hand reaching out and touching my arm as he gently shook me awake. "Oh, sorry, I must've dozed off." I rushed out, feeling embarrassed as I cleared my throat and slid out of the car. "You can go in while I get the bags." He informed me but I just walked past him and grabbed a few myself. "Let me help, it will go faster." I smiled, making Sebastian smile back in return. Honestly, I never really socialized with anyone very often. I mostly kept to myself and didn't leave the house much. Why? I'm not sure...but I thought deep down that if I did leave the house, it wouldn't be there when I got back. I glanced up at the huge tan mansion. It was on a nice plot of land and had a huge black metal fence all the way around. This home was a wedding gift from Nico's dad. So neither of us really had any attachment to it and honestly, it had more bad memories than good for me. It was my first time being away from home..but I also went through hell and back here. I walked towards the house before glancing up. I couldn't help but feel an instant scowl set on my face as the guy I hated the most was standing to the not Nico..I mean, I hate him too..but this guard was the prick who said I slept with him first. His name was Devon and he had red hair and blue eyes. I could see the way his gaze traveled up and down my body, how he didn't try too hard to hide it. Sebastian must've given him a look of his own because Devon quickly glanced away and cleared his throat awkwardly. Good, look away asshole..I know not to be alone with him ever again, freaking jerk. We walked into the door as the smell of something delicious suddenly wafted towards me, making me stop in my tracks as Sebastian almost ran into me. " you smell something?" I asked, making him look around curiously before nodding his head. Nico never orders takeout. He would rather dine in a what was this? "Oh, your back. Good, dinner is almost ready." Nico's deep velvety voice filled the room, startling me as his head peaked around the corner. "Dinner?" I asked like an idiot..unable to process the word. "Yeah, go change into something more comfortable and meet me in the dining room." He instructed me and I swear I never heard him speak so casually to me in my life, not since before Isabella. Even Sebastian seemed confused as his eyes darted toward me and I just shrugged my shoulders.. Well, this is interesting..I did not expect this turn of events..not one bit. Let's see how it goes...
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