Chapter 5-Prison Break

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(Giada) I slowly opened the door, knowing Nico should've left for work by now as I began walking down the stairs. I used to work at New Star Industries which is the investment company our grandfathers partnered up and created together. I quit after getting married per my father's suggestion but Nico and my brother are both CEOs for the company and are representatives of both families just like our fathers were and theirs before them. So you can see how much pressure was put on Nico and I to get married..thinking back now, I wondered if I sold myself on this fairytale, that this man would love me and we would have our own family one day..connecting our two bloodlines and bringing us even closer together. To think that Nico went as far as to end my life with his own hands. Suddenly I began to have flashbacks, the look in his crazed stare causing a chill to creep down my spine as I closed my eyes tight and shook my head. No, I won't let that happen..I will never let Nico take my life..and I know I need to do something about the information he told me. Could Nico's mom and sister really have been murdered? How could my family be just doesn't make sense. My dad loved Nico's mom, Lucia..she was like family to him..just like Victor and Nico are. There is no way in dad would never do that. I slowly walked down the winding wooden staircase as I turned the corner and went to get my purse. It's so odd seeing the house decorated like this again. Everything was colored in cool grays and blues, the couches were black leather, and the kitchen dark wood with tan and brown marbled countertops. As soon as Isabella moved in, she tried to change everything.. I'm talking modern chairs with high backs, white sofas, and plush rugs. At least she left the kitchen alone, considering she didn't even cook. I strode into the kitchen, reaching for my purse as I froze in my tracks. What the hell? "Where are you going?" Nico suddenly asked, making my throat dry as I took in his appearance briefly before looking away. He had his laptop open on the counter and was dressed in a light blue t-shirt and jeans. His black hair was tousled and made him look even more effortlessly handsome. Nico was the most attractive man I had ever met in my life..he had a sharp jawline with chiseled cheekbones, his lips a soft pink and those dimples sealed the deal..he could be a model if he was into that, but many magazine articles have been written about the handsome man sitting before me and the word sexy was used more than once. I was baffled..I had never seen Nico work from home before. This was new.. "I..umm..Jane is picking me up, we are going shopping." I explained, avoiding his gaze out of habit as he slowly stood before walking over towards me. That's when he reached his hand out, making me flinch as he froze mid-air. "Why won't you look at me?" He whispered, causing me to swallow down this lump in my throat as I tried to build up this courage. Nico never hit me before that incident. He threw stuff and broke things, but never physically struck me..he fought more with his words than violence. But that one slap..that one hit and the way he looked at me like I truly was nothing..that will stay with me for the rest of my life, however long that will be. I can barely remember the days when he would protect me as a kid..It seems like a fading dream now. Something I had held onto for so long but now have to let go..that's not the same Nico, that Nico is gone. "You don't like when I look at you." I responded coldy, knowing this was how he really felt deep down. "When did I ever say that?" He asked, making me turn slightly as I glanced towards the window, seeing Jane pulling up through the gate. "You didn't have to say it Nico..I can see it." I said firmly before grabbing my purse and turning on my heel as I was about to walk out. "How is your foot? Maybe you shouldn't walk on it yet or it won't heal." Nico blurted, this fake concern s**t pissing me off now as my brow furrowed. "I'm fine. Not sure when I will be home so just plan on ordering out or making something for yourself." I responded without turning around and headed towards the door. I quickly made my way outside, seeing Jane was about to get out of the car, I shook my head no and ran for the passenger door. "Why is Nico home?" She suddenly asked as I just shrugged my shoulders and waited for her to peel out of this driveway so I could get the hell out of here. "Not sure, don't care..let's go!" I said quickly, seeing something moving out of the corner of my eye as Jane suddenly rolled the window down. That's when Nico bent forward, his face becoming level with mine as he looked me in the eyes. "For the record, you were wrong, that doesn't bother me, and I am having Sebastian follow you to the store. See you for dinner." He said cooly, making my blue and gold eyes widen as I met his gaze for the first time since this morning. "Bye! I will have her home safe!" Jane interrupted, causing Nico to nod his head once before standing up straight and sliding his hands into his pockets. Jane quickly pulled away and I couldn't help but watch Nico's reflection in the side mirror as my brow furrowed in confusion. What is going on? Why is he acting like this? "What the hell was that?!" Jane asked, turning to look at me before glancing back to the road. "I..I have no freaking clue." I admitted, turning towards her, and suddenly we both burst into laughter. I don't know why she was laughing but I felt like I was losing my damn mind. He had never sent Sebastian out with me before either..only with Isabella..Why did he say those things? "Did you guys f**k or something?" Jane asked before turning right and zooming down the road. "No..we didn't do...that." I whispered my cheeks turning red as I felt just as baffled as she was. Yeah, dying at 21 and still being a virgin was pretty damn lame if you ask me..but I saved myself for him like an idiot.. Nico killed me..he strangled me with his bare hands.. remember this Giada. Whatever s**t he is doing now will change the moment he sees Isabella..then we will start figuring our own stuff out. I will have to talk to the divorce lawyers, and possibly hire my own security team..I want someone to investigate this crash accusation and I need to have friends and family back me up. The mere idea of my dad being involved made me feel sick to my stomach..he would never.. "So, where to first?" I asked, trying to bring my mood back up and not think of this stuff right now..besides, I knew Jane had officially taken over this shopping spree, which I am more than grateful for. "Let's start from the beginning..Victoria Secret. I'm getting you a thong girl!" Oh god, what did I just sign up for? This is exactly what I need though..I need a fresh start and something new..I don't know how all of this works or why I am even here..but I vow to use every second to live my life..and no matter what I will be happy. We ended up shopping for five hours, and my feet were killing me..I got the perfect dress for my dad's birthday that is made of silver satin and is backless. It had thin straps and showed off the swells of my breasts which apparently I am a D-cup and always thought I was a C. Jane did pick out plenty of things and I got so many bags of clothes that Sebastian had to make a few trips to his SUV to put them away. I didn't mind Sebastian's company, we actually grew up together and he was a loyal friend to Nico. I guess I just always felt embarrassed to see him before all of this because he looked at me with such pity in his eyes. He probably knew Isabella better than anyone considering he followed her around. I guess he will be doing that again pretty soon..but why was he following me now? I sat on the bench outside of a jewelry store as Jane ran in to speak with an old friend. I tilted my head back, letting the warm sun wash across my skin as I took a long deep breath. Why did I feel like this time I was really living? The sun never felt this warm before..and the air this pure..maybe I am just grateful. "Mrs. Rossi, are you feeling okay? Your foot isn't in any pain?" Sebastian suddenly asked, his tall figure looming over me as I glanced up and met his warm brown eyes. He had shaggy blonde hair and broad muscular shoulders. He was handsome but seemed very reserved..I don't think I have ever heard him laugh once. "I'm okay, it's just a little stiff..and please Sebastian, call me Gia.. we have known each other long enough." I smiled warmly, causing him to nod his head as he couldn't help but return it. How he knew my foot was injured I had no idea. Suddenly his phone began to ring as I looked away, trying not to be rude. I closed my eyes once more and began soaking up the sun as I heard Sebastian answering someone with short responses. "Yes sir, of course." And then he hung up. "Mr. Romano requests you return back to the house. It is time for dinner." He stated and I let out a long sigh..ah, he must be hungry and needed me to cook.. How much more twisted can this get? Nico kills me but I have to try to act somewhat normal without seeming crazy and being thrown into the looney I guess I can make one dinner.. But this time I will make what I like...that's for damn sure.
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