Chapter 7-My Room

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(Giada) I quickly ran up the stairs, my eyes wide and my head swirling with confusion as I tried to process this. I set the bags down, letting Sebastian place the others beside them as he turned to leave. "Sebastian, you Nico acting strange to you?" I whispered before glancing out the door, making sure he wasn't there for some reason. Sebastian's eyebrow raised slightly, his gaze following my own as he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, perhaps Mr. Romano is finally seeing what is right in front of him. Have a good evening Gia." That was all he said before he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. Seeing what is in front of him.. Sebastian's words kept repeating over and over again in my head. No..he can't see it now..he won't see it. I know this must be some type of glitch in the damn matrix or something. As soon as he sees the other person in front of him, I will be long forgotten. I raised my hand, slapping my palm on my forehead three times as I chanted "Stùpid stùpid stùpid." Over and over. How the hell did one small thing already derail me? Nico is like a damn drug and I need to just say no. Nothing will change if I keep on this path. Get ahold of yourself Gia, for goodness sake.. Suddenly my phone began to ring, as I glanced down and saw it was my dad. Then a memory flashed through my mind. That's right..this is the call he made to ask if everything was okay with Nico and I. I guess my brother had told him that Nico was giving me the cold shoulder. "Hello, my little princess." My dad boomed, his rich voice making my heart swell as tears suddenly sprung to my eyes. I've missed my dad, so much. The past month..well, before this..he was in Italy and I didn't want to worry him with the divorce and stuff, so I kept it all mostly to myself. "Hi Daddy." I choked out, wiping away my tears as the phone filled with silence. "Gigi, what's wrong? What happened?" He blurted hastily, making me sniffle as I tried to compose myself. "I just miss you, that's all." I whispered, making my dad let out a relieved sigh before laughing softly as I turned on the bed, facing Nico and I's wedding picture. "Gigi, you just saw me yesterday morning. Is that really all?" He prodded worriedly and I bit my lip softly..maybe this is the dad can help me get out of this. "Daddy, I don't think it's working between Nico and I.." I confessed, saying it out loud, making my heart crack. I didn't know it was possible, I thought there was nothing left to break. "Oh princess, I know the first few months are hard. But he will realize his feelings for you soon enough. Ever since Lucia and Francesca died, you know it has been tough for him to open up." He said, the mere mention of his mom and sister making my stomach twist into knots. Suddenly I felt the urge to ask.. "Daddy, about that accident..are you sure that they slid out of control?" I whispered, not wanting to sound accusatory or say anything too loud for Nico to hear. "What do you mean Giada?" My dad asked, making me sit up and cross my legs in front of me. "I just don't know much about the accident and was trying to remember what happened exactly. Nico doesn't like to talk about it of course. I didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything and bring it up." I said innocently, not wanting my dad to think it was weird. From what I recall, it was a very cold winter day and they said the car hit a patch of black ice and lost control. They went off of a bridge and landed in the river. "Giada, it's better not to talk about it. That's the past and there's nothing we can do to change it." My dad said sternly, making me furrow my brow as his words surprised me. "Now, I want you and Nico to come to the party early, I have a small announcement I would like to make with just close friends and family first." My dad said much more softly this time. I already knew it was about him moving with wife number three to Italy. "Okay, Daddy I love you." I said my goodbyes as he returned them before hanging up. I threw my phone onto the bed before letting out a deep sigh and flopping back onto my pillow. It seemed like there was more to this whole thing..did my dad really have something to do with the wreck? There is no way..I just can't believe it..I will just have to let it go until after the birthday party. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, making my head snap to the side as it slowly began to open. "Are you ready to come down?" Nico's deep voice asked, making me swallow hard as he stepped into my room and began looking around, making me sit up straight. "Uhh..yeah, just one second." I said nervously, hating that his being in here made me react this way. Whenever Nico came into my room before, it never ended well.. Suddenly his eyes darted to the wall, right where our wedding picture was hanging. He slowly walked towards it, his hand reaching out as he touched the glass carefully. He looked deep in thought and those past memories flooded back to me. I quickly jumped off the bed and walked over to where he was standing. "I will take it down." I said, reaching up on my tiptoes as I was about to grab it. Suddenly Nico's hands wrapped around my wrists, making me freeze in place as he stepped forward, pressing his firm chest to my back. The warmth of his body trickled down my spine as the room filled with tension. "No, we can put it in my room when you move in." He whispered, his warm breath tickling my cheek as his words jumbled up inside of my brain.. Move? Move where? "I want you to move your stuff after dinner, I will help you." He added, pulling my hands down as he slowly let go of my wrists and wrapped his arms around my body. I was as stiff as a board..unsure what the hell he was doing as he tucked my head beneath his chin and continued to hold me. "N..Nico..what..what are you doing?" I whispered, feeling my skin prickle with goosebumps as my heart hammered in my chest. "Hugging you jellybean. Now change and I will see you downstairs." He added before letting go and walking away. Jellybean?! Suddenly my heart leapt into my throat. My insides doing all sorts of flips and twists as I stood there with my mouth opening and closing like a damn fish for a good five minutes at least. Trying to wrap that whole scenario around my mind as it all finally came crashing down on top of me like a ton of bricks. "Wait..your room?!" I gasped..yep..he was still trying to kill me..this time though he was trying to make me go into cardiac arrest because holy s**t, what a plot twist.
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