Chapter 8-Alternate Reality

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(Giada) I quietly made my way down the stairs, my eyes still wide with confusion as Nico's words didn't quite make sense..seems to be a common theme with him lately. Me..move in with him? In what world does that even happen? I tried to think back to all of the years I had known him..when was the last time he even called me Jellybean? Maybe before the accident why now? I lifted my hand and began biting my nails nervously as I crept towards the dining room. Before leaving my room, I put on a baggy T-shirt and some leggings, considering he told me to dress comfortably, and made sure to wear some socks as well. My foot was still sore and I just realized I hadn't changed my bandage since this morning. I should do that, especially after walking around all day. I was about to turn the corner for the dining room when panic finally set in.. What am I doing?! Why am I still here? I should've left and gone to my dad's or something the moment I realized what was going on. Why was this Nico acting so differently than the one I knew just yesterday? Maybe it was some type of trick to get me to trust him. "Gia, come in, the food is getting cold." I suddenly heard Nico say, making me peek from around the corner and see him sitting at the table. His hazel eyes were staring right at me and I swear his mouth almost twitched into a smile. "Coming." I squeaked before clearing my throat and stepping out of my hiding spot. My gaze drifted to the table, landing on a big dish of pasta with red sauce and meatballs as my stomach growled right on cue. Nico stifled a laugh as he stood slowly before pulling a chair out, right next to him. "Sit here." He ordered. I tried not to sway as my legs seemed to be wobbling uncontrollably. I had never been so nervous in my life. I took the seat beside him, feeling his strong hands push the chair back in effortlessly as the memory of them wrapped around my neck flashed through me. I dropped my gaze, looking down at the table as my hand instinctively reached up and slid across my throat. "How are you feeling?" He asked abruptly, making me jump as I pulled my hand away and set it in my lap. You know, I'm not going to do this..I'm not going to play this game when I know Damn well how it will end. "What do you care Nico? Honestly? I think we shouldn't waste each other's time anymore. You obviously didn't want this marriage from the start and I shouldn't have forced you. I should've said no and now I am Nico, this is your out. You can go and be with her and be happy, I won't get between you two and I truly give you my blessing." I snapped before placing my palms flat on the table and pushing myself up, standing abruptly. I turned to leave, not even sparing a glance at Nico as I was ready to pack my bags and get the hell out of here. "Gia please, stop." He boomed, the sound of footsteps approaching made me walk faster as I was about to bolt up the stairs and that's when his arm circled around my waist, yanking me towards him as I slammed into his hard chest, making all the air rush out of me. "I know..I know I have been cold..I know I pushed you away and f****d everything up. You reminded me of them so reminded me of what I lost and I hated my mom for leaving me. I hated how her last dying words to me were 'Live a happy life with Gia.'..she loved you so much and I hated you for it. I hated that I would have to do this without them and be with the girl I loved while they lost it felt so wrong." Nico rushed out, his deep voice cracking as I could feel the emotion spilling out of him. I couldn't speak, his confession making me go into shock as I couldn't believe he just said that..I couldn't believe he felt this way, that he pushed me away because he felt guilty..did he..did he say he loved me? "I'm so sorry Gia, I promise I will change..I promise that I will cherish you from this day forward and I will treat you how you always should've been treated. You have been my world since the day you were born Giada Rossi, and you will be until the day I die." He whispered, as his hands gripped my face, turning me towards him so our eyes could connect. The sight before me was so unimaginable that I heard a soft sob leave my lips. Nico had tears streaming down his face, his eyes full of sadness as they searched mine. "Please, give me another chance..please Giada." He whispered, causing me to furrow my brow as I thought about everything he said. And then it hit me..maybe this wasn't a world where I get a second chance..maybe this was a completely different timeline or where Nico loves where I get my happily ever after and the chance to love this man. Was this a gift from up above? A reward for being so loyal and honest..for only loving one man and now I get the chance to experience my happily ever after? But I can't know until he sees her..Isabella is the missing piece here..she is the one that changed everything and all of these things Nico is saying might not even matter after Dad's birthday party. "Can I, can I think about it?" I asked, feeling my heart bleeding from those wounds he had caused..hearing him confess his feelings to me opening them again as I felt like I could collapse on the floor any moment and sob hysterically. "How long?" He asked, his thumbs gliding across my cheeks, stroking me gently as he stared down at me. "After Dad's birthday..I just need a couple of days." I explained, and I noticed his jaw tick before he nodded his head tightly. "Of course, but just know Giada. Nothing is going to change for me in two days. I am here for you and only you." He said, making my heart stop as I couldn't help the surprised look on my face. "I..I think I need to go lay down." I whispered, my head feeling dizzy from all of the stuff he just said. "Let me change your bandage first. Come with me." He whispered and I numbly followed behind him. I felt like I was floating on air as my new reality began to set in. Was this a world where I got what I wanted? Will Nico truly love me this time? Is that what I still want? As soon as I asked myself the question I knew..and I felt like a complete fool. I wanted to sob in my bed and curse myself for being so weak and naive. I do want this..I have always wanted Nico..even up to my last breath I felt my heart shatter because he never returned my love once. "Wrap your arms around my neck." Nico's voice pierced through me as I looked up at him shocked. He had changed my bandage already and was now standing between my legs. "You had a long day, let me carry you to bed." He stated firmly, my arms following him dutifully as reality slapped me in the face. He still owned me.. I won't make the same mistake twice. I refuse to follow him again if he chooses her. I won't do it..but if he doesn't. Then what will I do? My heart seems to beat only for can I change that? I guess I will find out..Nico Romano took my life..he broke me and left me a shell of a person.. But this Nico? He has made me feel more alive in this one day, than I have the past ten years. The ball is in your court Nico, as much as it pains me to say..but if this is some type of alternate reality..I don't know if I'm strong enough to walk away...not when all my dreams will finally come true.
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