Chapter 9-Past Party

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(Giada) Today was the day of my Dad's party..the day I find out just what path I will take. I haven't spoken much to Nico..he worked from home again yesterday and I just stayed in my room. He brought me all three meals, and I was completely shocked. He didn't say much and only lingered for a few minutes before walking out. His eyes always drifting towards our wedding photo before turning on his heel and going back to whatever he was doing before. I spent most of my time organizing my closet and getting things ready to move. Where they would be moved..that is still unknown. But I did notice that last night after Nico brought me dinner, he made a comment about him clearing out his closet to make room for my he seemed to be reminding me about what he wanted. I just don't know what to expect..I have been keeping my distance, feeling afraid of what I might do or say.. I am weak okay!! It's so damn hard not to throw the towel in and get swept away in this brief moment. Because the stupid and ridiculous side of my brain says..why not take advantage of the situation before Isabella gets her claws into him? Yeah..apparently I don't have very strong willpower. Luckily I just passed out the first night because I felt exhausted. Last night though..I had dreams of the past..not from what recently happened, but dreams when I was a kid. Dreams about Nico and me back in school.. Dreams about his mom and sister.. All I know is I woke up crying, my heart aching by those old memories. Better than dreaming of being strangled to death though..right? I was almost afraid to sleep..unsure of where my mind could take me. Suddenly I heard my phone ringing, causing me to glance over my shoulder as I walked towards the bed. That's when I saw Nico's name on the screen. I reached forward, feeling hesitant at first as I bit my lip nervously before letting out a deep breath. "Hello?" I answered, my heart hammering in my chest as I waited for him to respond. "Gia, I wanted to let you know that I won't be driving with you. I actually am meeting with your dad and brother first before the party and Sebastian will take you there." He said, making my brow furrow as my stomach dropped. "Oh, I see. I understand." I said cooly..did he find out Isabella would be there already? Was he meeting up with her early or something? "I left something for you, it's on your vanity." He suddenly added, making me turn my head as I saw a small black box was sitting there that I didn't notice before..when did he do that? "For me?" I blurted, my brow furrowing in confusion as I stepped towards it slowly. "You don't have to put it on now..In fact, I will put it on you later. I just wanted you to see it." He explained, his voice serious as I slowly reached out, gripping the box and opening the top. That's when a sharp gasp left me..a ring. There was a ring inside the had a beautiful teardrop-shaped diamond with a diamond-encrusted white gold band. It was breathtaking.. "What is this Nico?" I breathed, feeling like I was frozen in place. Why did he put this here? "It's the ring you always deserved. I need to go now Gia, but I want you to know that I plan on putting that ring on you after the party tonight." He declared, and I just kept silent until he finally said goodbye and hung up. I looked down at the box in my hand..the beautiful ring sparkling from the setting sun as I looked at it in disbelief. He bought me a new ring? I set the black box back down, my feet walking me backwards until the back of my thighs hit the bed, causing me to fall onto it. I just stared at the ceiling..processing Nico's words as I tried so hard to understand what was happening. How is he so sure it will be okay? I remember the night of the party so freaking clearly. The way we walked in and as soon as he saw Isabella, he stopped in his tracks, causing the grip on his hand to loosen. It was almost like he was made my heart drop when I saw her. I had no idea she would be there that night and I had a gut feeling she was going to be staying. I knew Isabella was partly why Nico and I didn't get along anymore..because she spread a whole bunch of rumors about me. I didn't know the full extent until later on but she was so fake when she saw us. She acted so surprised like she didn't know we would be there. It was my dad's damn birthday for goodness sake, of course we would be there. Isabella had always dressed elegantly, wearing the finest brands and latest fashion. She worked as a fashion designer and had been living in Paris for a few months. That's why she left after the wedding. That night, Isabella walked over towards us, her hips swaying from side to side as her red dress shimmered from the chandeliers above. Every guy in here was stealing glances her way, Nico included. And when he let go of my hand, my heart dropped as he stepped forward and wrapped her in a hug. "Nicky, it's been so long." Isabella said softly as she melded into his arms perfectly. She was about 5'7 without heels, so she practically towered over me with them on. Next, she moved her gaze towards me, her eyes flashing with something I couldn't quite decipher as she pulled from Nico to face me. "Gia, you are looking radiant as ever. It seems married life has been treating you well." She smiled gently and to some, this would seem genuine and kind..but I knew Isabella well enough to know it was a dig. She must've heard my marriage wasn't going well..I thought it was Nico who told her but if he hadn't been talking to her at the time, it must've been someone else. "Isabella, I didn't realize you were coming back. How was Paris?" I asked, faking pleasantries as I tried to reach for Nico's hand, only to see him slide it into his pocket. Of course, Isabella seemed to notice as well. "Oh it was incredible, in fact, Nicky, there is someone I want you to meet." She began, sliding her arm through his as she began walking him across the room..leaving me trailing behind like an i***t. I don't know why I was so stupid and couldn't see what was right in front of me. Then by the end of the night, Nico and Isabella were laughing with some of her friends as I stood in the corner felt like high school all over again. It was eleven o'clock and I was ready to go home..I walked up to Nico and told him. "Have the driver take you, I will come back later." He said coldly before turning around once more. Isabella was hanging on him all night and even a few people mistook her for his was a low, it was the beginning to the end. I waited up all night..Nico didn't get home until 3 a.m. and a few weeks later Isabella confessed that they slept together. That's why I can't trust this version of him..not until he sees Isabella. Then I will know if it's real, but until then, I refuse to give into this fairytale because I can't go through that again. I won't..
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