chapter 10: Broken doll

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Sabrina’s pov I woke up again in the middle of the night, my eyes landed on the man who was fast asleep on the couch. I looked at him carefully now, I couldn’t believe that I was once madly in love with him. I looked at the wall that had maps and coordinates and some small notes, I got up from the bed without making a noise. I looked at the wall and it looked like all the information from when they had been looking for me for all those years. I didn’t prepare for this, I had planned to escape and come here on my own time and terms, but now I don’t know how to act. How do I feel about them finding me? Does this mean that they were seriously looking for me? “Don’t forget the reason we are here, one of them betrayed you. It could be any of them, don’t go soft on me.” my wolf Reign said. She is one tough wolf, but she is also right, this could all be a façade to convince people that he was really looking for me. But then he found me, they found me, or was that maybe just another incident, or did they have another plan in mind?? I looked at the door, I still remember the way out of this place from Bryan’s room. I looked at him and he was fast asleep, well it's good to see that at least one of us can have a peaceful night's sleep. I haven’t been able to sleep properly for 4 years now, the last time I had a peaceful night's rest was the day before everything happened. Ever since then I haven’t been able to sleep. I walked to the door and got out and went outside. I went to the lake and sat there, it was slightly the same, but the trees were smaller now, or maybe because I was now bigger. The night was beautiful, and I didn’t appreciate nature that much until a few months inside that place. I couldn’t see the moon anymore, my wolf felt suffocated, and I think she suffered more than I did. They didn’t allow me to turn for months in that place, it drove my wolf crazy, being caged and it made her wild. I guess that’s what made me even angrier, because they didn’t just cage me alone but my wolf as well, I have been with Reign ever since I turned 12 and she has been my best friend ever since then. The pain of hearing your best friend suffer was unbearable, at first she would try to comfort me but then even she couldn’t anymore. We both lost our parents, she went through the same pain I went through so for me it was like feeling the pain double. I guess it was like that for her too, we could feel each other’s pain, and the air here was so refreshing. I looked at the spot I was sitting and realized that it was the same spot, the same spot where Bryan had the chance to tell me he was my mate but didn’t. Actually, he had a lot of opportunities to do so, but he never did. What excuse could he have? This is where I gave him that stupid lucky charm bracelet. My peace was disturbed when I heard paw prints and people calling out my name. “Sabrina, Brina where are you?” the voices were coming from different directions and his scent hit me. I just sat there and felt his presence behind me, he didn’t say anything, but I could guess that he was mind linking the rest of the pack because they stopped calling out my name. He came and sat down next to me, he was too close, and it made me uncomfortable, so I moved away from him. He didn’t say anything but just sat there looking at the moon just the same way I was. “I came here every day after you were taken, it was my comfort place the same way it is yours.” he said. I got up and he got up as well, “Sabrina we want to help, tell me how we can help you. I can't bare to see my mate in pain.” he said. I turned and looked at him, “you want to help Alpha Prince? Well then leave me alone.” I said. He looked a little taken aback by this, but he shook his head, “I can’t do that.” he replied, and I just shrugged. I continued to walk towards the pack house, and that’s when I saw it, the trail to my home. I could just turn and go there, but I knew that if I did, if I went to the place where I watched my parents die I would lose control. The last time someone bought up my parents I sort of killed them all. When I got to the pack mansion, I found everyone standing outside waiting for me. “Sabrina, you scared us honey, you should tell us if you want to go out and Bryan will go with you.” Luna said talking to me like I was a child. I didn’t say anything, because despite everything I have been through and despite the fact that I have changed I am still my mother’s daughter. She taught me to respect my elders and she thought highly of Queen Luna and if I were to disrespect her best friend she would turn in her grave. I know you are a little surprised, but my parents mean the world to me, and they are the reason I survived. I held on to them in that, I held on to the anger and hatred I felt towards those who betrayed them. “I am sorry Luna if I had everyone worried, I just wanted some air.” I said, and she smiled when she heard my apology. “It’s okay honey, come on in you didn’t eat the pancakes I made you because you fell asleep.” she said, and I shook my head. “I am sorry, but I don’t eat at night, thank you though and excuse me.” I said and went inside. On my there I looked at my brother Zac, I don’t know why but he seemed so broken, but then his mate held his hand and his eyes softened. Or maybe I imagined it, I have never been really good and reading people anyways, I couldn’t even tell that Bryan was my mate. All I saw when I looked into his eyes was that he definitely saw me as nothing but the beta’s daughter and maybe I was right, but you can’t look at your mate like that. Everyone followed behind me. “Could I please have my own room?” I turned around and asked Queen Luna. She seemed to be taken aback by my question and so was everyone else, especially Bryan. His mother looked at him as if asking him for help to answer my request. “Sabrina, you will be staying in my room.” Bryan said. I wanted my own room, my privacy and my own space to gather my thoughts but it is also their home and I can't force them to do what I want. I looked at Queen Luna waiting for her answer. “Honey, you have to stay with Bryan since you two are mates. Being closer to your mate will help you.” she said. I smiled at this, “you say it like I am broken, I don’t need help Luna, I don’t need fixing.” I said to her and looked at everyone else. They were all looking at me like I was this broken doll, this is why they have been so careful about what they say around me. They all think I am broken, that one wrong word I will snap and cry or throw a tantrum and I hate that. I have met people in the last four years who looked at me the same way, like I was broken but none of them helped me in any way. I am not broken, I am angry, but I am anything but a broken little doll. “Okay then.” I said and then looked at my brother, “beta I would like to talk to you.” I said to him, and he seemed shocked but then nodded. We went to an empty room just the two of us, he seemed a little happy that I wanted to talk to him. He looked at me and it made me feel uncomfortable. “I am sorry for staring, it still feels like a dream that we found you.” he said with tears in his eyes. ‘Or maybe it’s your half-brother, I mean you and your mother did replace his mother. Maybe he secretly resented you for it and wanted to be the only child.’ Drake’s words came to me. Whatever I was about to feel because his words changed, I actually felt irritated by them. “I want the money that my parents left me.” I said. He quickly nodded, “of course, I will call the lawyer and he can read the will.” Zac said. “You haven’t done that? you haven’t read the will?” I asked him and he shook his head no. I then turned around to leave the room but then he held my hand, I turned to look at him and he hugged me. “I missed you so much Brina.” he said still hugging me, I have had years of practice in how to keep my emotions in check, but now I could feel them slipping. When he finally let go I looked the other way, I didn’t want him to see that his hug affected me. So, he is the key, he is the one person who can break my wall, not even my mate can do this. One thing I was sure off was that I couldn’t let him in, even if every part of me wanted to cry on my big brother’s shoulder I knew I couldn’t. What If he is the one who betrayed us?
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