Chapter 11: The towel incident

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Bryan’s pov I waited for Sabrina and Zac to finish talking, I wondered what it was that she wanted to talk to him about. A few minutes later she came out and he followed right behind her, he had a little smile on his face. I looked at Sabrina and she seemed somewhat confused and I little disorientated. She started walking upstairs and I followed behind her in silence, there was so much I want to ask her. So much that I wanted to talk to her about, but she didn’t seem ready to talk to me, maybe she will, or she has opened up to her brother. When we got to my room she went in the shower, I wanted to wait for her but then I got a mind link from Zac. I have a team of people trying to find what happened to Sabrina, why she was in the truck with those people and so far the people there know nothing. Most of them didn’t even see Sabrina, they were all living their normal lives just a few hours before everything happened. They remember being taken and drugged, but that’s it, how is it even possible though? How can it all be wrapped around in a pretty bow like this? I mean none of the people with Sabrina didn’t know anything? They were all newbies and yet they were in the same truck with Sabrina who was taken for 4 years? I mean it doesn’t make sense at all, and I can't push Sabrina to tell me what she knows because she is clearly not ready. I went downstairs and found them waiting for me, they started telling me about the leads they got, but so far it’s nothing tangible. Suddenly one of them stopped talking and I noticed that they were looking in one direction, so I looked in the same direction too. And coming through in a room full of men was my mate only in a towel, almost everything was showing because the towel was even small. She came closer to us and took a grape from the fruit basket that was on the table. I looked around and saw that almost every men in the room except my father and Zac were following her every movement. I quickly got up and went to her, “what are you wearing? Why the hell are you wearing a towel?” I asked her. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow, “I am not supposed to be wearing a towel?” she asked me, and I was taken aback by how innocent her voice sounded. It almost sounded like the old Sabrina, I was fuming when I saw her standing there in only her towel but not anymore. I felt my heart soften at her tone, “no you shouldn’t be wearing a towel.” I said, and she looked at me and smirked. I realised why she was smirking because after that the towel was on the floor, she stood in front of me completely naked. I looked around and found my men looking at her and that pissed me off even more, “LOOK THE f**k AWAY” I growled. I looked at Sabrina who had a smirk on her face, “what are you doing?” I asked her handing her the towel and she took it and shrugged. “You said that I shouldn’t be wearing a towel, so I obeyed you and didn’t wear a towel.” she said. “Wear the damn towel and follow me upstairs now” I growled but her smirk and defiant smile didn’t disappear. It was like she enjoyed pissing me off. She took the towel and wrapped it around her body. I tried to contain my anger, as I walked upstairs and thinking about those men looking at my mate's body. And she just stood there enjoying the attention, when we got to my room I shut the door and the entire house vibrated. “I think that you have anger issues, you should really consider seeing a therapist or going to anger management meetings.” she said with a calm tone. She then sat down and looked at her nails. “Why are you in a towel?” I asked after taking deep breathes. “My clothes are still in the dryer, I don’t have clothes remember?” she asked and that’s when I realised that she really doesn’t have clothes and her old clothes probably didn’t fit her anymore. “Ohhh s**t, I am sorry I completely forgot.” I said to her and went in my closet. I picked a few things I thought would fit her, but they would be slightly long or bigger because I am buff and taller than her. I give them to her, and she took without protesting, she let the towel go and I closed my eyes to give her some privacy. When I was sure that she was dressed I opened my eyes, “come on let's go downstairs to have breakfast.” I said to her. I got up from the bed and she followed behind me, I was still processing what she just did. What was she thinking doing that?? When I got downstairs all the men bowed their heads in shame. “You can go, and do you job.” I said, and they nodded before rushing out. They are lucky I didn’t kill them for looking at her for that long, we sat down, and my mom looked at Sabrina. Everyone was clearly shocked by the stunt she pulled a few minutes ago. I took a plate and put 3 pancakes and then added some syrup that I know is her favourite and put the plate in front of her. She looked at it and frowned, “can I have toast?” she asked looking at the chef who nodded. “Brina but you love my pancakes.” my mother said when she saw this, and Sabrina didn’t say anything. She just got up, “I am not hungry anyways, thank you for breakfast.” she said and was about to leave, but I held her hand. “Rose make her the toast.” I said, and she sat down, my mom looked at me and I could tell that she was hurt. She woke up early just to make the pancakes for her, but she also had to understand that we don’t know how Sabrina feels or what she went through. Rose brought toast, she actually made more, and I watched as Sabrina ate every single slice of that toast with some strawberry jam. I stopped eating and I think everyone did the same because I have never seen anyone eat toast that much. Sabrina never liked toast at all, she called it dry and crusty bread, when she was done she took a glass and poured water instead of juice. Is this the way she lived wherever she was?? “Mel will take you shopping today Sabrina. But your brother, Dylan and Bryan will come along with you two for protection.” she said. I noticed that Sabrina actually listens to my mother, I mean forgetting the pancakes incident so far she had been respectful towards my mother. “You can't go wearing that, I picked out some clothes from my closet. I think we are the same size.” Chloe her sister in law and her brother’s mate said. Sabrina took the clothes and looked at her, “thank you.” she said, and Chloe smiled at this. She changed and we got the cars, and they went shopping, the entire ride Mel was telling Sabrina about what had been happening for the past few years. “You know Brina, it was so romantic when Dylan found out that I was his mate. He had a hard time holding himself back.” she said looking at her mate. Sabrina just looked outside, it almost looked like Mel was talking to herself. We got to the mall and went to the shops, I noticed that she picked out most dark colours. If it was green then it was the darkest shade, if blue then the darkest shade and so on and on. She turned down every single thing that anyone else picked for her. “Let's grab a bite before we go back” Mel said. Sabrina just continued walking to the car and everyone followed which means that there was no grabbing a bite. Mel was hurt, but she then moved on from it, “I love your hair, it is beautiful but you had such long beautiful hair before. Why did you cut it?” Mel asked. Sabrina stopped looking outside and turned to look at her best friend, “you are so annoying, do you have to talk any chance you get?? I don’t fuckin care about what is happening in your life, and as for my hair I didn’t cut it, I almost got my head cut off, but then the person missed and instead cut my hair. Now will you stop asking stupid questions?” she asked in a cold voice. What I noticed was the aura around her changed, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became cold. Like something evil was surfacing or it just passed through. I looked at her and the questions started flooding my mind. What is that aura? Who the hell tried to cut her head off? What happened in this past 4 years?
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