The Trip

1321 Words
100 Days His Bride 3 The Trip. Lori was packing up stuffs that I don't need… " Lori I need my game tab, And my anime comics…. You didn't add that stuff... " I didn't pack it because You don't need it, Lori said, Lori was just fourteen but with her body shape and those curves, one might think she was eighteen. " What am I going to be doing on the plane???? Or at night when I can't sleep... " One we can text each other when you are on the plane and you can't get bored on a resort so it's clear you don't need your manga, Lori smirked. " Heyyyyy…. Cardy and Jackson came in. " How come you get to go to Hawaii ??? Am jealous... Cardy said. " Well my sis gave me her spot, It's a resort to love…. I giggled. " WHAT…. Jackson laughed. " I love this, Cardy smiled. " I'm not going to fall in love in two weeks, that's just yuck but I'm gonna have fun, Plus the escape plan from last season will be filmed at that resort. How cool can it get… I smiled. " Hey have a lot of fun okay, Jackson hugged me " I know you can find love in Hawaii, '' Cardy hugged me and I poked her ear. " Amy……….. " I'm coming down, '' I said. Lori and Jackson helped with my bag. I was rocking khaki shorts and a baggy blouse. No matter how baggy it was It just didn't cover curves. Leo dropped me off at the airport, I hugged everyone and I saw Lori wiping tears off her eye. Really it's just gonna be two weeks…. I got on the plane and I was sitting next to a couple, God I hate it when I can't be comfortable. She was so clingy to the guy and I could tell they wouldn't last. The guy kept sighing. Our eyes caught with each other and he winked at me. " Is something wrong with your eyes baby…… What she caught me. " Yeah but I'm fine now, So what's your name???? " Me….. I pretended like I didn't know he was talking to me. " Yeah… ahhh Ummm it's Amy witmore... " Hi, Amy, I Am Hardy and this is my fiance Bianca… HARDY…. What the heck, what a weird coincidence, I just gave him a brief smile. " We are going to get married in Hawaii….. Bianca smiled. " I didn't ask, I said under my breath. " What did you say ???? " Ohhh it's lovely, I lied. " So what about you what are you going to do in Hawaii ???? Hardy asked. " Am going to have fun, I chuckled while taking selfies. " Alone….. " Gosh too many questions, I said. " Sorry I just like making friends, Bianca said. " Am not going alone… " Really where is your boyfriend ?????? Bianca asked. " Over there, I said jokingly pointing at some random guy, I was just catching fun no big deal. I don't have my comics so why don't I play with these couples? " No, that's not your boyfriend, That's my brother… Bianca laughed and I saw Hardy chuckle. " Okay I was just teasing around, Well am going alone. " Awwwwww….. You are so alone you want a boyfriend, So you just fake one… Bianca mocked me. " Jesus I was just kidding…. " Ohhh he's my brother I can hook you guys up…. " I need to use the restroom… I didn't see any flight attendants around. What's going on, maybe they are on break….. I just walked to a door and I couldn't bear the urge to use the restroom, So I just swung the door open and what I saw froze my urine. " A strip club on a plane, Cool… " Are you a striper????? Get ready we can use an extra one, A gay guy smiled at me. " Me….. " Who is she ??? I heard someone and I looked in the direction I heard the voice from. He was an insanely handsome guy. He had biceps, Muscles, Looks, and the height of every good quality my old self wanted in a guy. Ohh it dawned on me that I was in the wrong room. " Uhmmmmmm, Actually the wrong room is sorry… I shut the door and took a deep breath. I felt disgusted. I was a lady and seeing all those half-naked women made me want to puke. " What can I do for you, ma'am???? " Finally I need a bathroom, I am going to lose it if I don't use the bathroom, I said in one breath. I emptied my bladder and I went back to the annoying couple but this time the parrot was fast asleep. " Soo, What resort are you visiting???? Hardy asked. Not minding the fact he had the same name as my ex, He was just annoying and too flirty for a guy getting married soon. " So are you single??? Oh yeah, you are, you would have been here with him going on a trip, So sad… It should be written down the guy's name Hardy is a total jerk. I didn't want to cause a scene so I just plugged in my earphones and texted my friends on our group chat. Jackson and Cardy were on each other's heads... " Hey, you guys… I texted. " Hey BFF, Jackson replied. " Shut up Jackson, Hello…. She's my best friend, not yours... I sent a laughing emoji " Why don't we let Amy choose who the best friend is, Jackson said. " Well you guys are the best, And I love you guys equally even though Jackson is the sweetest, I texted with a poop face emoji. " Ohhh wow, Cardy replied. " Soooo Cardy are you going to tell her or should I ??? " What's up Jackson, What are you guys telling me ??? I replied. " Uhmmmm Kendall called off the engagement, Cardy said. I felt terrified and connected to a video call, Cardy's eyes were looking like she has been crying. " Cardy he doesn't love you and he isn't worth it, I said. " He's horrible, He called off the engagement with a text how stupid, Cardy said. " That jerk face, Cardy are you alright… " Of course am okay, It's gonna take time but is gonna forget him, Cardy frowned. " Do you want to be to punch his handsome face, Jackson teased. " No thanks, Sooooo Amy are you promising us you will find love in Hawaii, Cardy smiled. " How come you are smiling after a breakup, I laughed. " I knew it was going to happen somehow plus I met this guy online, And we have been really close so he's helping me fill the vacant space Kendall left… " Cardy you are not going to ask him for s*x right… " Amy not yet, So back to you… Are you promising to find love in Hawaii… " Cardy really… You want her to find love in two weeks, Oh wow… Jackson said. " Shut up Jackson, You can fall in love with someone in a second, Two weeks is more than enough time for her to fall in love again… " Cardy if I want to fall in love again, Which I know won't be so easy, It's not going to happen in two weeks, Half a year ain't even enough to fix this heart, I chuckled. " Amy… Why are you doing this to yourselves ???? " Cardy I don't think I want to continue this conversation, Am signing out…I hung up. I understand Cardy's worry for me but that wasn't relevant to me, Hardy put my heart in a state that's difficult to fix.
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