Trip To La charyssa

1588 Words
100 Days His Bride 2 Trip to La Charissa " Amy… Amy wait up...I heard Jackson call and I quickly wiped off my tears. " Hey, you... " You forgot your beer, Jackson smiled... I have always thought Jackson is the sweet friend and Cardy the toxic one even if they both love me, Jackson tends to care more and has the sweetest approach but Cardy you know she's too raw with me. " Thanks…. You can go now I can walk home, You need to supervise your mart… " I have time, I can walk you home, Jackson grabbed my hands. " Thanks a lot… " Hey… " Yeah... " Don't drink too much, It's not so healthy… " Jackson I don't even drink much, I giggled. " This is your third crate this week…. " Is it, I said , scratching the back of my head. " Yes… " Hey get in….. Jackson has to go .. Cardy horned. " Am fine, Jackson see you later... " You guys don't fight okay… " If she wants to be stubborn, I'm fine with it, Cardy said. " Bye jack…. I was speed walking and I didn't want to get in the car with Cardy, She might have just been caring for me but it did hurt my feelings. " Am sorry for being such an ass head, Am really sorry…Cardy said driving slowly to meet with me. " I know I can be embarrassed, that's why I chose indoors, I said. " Amy…. " And yeah I don't help my sister financially and am squatting with her, She isn't complaining, and am sure I will get on my feet back again… " Amy watch out… " Ouch….. I was on the floor and the striking pain in my head was because I bumped into a sign… My eyes were dizzy but I was okay, I stood up but my feet were wagging so I couldn't maintain my stamina. " Amy are you alright ????? I opened my eyes and it was Cardy. I just fell in her arms and she took me to her car. " Here, take some pain killer. It will stop the headache. Cardy gave me pills from her medicine box she kept in her car. She was that organised. " Let's go home…. Cardy pulled over at the garage and she helped me out. We headed for my room. It was like a challenge crossing my piles of clothes and scattered manga and anime comics on the floor not to talk of my video game. " You act tough but you are just like a teenager, What do you need all these from??? Cardy smiled as she tuck me into my bed " For comfort, When everyone is gone and social media is calm this is what calms me down, I giggled like a fool. " Hmmmmm " Why are you here with me today???? Is it because it's my heartbreak anniversary… " Heartbreak anniversary… You are funny... Am here because I miss you and it's my day off… " Cardy do you think I will be back to that Cool, Intelligent, and hardworking friend you used to know ???? " Yes you just need time, Cardy smiled. " Get lost already… I need to sleep... " You can sleep I will help put your room in order okay… " Okay… So did Kendall call ????? Kendall was Cardy's fiance he has been away for months and Cardy is at the edge of calling off the engagement. " Nope, I went to his family's house and he has been calling them. Why won't he call me??? " He doesn't love you anymore… " Amy…. You are too sassy… " Thanks for the remarks… " I probably would have spanked your head if you didn't hit that pole earlier, '' Cardy smiled. " Cardy don't end up like me. If he continues defaulting, approach him about it and if he doesn't want to change, cut him off, I should have done that when Hardy was being self-centred but I just was too blinded by love, I smiled. " Enough talk, Rest now…. " Clean up properly… " You bi**h am trying to help you… ************************************************ When I opened my eyes, Cardy was already gone and it was nightfall already… My sister was staring at my room in surprise. " Cardy cleaned up not me… " That explains it, Amy please tell me you have taken a shower… " Can you smell me from there???? I sniffed my armpits " No I can't you are still wearing your PJ and how long have you been sleeping???? " It wasn't dark when I slept so I have been asleep for a really really long time… " I see you bought more beer…. " Yup you want some ???? " Nope, How was your day??? " Hmmm I watched a whole season of game of thrones, It was dope then Cardy came and went to Jackson's Mart to get beer we had a little fight I left early, I bumped into a poll and I came home and slept off, That's how my day went??? " Do you need to go to a hospital ????? " No am fine… " Amy… " Yup... " Are you sure you are fine ???? Elena asked patting my hair. " Yes, I am…. Gosh is it dinner time am starving… " Wash up and come downstairs... " What do you mean wash up, You said you couldn't smell me… " Amy witmore take your bath and join us downstairs…. Elena said and went downstairs. " Yes, mom…. Elena and I were raised in an orphanage home, Elena left when she was eighteen and she met Leo when she was attending college, I didn't know how she did it but when I was sixteen I was staying with her, All our lives we have been striving for a better future, We were both hard workers, It lessened when she got married to Leo he was a banker and she worked in an insurance company, I used to work at a real estate company but I quit because I didn't want to see Hardy every day, Since I quit my job I found pleasure indoor. I showered and I wore a short and a baggy Polo shirt that had a write-up that says indoor gangster, I got it from Lori on my last birthday. " What's for dinner tonight???? " Mom made steaks, Lori smiled. " Ahhhh am starving, I smiled my spot was next to Lori we sat opposite Elena and Leo, Anyone who didn't know us so well would think, Am Elena's kid that she had in her teen days because of my body shape. " Sooo Honey you wanna share the good news….. Leo smiled. " What good news ???? Lori and I said in unison. " Well I won employee of the month… Elena squealed. " Oh my goodness am so proud of you sis, I stood up and hugged her " Me too mom, Lori joined in the hug. " It's great to know they appreciate the work you do for them, I smiled " Yeah, that's why I got this…. Elena said, dangling what looked like a ticket. " What's that ???? Lori asked. " A two weeks trip to a tropical resort in Hawaii, Elena said. Now Lori was the one squealing. " Is it La Charissa ???? " Yup you are right honey, Leo smiled " That's a big one, I smiled. " Yeah, but I can't go… " WHAT !!!! " WHY !!! Lori and I asked. " It's not my thing and I have to be there for Lori's appendicitis surgery remember… " Dad can come with me…. " Or I can come. You need this vacation, '' I said. " Dad is going for a business trip and you…. " What about me … " Amy, I want you to go on the trip….. " ME!!! " Yes dear, We think it suits you… Leo said " Awnnnnnnn that's so sweet but am not going… " This is going to be difficult, Lori smiled. " Honey I want you to… It says a resort to and for love and I already have my love, Elena smiled at Leo. " Well I already have my love, I said. " YOU DO…They ask in unison. " Yes, of course, my sweet sister, Her wonderful husband, My lovely niece, and my best friends Jackson and Cardy, I said , gulping all my wine. " We know that and we love you too that's why we want you to go on this trip, You finding love isn't all about finding a man, You can pick up your life again and make it better again, Amy you are greater than what Hardy turned you too, You maybe sassy and a kickass but you are the sweetest, This trip is gonna make you feel better plus they are gonna shoot the last season of your favorite movie there….. " What !!!!!!!Why didn't you say that earlier... When I started packing up my stuff, I smiled. " The trip is on Sunday so you need to start packing up after dinner… " I will help pack up, Lori smiled. Even if my heart was shattered into pieces and I know some resort isn't going to fix it, I Am open to fun and this resort sounds like fun.
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