
100 Days His Bride

contract marriage
dare to love and hate

I was a bride with no groom, Patiently as I waited for my to be husband,He was already a groom to another bride.

My world crushed down since that day,It has been a year since the only man I have ever loved left me at the alter. My breakup anniversary,It was that same week my life took an unexpected twist just because of two incidents,A trip to Hawaii and a one night stand. I am now a supposed bride to New York 's hottest bachelor,The brother of the man that left me heartbroken. I am now his bride for 100 days,It was a contract and one with the best s****l moments of my life but was there more to it.

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Deja Vu
100 Days His Bride. Deja Vu….. I looked so beautiful in my wedding dress. My flower bouquet was so adorable I couldn't stop looking at it and then my sister was behind me smiling and so were the well-wishers at my wedding but one thing was missing. I had no groom. " Where is Hardy????? Elena, my sister , asked. " Maybe his tuxedo didn't fit, And he's having a new one. He will be here soon… I stuttered nervously. " He better be, the priest isn't smiling, My sister whispered. " Hardy, where are you????? I whispered… It was almost an hour and Hardy wasn't here yet. People even started retreating home. I sat down trying to reach Hardy but he wouldn't pick up. " He isn't in his apartment. Leo, my sister's husband, came in. He left to look for Hardy. " Where the heck is he then ????? Elena screamed, causing the remaining guests to leave little by little. " Please… Please don't go, He will be here soon I heard Cardy my best friend pleading with the priest. " We have better things to do… " What if Hardy has been kidnapped ???? Oh my Gosh… We Should call the cops, I screamed. " I don't think he has been, Jackson said, showing Elena and Leo his phone. Elena and Leo's jaws dropped and even when Cardy looked at whatever they were looking at she was in shock too. " What's the matter??? I said, trying to look at the cell phone. " No..No... it's nothing " Uhmmmm They were all acting strange and then Lori, My niece screamed. " Uncle Hardy got married !!!!! " Lori…. They all screamed in unison. Lori had a sneak peek of what they were looking at and what did I just hear her say... " Lori… What are you saying??? I chuckled nervously. " It's nothing, She covered her mouth realising she shouldn't have said a word. " Come on, let's go home, Elena said, removing the Veil from my head. " What do you mean??? It's my wedding today… Even if everyone left the people I love can still witness my wedding, And yeah Jackson you can ordain us… let's just wait for a little, I pleaded. " Amy, I'm sorry but Hardy already got married to someone else today… Cardy said, showing me the pictures. Her words stung my heart until I saw the bride but this wasn't just anyone it was Hardy's sister… " But that's Hardy's sister, I stuttered. " He lied to you, Hardy is a con…. Those words still haunt me to date even if it's a year now since I was dumped in the aisle. It still felt like it was yesterday… I was in my favourite spot, on my coach reliving that day. It has always been a routine for me, On my baggy clothes with my chicken and bear watching my favourite show basketball wives, and living the life of a sadist that I am. " Amy …… We are leaving already… Please don't make a mess, Elena said. " Whatever…. I yawned... " Amy, remember that job I told you about, The boss wants to see you… " Am not interested, I said , skipping channels. " I thought you were on a diet for the modelling job, Leo said. " She wouldn't do it either, Lori said, coming downstairs. " What !!!! Why… " I appreciate you Lori for being such a sweet niece and getting me that modelling gig but am not interested, I yawned. " So you rather watch movies on the same coach all day… " I don't watch movies all day, I go out sometimes... " To rent more movies, Lori giggled. " Lori, did you tell Michael I was coming for that movie…. " Yeah, he's expecting you…. " Okay you guys have a great time today familia, '' I smiled at the three most important people in my life, Elena, my big sister, Her husband Leo, and their beautiful daughter Lori. " Try some exercise, you are adding weight, Elena chuckled. " Really if I was adding weight, I wouldn't have gotten a modelling gig, I smiled. " There is Mac and cheese in the fridge, In case you run out of chicken and beer…. " Thanks, Leo… Elena was taking Lori to school in her car while Leo left in his, Cardy waved at her. " Is Amy up yet ???? Cardy asked. " Yes, stuffing her face with junk, How come she doesn't get fat ??? Elena smiled. " She has a perfect shape… " Are you guys really not aware ???? Lori sighed. " Aware of what…. " Today makes it a year since it happened. You know that Hardy left her on the aisle, Lori said. " Oh my goodness…. Elena gasped. " Don't worry, have a great day, I will take care of her Cardy smiled. " Sure… Thanks a million... Cardy stormed the house and she met Amy on her favourite coach laughing and giggling because of a tv show, She had already emptied a lot of beer bottles. " AMY….. " Cardy… You have to see this show, it's so hilarious…. I laughed. " Did you drink all of this beer just this morning???? " Yeah, I ran out of beer. Are you here with your car???? Cardy nodded in surprise. " Shoot, that's great, I need to stop real quick at McDonald's supermarket. I need more crates… " You are gonna be an alcoholic soon, If you don't stop…. " Actually that's not your business to worry about, Do you have some cash with you so you can pay, My card is maxed out…. " Amy, how about getting a job? How does that sound ???? Cardy said. " No thanks, Come on let's go… I paused my movie. " So you just want to lay all responsibilities on your sister and her husband….. " Cardy… It's just shelter and food and if I get kicked out which I know can't happen then I can go over to yours, It's that simple… " You are so pathetic and aren't you changing to something you are in your PJ… " Oh right, I rushed to the bathroom, washed my face, and came out. " Okay let's go… " Amy at least shower, Your hair is a mess. What if a guy seems to want to appr….. " Shushhhhhhh…. Let's go... I cut in. We arrived at the supermarket and I just ignored the stare I was getting but a particular couple kept looking at me irritated. " Forget it, Am way prettier than your plastic face girlfriend, I said to the guy " What the hell…. " So sorry my friend is having a bad day, Please don't get offended, '' Cardy smiled. " Well, she should box it up rather than speak trash…. " Ehhhhh…. Speak trash me...I knew I was the one at fault but did she just call me trash? " Gosh, she's crazy… " That red hair b***h, I curse at her. " Amy, why did you do that???? Cardy scolded... " Did you see how she was looking at me alongside her ugly boyfriend like some clown, I frowned. " If only you didn't dress like this, They wouldn't have looked at you like that… " Cardy… " Hello, ladies…. " Jackson……. I smiled putting my hands around his neck " You are choking him, i***t, Cardy laughed. " Jesus you are gaining muscles, Jackson choked. " It's you who have become weak, I giggled. " What do you want????? " Jackson my card is maxed out and I am craving beer, So…… " If you keep asking for beer I might get bankrupt, Jackson smiled Instructing his employee to get me a beer. " Blahhh Blahhh " No, you should get a job, Cardy said. " Job hunting is difficult, I have tried… " No you haven't, You rejected two jobs recently….. " That's not what I want to do… " Yeah, walking around the city in a PJ is what you want to do, Cardy teased... " She looks cute tho… Jackson smiled. Jackson, Cardy, and I have been best of friends since my first year in college which was like a long time ago... " Jackson here appreciates real beauty, I smiled. " Well you will look like a complete goddess if you doll up a little, Don't you want a man???? Cardy asked. She was bringing up this topic again… " You know she doesn't like to talk about stuff like that, Jackson smiled nervously. " Men are not stuff like that, For crying out loud it's a year now since Hardy left you and yet you still don't want to put yourself together, What's the matter with you, Amy???? I was holding in my tears. I didn't want to do this in front of them but Cardy was right. I haven't gotten a hold of myself because the love I had for Hardy was deep. I thought I was going to be happy like my sister and her husband but the reverse was definitely the case. " Thanks for the heads up, I frowned and left. It wasn't my fault I was heartbroken it's how the heart works, When it has been dedicated to loving a certain person it doesn't seem to change and I couldn't fight with it, Anytime I walk these streets I see different happy couples and a reflection of my love life with Hardy keeps popping up in my head that's the main reason am always indoors. My life is ruined now because my heart was deeply in love with Hardy.

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