Alpha Calix

1060 Words
LOTTIE’S POV In the bustling cafeteria, I found myself surrounded by maids, slaves, and omegas, each of us, of the same ranking, their hushed whispers blending into a background hum. I felt a pang of discomfort as I noticed the curious gazes directed my way, all focused on the confrontation that was about to unfold. The head maid, Mrs. Simmons, marched towards me, her stern expression leaving no room for doubt about her intentions. “Lottie, care to explain why you thought it was acceptable to steal food from the kitchen?” she demanded, her voice sharp and disapproving. My heart raced, and I knew I had done no such thing. I straightened my back, refusing to cower under her accusatory glare. “I didn’t steal anything, Mrs. Simmons,” I said firmly, my voice carrying a mix of frustration and defiance. Her eyes narrowed, and she scoffed, clearly unimpressed by my response. “Do you expect us to believe that, Lottie? We have witnesses who saw you sneaking around the kitchen this morning.” I swallowed hard, trying to keep my emotions in check. “I was in the kitchen to ask Cook for an extra roll for breakfast. I was given permission,” I explained, hoping to clear the misunderstanding. Mrs. Simmons seemed unswayed, her lips forming a thin line. “Permission or not, it doesn’t explain why you were seen with food stuffed in your apron pocket,” she retorted. My frustration grew, but I maintained my composure. “I wasn’t stuffing food in my pocket. You can check my apron if you don’t believe me,” I replied, holding out the fabric to prove my innocence. Her eyes narrowed further, and then, without warning, she slapped me across the cheek. The cafeteria fell into silence, and I could feel the weight of everyone’s judgmental eyes on me. “I will not tolerate lies and deceit, Lottie!” Mrs. Simmons hissed, her face inches from mine. “Since you seem so keen on having extra food, you will go without breakfast this morning as punishment for your behavior.” My cheek stung, and my eyes welled with tears of anger and humiliation, but I refused to let them spill. I swallowed my pride and simply nodded, determined not to let her see how much her words hurt. “As you wish,” I said with as much strength as I could muster, even though my voice wavered slightly. Mrs. Simmons held my gaze for a moment longer, as if to assert her dominance, before turning and walking away, leaving me standing there, surrounded by those who had witnessed the confrontation. I sank into my seat, tucked away in the corner of the crowded cafeteria. It was my usual spot, away from the prying eyes of the alphas and their followers. I tried to keep my head down, but I couldn’t help but feel the weight of the glances directed my way. Some of the other slaves were sympathetic, their eyes filled with understanding and compassion, while others simply looked away, not wanting to get involved. But there were those who couldn’t resist the opportunity to mock me. Their laughter echoed in the room, and I could feel their taunts like sharp knives digging into my already wounded heart. It was a daily occurrence, a cycle of cruelty and mistreatment that seemed unending. I had grown used to being the target of their ridicule, the object of their amusement. It wasn’t just the alpha brothers who delighted in making my life miserable; it seemed like everyone else joined in on the fun too. My mother’s absence weighed heavily on my heart, and I often found myself yearning for her strength and guidance. She had been the personal maid to the alphas long before I was born, and I knew firsthand the indignities she endured at their hands. The alpha brothers had treated her badly, from when they were still kids. It was a painful inheritance to shoulder—taking up her role in servitude after she passed away, subjecting myself to the same mistreatment she endured. I longed for the days when my mother’s love and protection enveloped me like a warm embrace, shielding me from the cold and unforgiving world. But now, I had to navigate this harsh reality on my own, with no one to turn to for comfort or support. As the laughter and whispers continued around me, I clenched my fists beneath the table, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to escape. I refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing me break down. I had learned to be resilient, to steel myself against their cruelty, but it didn’t make it any easier. In those moments, I felt the weight of my mother’s absence more profoundly than ever. I wished she were here to guide me, to tell me that I was strong and worthy, but that was something I had to tell myself. As I sat there, lost in my thoughts and frustrations, a voice broke through the haze of my brooding. “Lottie,” the familiar voice said, “Alpha Calix is requesting your presence.” I looked up to find Sara, one of the maids, standing beside me. I sighed, feeling a mix of curiosity and resignation wash over me. Calix was a bit different from his brothers, Jax and Rocco. There was a certain air of mystery about him, and he wasn’t as openly cruel. Still, being summoned by any of the alphas usually meant more work or more scrutiny, neither of which I particularly welcomed. With a nod to Sara, I rose from my seat, smoothing down the front of my maid’s uniform. Taking a moment to gather myself, I made my way to Alpha Calix’s study, a place I had been to many times before. As I approached the door, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. I knocked gently, and from within, I heard a soft, smooth voice say, “Come in.” Pushing the door open, I entered the study, my eyes immediately meeting Calix’s. He was seated behind a large wooden desk, his piercing blue eyes regarding me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. “Good afternoon, Alpha Calix,” I said respectfully, keeping my tone neutral.
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