
90 Days Alpha challenge; A fight for her heart.

opposites attract
blue collar

“You were nothing but a lowly slave and now you’re mated to the brothers, why won’t you accept them and let them change your life?”

“Because they’re jerks that deserve to rot in the pit of hell.” Lottie retorted.


Three brothers. One mate. One beta. One crush.

Lottie, the slave to the Alpha sons right from when she has been given birth to was on the verge of running away when she was declared the brothers mate. Bullied her entire life by the three brothers, she rejected them on the spot and wants nothing to do with them. But now the brothers are intent on getting her back, wanting to fill every part of her with themselves.

But with her crush taking her in as his girlfriend, and everything changing suddenly in her life? Is Kai, the beta’s son, right for her and her Prince Charming? Or would she come back to the brothers?

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The three devils
LOTTIE’S POV “Lick it.” Those two, simple words hit me like a hard blow to the cheek. I blinked as I tried to assimilate the words this alpha, seated in front of me had said. “What?” He c****d his head, a snarl curling up his lips. “Are you deaf now? I told you to lick the soup, of the floor.” I clenched my jaws, my hands that held a tray of food, vibrating as anger pulsated through my veins. “I understand that you might be angry that I spilled the food, but telling me to lick it off the ground is something I cannot do.” The alpha slammed his fists on the dining table, his eyes shooting daggers at me. He approached me, slowly, and with each passing second, i could hear my heart, hammering through my ears. He stood in front of me, his large, muscular body towering over me. Within a split second, he grab the collar of my tattered dress and pulled me so close to him, I could feel his breath on my skin. “Do as I say, or you will be in big trouble,” he spat. I struggled to get out of his grip, but the difference in strength was overwhelming. “I... won’t do that, I just can’t,” I groaned. “You f*****g b***h!” he yelled and raised his hands up in the air. Before his large hands could connect with my face, a voice yelled out to us. “Hey, what’s this?” a soft, yet grating voice yelled out. My eyes traveling from the man, threatening to break my neck, to the man approaching us. His blonde hair was tied up in a man bun, and his emerald eyes twinkled . The sight of this familiar face made me mutter a curse underneath my breath. The man walked up to the alpha, who finally let go of my dress. “Jax, come on now, you’re scaring the poor girl.” Jax scoffed, folding his arms as he turned to the man. “What do you want Rocco?” Rocco shrugged, a cunning smile on his lips. “I smelled trouble and came here. That, and I wanted to eat breakfast.” “Well, our dumb slave here, just poured away our breakfast.” My heart sank when I felt Rocco’s gaze switch to me. I looked up at him and saw that he had a smile on his lips. “Oh really?” he chuckled. He took long strides until he was standing in front of me. “I told her to lick it clean, but as you know, Lottie can be a piece of work,” Jax scoffed. Rocco looked at me, his smile widening. “Come on now, lick it off the floor like Jax said.” I bit my lips as I fought the urge to yell and curse at them. But I could not do that. They were the alphas of this pack. “As I had said before, I cannot do something as filthy as that.” The whole room went silent, and the tension hung in the air. It was so strong, it felt like i was suffocating. Rocco’s smile slowly die and, without warning, he grabbed a fistful of my hair. A yelp escaped my lips as he tugged on it harder. Rocco pushed my head downward, causing the tray of food I held, to topple to the ground. He pushed my head towards the puddle of cold soup on the floor, but I struggled. “You call this filthy?” Rocco asked with a scoff. “You wear rags and live in a pigsty, you have no right to reject this filth.” His words struck a cord within me, causing anger to course through my veins. I struggled against his strong grip, but he quickly noticed my resistance. Rocco used all the strength he had and slammed my face down to the floor, right on top of the soup. A burning sensation ran to my nose as it filled up with pain. Rocco let go of my hair and I fell to my bottom. I groaned as the pain increased in intensity. I brought a hand to my nose and immediately felt a bit of sticky liquid coming out from it. It was blood. Tears stung my eyes as the pain grew more intense by each passing second. “You’re such a piece of work,” Jax scoffed. “At least be an obedient slave, like your mother was. Now, lick it.” The sound of my mother being mentioned threw me into a maelstrom or anger. I clenched my fist as I resisted the urge to swing my fists at them, but I could not do that, due to the large difference in strength. With gritted teeth, I lowered my head to the floor and began to do as I was told, like a dog. The soup was cold, but still retained it flavour. Each slurp sent goosebumps down my arms. I lifted my eyes up and got a glance of the two alpha, brothers. Both of them looked at me, satisfaction etched on their faces. I cautiously pushed myself up from the floor, wincing as I wiped the blood from my nose with the back of my hand. My gaze hardened as I looked up at Jax and Rocco, who were standing there, seemingly amused by the whole incident. Rocco sneered at me, his tone condescending, “Lottie, if you were just more obedient, none of this would happen. You’re always causing trouble. Learn your place, and you won’t get hurt.” Jax chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips, “Yeah, little slave, it’s about time you realized that we’re the alphas here. Your rebellious attitude won’t get you anywhere.” Their laughter echoed in the room, and it only fueled the fire of anger inside me. But as much as I wanted to snap back at them, to fight fire with fire, I knew that would only make things worse. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to maintain composure despite the rage boiling within. Instead, I simply glared at them, my eyes locking with theirs, refusing to back down or cower in their presence. I may not have been an alpha, but I was strong and independent, and I wouldn’t let their words diminish my worth. They exchanged amused glances before turning away, their laughter fading as they walked off, leaving me standing there, seething with frustration. I clenched my fists, feeling the weight of the unfairness of it all. But there was nothing I could do. This was my life.

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