
1500 Words

Aneela When she got back to her room, startled Vasili following her on her heels, Roan was already there, waiting for her, storm in his eyes. The moment the door clicked behind her, he jumped to his feet and walked towards her. “Why were you at the pets quarters?” He hissed at her, someone conveniently had already reported to him about her forbidden walks. Just like she expected. Aneela didn’t budge under his stare, not even when his dark eyes went up and down her body, assessing the light gown she wore and how messy her hair was. If he noticed her swollen lips he didn’t comment on it either. It was almost sad that he didn’t actually. She wanted to make him mad. Stupid and illogical as it was, she wanted to make him hurt like she hurt when hearing of his visits with Damien. Because… go

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