
1353 Words

Aneela The moment their lips touched, Damien froze. His entire body stiffened next to hers. Immediately, she withdrew, her heart beating like a drum in her chest and embarrassment spreading through her like a wild fire. Alarm bells started ringing in her head. He didn’t want her kiss, didn’t want her. He wanted Roan, because Roan was a part of him and Aneela was… she was just another person playing on his heartstrings to make him do her bidding. It was a stupid though, one completely untrue. What was wrong with her? “I am sorry,”Aneela muttered, looking away, feeling like a complete fool. She’d completely misread his signals, and now… Damien’s hands wrapped around her as he pulled her back to him. He was taller than her, almost a head taller, just like Roan was, and he had to lift her c

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