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The truth is, she had suspected more than once that if only Maxwell's grandfather had not set their marriage, this man would surely not look at her even once. She wanted to ask him about that since ages ago but knew that she would never would. There were truths in this world that were better left alone because she knew that it would only make her more miserable than she already was if she had ever learned the truth. But she loved him, so she kept on enduring his cold attitude towards her, but it doesn't mean that she's not hurting. Agnes bitterly looked at Maxwell's wide back. She wanted to walk to him, hug him from behind, and let him feel how deep her love for him was, but she didn't. It was not time yet. They're still not married. She knew that for now, she couldn't force him to be intimate with her. But soon. Very soon, she'll become his wife, and his father already promised her that they will probably get married next year.. That's what The Patriarch of the Fontana demanded to his grandson, so Agnes knew that Maxwell would definitely obey his grandfather, so she only needed to be patient. Maxwell would be soon be hers.. So she comforted herself. A year is not that long. She should not worry over some cheap gossip. Maxwell would never get himself tangled to some cheap woman in the entertainment industry. But she is always greedy, not only to his people but also to his heart! Suddenly the phone on the table rang, Agnes walked over then pushed the speaker and then they both heard the voice of the secretary: “President, the young master is here.” Outside the door came a burst of footsteps, and the office door was forcefully pushed open. “Daddy!” The little guy see Maxwell is not busy so he came in, then he realized that Agnes was also inside, his little face suddenly shows a touch of unnatural happiness and faintly cry, ”Mommy!” Agnes lips twitched, and she felt somewhat uncomfortable in her heart. After all these years, she doesn’t know why, but although she's been a good mother to him, she and this little guy are still not very close. Well, he is not her own child. They are not even really blood-related. But it doesn't change the fact that she cared for him since he's a baby, but still, she couldn’t help but feel in her heart that this boy doesn't actually like her. The little guy is also very like his father. Maxwell Fontana was known through his cold and expressionless face. His son is simply a carbon copy of him, always has a cold and stern look in his little face, and almost looks like he's already an adult. But the little boy was not always like that. When he's three or four, he is like a little devil, who often mischievously pranks and teases the house maids. He was just a child who always played. Even his father would always accompany him. But two years ago, when the Patriarch of the Fontana Family gave Maxwell the authority to handle the Asian branch of the Fontana Company, he became more busy. He always traveled out of the country, and Maxwell couldn’t find time to accompany his son. That's the time the little boy gradually changes. He become more quiet and withdrawn. His childlike behavior slowly disappeared, and as time passed, he started behaving more maturely for his age. Most of the time, when Agnes looked at his little face, she could not help but think of the young Maxwell, always looking cold and not close to anyone. However, Michael Fontana only shows his childish unique nature in front of his father and rarely acts spoiled. Occasionally, he will do a few bad things trying to catch his father’s attention. But Maxwell still spoils and condones him, so in front of him, little Michael has always been lawless. Agnes gradually recovered herself, smiled at the little boy who came in and gently called: “Michael, come here!” Little Michael looked at her, taking a few steps away, but suddenly stopped, his little face clearly becomes reluctant to see his father. Meanwhile, Maxwell turned when he heard his son. He loosened the cold emotions to his face, sat down on the sofa, and his big palm gently patted his slender legs. Little Michael saw it and went close to his side immediately. Maxwell's lips hook a smile as his son sat on his legs. Michael has his outline facial features, but he definitely looks more pretty than handsome. He doesn't get his cold features. He looks like … that shy and timid girl six years ago.. His eyebrows slightly twist, after he remembered that moment with her, how many nights has it been since his mind always filled up with her elegant face and body, sometimes from time to time he felt shy, sometimes anxious, and sometimes his face sink . That girl is truly bewitching! He didn’t even have time to taste her again, and she simply vanished from his world. Six years ago, after premature delivery, Michael was born very weak, and he learned that his other child died, even in his heart, felt somewhat regret when he heard the news. He had always thought that his heart has long been turn cold as ice and he'll never love anyone through his lifetime, but because his grandfather loved children, he looks for a young girl to become a surrogate for him when he found out that he's fiancée is infertile and finally able to meet his grandfather's long-cherished wish. But he did not expect to keep only the child. He thought his grandfather would let the girl be with him even as a mistress, but he's more naive than he thought. He never knew how to handle any relationship, and with his grandfather always monitoring him, he was very reluctant to find her. Afraid that something might happen to her when that old man found out that he had feelings for her, so he didn't search for her. But now it's different. He might appear obedient to his grandfather’s eyes, but he's slowly garnering power. He wanted to break off from the Fontana Family and be free. And when that time comes, he'll definitely find her. Because Michael needs her.. No. He also needed her.. he needed her the most... But his silent musings were cut short when he heard his son calling him. “Daddy, I want to play the remote racing car!” “Remote racing car?” Maxwell frowned, “Aren’t you tired of playing it before? But now you're thinking of playing it again?” “I just want to play it!” Little Michael pouted. Maxwell's eyes showed a rare trace of tenderness from his plea. Then softly said, ”Well, Daddy will buy one for you.” “Daddy buy one for yourself too, ah, so you can play with me!” Michael softly lying in his arms and nestled, greedily enjoying the moment between them and his father’s warmth. Agnes, who was quietly standing on the side, couldn't quite believe what she was seeing even though she always witnessed this scene. She doesn’t know why she suddenly had an illusion that they're in their own world. And for the nth time, she seems she can not intervene in the father and son’s moment this time once again... ****
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