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At the same time, in the tallest building at New York City where the Fontana's Company was located, Maxwell Fontana is standing in his very expansive office and looking at the very busy New York streets. He’s staring blankly at the bustling day of the city, his knitted brows made him looks like he's in deep thought. Agnes Federico slowly opened the door in the president’s office and when she saw the figure of a man standing quietly in a corner, her lips cannot help but give a soft curve of a smile. This man holds a supreme power. He is the sole inheritor of a multi-industry-leading company, and as of now it's CEO. Aside from that because of his numerous achievements from the past years he was admired by many. Well the stubborn patriarch of the Fontana Family might see him as a child but for everyone's point of view he is someone that had already reached the pinnacle of success at a very young age of 31. And he is no other than her fiance. Though they are not yet married, she is his official fiancee, surely their future wedding will be grand and become the most sensational event of the century. However, such an influential man is undoubtedly the target of a lot of rich men's daughter. And the thought of today’s headlines about his ambiguous s*x scandal made her heart crazy with jealousy! In the eyes of many, she is Maxwell Fontana’s future wife. But no one knew aside from their families that they are decided to be a husband and wife since birth because of a favor and they are not actually a madly in love couple. The truth is, he was actually extremely cold to her. And that makes her very embarrassed at such times when others saw their interactions. She quietly walked inside his very large and expensive office. And then Agnes gently put her bag on the sofa, softly walked towards him, and put her arms gently around his muscled body. Her face slowly leans to his wide and powerful back then she affectionately called. “Max…” Maxwell's eyes return to focus, and he quietly look at her, his cold eyes and handsome facial features were sculpted as if he's a god. His straight forehead, angular jaw and especially those pair of deep charming eyes are breathtaking. This is truly a handsome mature man, his handsomeness is not just an appearance, although his cold face looks very young, it totally emit a natural arrogance of a king. “Grandpa told me to ask you if you will go back home tomorrow night?" Maxwell replied with indifference voice. “I won’t.” Agnes saw him listless, so her eyes glanced at his desk, and there she saw was a mountain pile of cases and documents, so she whispered: “Max, am I bothering you?" Even though she will be his wife, but for this unfathomable man, she still maintains a cautious attitude. Although she grew up with him from childhood, Agnes has always felt that she was not truly in his heart. And with this engagement, she once thought that she would be the happiest woman in the whole world once they exchanged their wedding vows. She really loves him from the bottom of her heart and in irony, she was never able to see through this man's heart. Although that one time six years ago when he suddenly became interested in a simple woman of lowly background. Just thinking of that stupid w***e makes her so angry there's still no fluctuations on her outward expression. But when she remembered how she retaliated against that woman, a very small and sinister smile quickly flash on the inner depth of her eyes. But it still didn't change how cold and arrogant Maxwell had always been with her, she had never seen him show tenderness to her or to anyone else— Well except to his son, of course. Only to that small boy he would be willing to spend weekdays and go even on a cold mountain. Maxwell replied to her in a cold voice, “No.. not really...” When Agnes heard his answer she smile, feeling delighted for his little pampering. Her eyes showing a deep love. Even though the tone he's using had been cold, she knew that atleast she was the only woman who can talk to him like this. She slowly walks around in front of him, stretching her arm and affectionately put it on his shoulder, she vaguely leans her sexy body against his chest, her eyes looking at him, she slowly moves near to his handsome face intending to kiss that sexy lips. But Maxwell moves his face, so her kiss fell abruptly on his jaw. Agnes grew stiff, she slowly lifted her head, and was surprised to see his eyes turning cold as he looked at her. Her heart thump. And she couldn't help but smile bitterly. Oh, how can she ever forget, even though they are soon to be husband and wife, his lips has always been a forbidden zone. Kissing him is a taboo. Him staying with her is just for appearance purposes, just like a routine and any woman is no exception. Agnes suddenly felt very angry, and in her grievances she suddenly reached out and holds Maxwell's handsome face, as she asked tearfully, “Max, do you even love me? You… Please answer me seriously, do you even felt a tiny little bit of love for me? Or your just following your grandfather’s will, how about the marriage between us? Is it really just following his order?” Although she knew it all along in her heart, but today, when she saw the magazine, that he and another woman have a s*x scandal, she was so sad and angry! She cannot stand it, he has been a god-like man in her mind, she won’t let other women took him away from her! But to her disappointment, his deep and cold eyes shows no emotional change. So Agnes trier to kissed his lips again, but he rightly turn his face, escape, and walk away. “Agnes, stop making trouble.” Agnes smiled bitterly and felt an incredible sadness in her heart. She knew he would escape, he never kissed her, or even any woman before. This man was ruthless. Although many women flock around him, but still for him no one had been special. Even her, his righteous fiancee, also his closest woman have not been an exception. But why he sometimes comforts her when she was lonely. Or maybe his consolation was actually a fake? The truth is, she had suspected more than once that if only Maxwell's grandfather had not set their marriage this man will surely not look at her even once. She wanted to ask him about that since ages ago but knew that she would never would. There were truths in this world that better left alone, because she knew that it would only make her more miserable than she already was if she ever learned the truth. ......
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