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On Friday night, Shaina, with his son, Luca visits Christy's family. Christy and her grandmother were actually very reluctant to let them leave their house, but they also knew her situation and that she had difficulties. So she just asks her to visit once a week with Luca to accompany them for a while and have some dinner. Although Shaina was a bit hesitant, she also felt moved by it. After all, she owes her friend a lot. If Christy and her grandmother didn’t bring her out of the hospital and take care of her and her newborn child, then she's probably dead now. Shaina, carrying the groceries she bought, walked up the stairs of an old apartment building. While Luca skipped beside her. Then they saw Christy waiting just in front of their door. Seeing her, Luca happily ran fast and flew into Christy’s arms. When Christy saw the little guy, she couldn't help but smile. And even though she was tired from work all day, she still lifted him up and softly cradled him in her arms. “Aunt Christy!” Luca grin, playfully blinked, then put his arms around her neck and sweetly called out. “Gosh, you're such a good boy!” Christy said, facing his little face and kissing him on the cheek, “did you obediently listen to your Mommy today? “Mmm!” Luca's handsome little face lit up, and he smiled sweetly. Meanwhile, Shaina carried the groceries inside the small apartment, then directly to the kitchen, and began busying herself to prepare dinner. Cristy's grandmother is still sleeping, so she has a lot of time to make a simple meal for all of them. Cristy, on the other hand, is still holding Luca. They sat on the sofa. Then Luca excitedly said: “Aunty, I tell you, ah! Today, Mommy and I went to the mall, and Mommy bought me a remote control car! I wanted to bring it so we can play …… ” The little guy suddenly felt embarrassed and bow his heads, fiddling with his small fingers, and continue saying: “But I can not play with it, I’m afraid of breaking it… … so I dare not to…” When Christy heard those words, her face slightly changed, and she froze, but she forced herself to return back to normal. Luca might still be a child, but he's a bit more sensitive than other kids his age. But still, Christy couldn't help but feel bitter. Although Luca has always been spoiled since he's young, he never truly asks for anything expensive, especially toys. For him, this remote control car was already considered a luxury. So he's a little bit reluctant to ask her mom for one, but she still bought it for him, and he's very thankful for that. The truth is he wanted to have one because he suddenly remembered the last time he played with his friend in the public park, they saw a father and son playing with a remote control car. The father and son play together to control the car in the grass. He secretly hides in the corner, seeing that scene, and it makes him somewhat envious. Thinking that, if one day his father can play with him like that, how happy it would be. But he never had seen his Daddy and his Mommy never mention him. He vaguely remembers when he had asked his Mommy, where his father was. He saw his Mommy made a sad face, and since then, he never dares to ask again. Christy smiled and pinched his pretty, pretty nose. Then she said: “Next time, let me help you to assemble it, and we can play with it together!” An hour later, Christy's grandmother finally woke up, thankfully, though Shaina finished cooking dinner. Calling her best friend and son, they started eating. Shaina smiled when she saw her son Luca from time to time started picking some food to put in Christy's grandmother’s bowl and chatting with Christy in an interesting manner. After dinner, Christy received a phone call and had to go out immediately, so she spoke a few words to Shaina, then hurriedly went away. Shaina, who started feeling tired doesn’t want to stay. Christy's grandmother might be a nice person, but she's still not that close to her. So she quickly picked up the dishes and intended to go after washing them. Her son who felt awkward with the old woman's company stood up too and cutely help her clean up, his small hands are struggling to hold the bowls, but still following closely behind her, wanting to help her mother in the kitchen. So he helped his mother by wiping the dishes very slowly. Meanwhile, in the living room, someone opened the door, and a very loud boisterous voice rang out. Grandma Hanna frowned at newcomers, but the middle-aged woman just scoffed. "Mother, where's Christy?" The woman was none other than Christy's Aunt Susan. Then she frowned when she saw Shaina and her son in the kitchen. “Mother! How could you let them enter the house? Ah! Originally, I was in a good mood today! I even wanted to invite you and Christy to have lunch, but seeing them is like bad luck!” When Grandma Hanna, who was sitting on the sofa, frowned when she heard her daughter. She glared at the newcomer and scolded her. “What bad luck are you talking about?! Stop this nonsense this instant, ah!” “I didn't say anything wrong, ah! That woman is slut! Getting pregnant without a husband, then taking birth to a bastard, why do you have to protect those two scourge?!” “Susan! What you're saying is too much! Can you hear yourself, I never thought you to be this judgemental to others! Have you ever thought that there must have a reason why she—” Shaina felt her mind spinning and her vision turns dim, her action becomes stiff, her face shows strange expression. Even though she's happy that grandma is taking their side she still can't bear to hear those words. Those ugly words are truly unbearable! The sardonic voice of the newcomer who was cursing her for being a woman who was too loose that open her legs to anyone then getting pregnant without a husband keeps on ringing on her ears and she felt sick into her stomach.. But she tried to act calm by maintaining her back straight, when all of a sudden a soft white hand held her arm gently. Shaina was shocked, then she look down. When she saw her son Luca nestled on her side smiling at her, with his pair of smart eyes penetrating her complex thoughts she slowly relax. She knew that the little boy must have heard what that woman was saying but he didn’t said anything. He didn't even ask her. She was surprised instead when he deliberately said... “Mommy, Luca will help you wash the dishes, so we can go home early!” Then he stood on his tiptoe, his two little hands struggling to reach the sink. Shaina felt a lump in her throat. She pursed her lips and thought, with her Luca being so nonchalant about it, she can endure this humiliation again and again. What matters most is her son.. Actually there were a lot of times in the past when she really wanted to give up, call the boy's father confessed that the other child is safe and alive but when she realized that she's thinking of giving him up she couldn’t muster the strength to go with it. She just wanted Luca to be with her. She's his son too. But as a mother, she just wants her son to have good childhood experiences and memories. So she thought, she needs to stop being selfish. Perhaps, if Luca stay on that man side, he will have a father, a mother, and will not suffer all these grievances. That family must be very rich, have a big home, and Luca will experience days full of happiness, right? But she was reluctant. Six years of feelings being together, really blood is thicker than water. She can’t give up this lovely sensible child. “Mommy … …” Luca obediently did not move, when she leaned on his little shoulder and hug him tightly. He's his son too and he couldn’t give him up. No matter what! “Mommy … …” Luca obediently did not move, when she leaned on his little shoulder and hug him tightly. He's his son too and he couldn’t give him up. No matter what! "Luca, I’m sorry!” Luca's words got stuck in his mouth, he hesitated, he actually would like to ask if his Daddy really doesn’t want him? Does he really don’t like him? So he just threw him regardless of being his son? But seeing how distressed his mother was he had no other choice but to swallowed back the questions he truly wanted to asked. But when he keep on hearing those voices on the living room he couldn't help but softly says: “Mommy, even if Daddy doesn’t want Luca, Luca has a Mommy, so Mommy don’t be sad, ah! Did Daddy harm you that’s why you’re sad? Don't worry, Luca will grow up fast and protect Mommy!” Shaina lifted her face, sighed, and held him more tightly. “Luca you're such a good boy. Mommy was so happy to have you as my son… …” ...........
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