Chapter 32

1293 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V “Now…how about the name for Acelin’s mysterious lover.” I narrowed my eyes at Lancelin, debating on giving up on one of Acelin’s biggest secrets. Acelin usually didn’t hide things from his family and if he was hiding something then it meant that either he was really serious or still undecided. But as far as I’ve known, or as much as Acelin had told me, they had been together for over a decade. If it wasn’t serious then I don’t know what was. I sighed. A deal was a deal after all and Lancelin had kept his end of the bargain. “His name is Gustav Paltro; I think you know him with him being an Incubus and all.” I told him finally. “Gustav?” Lance raised his eyebrows at me. “The womanizer Gustav Paltro who has probably slept with every woman in New York City?” “Rude!” I made a face at that accusation. “But I said the same thing to him when I first walked in on them making out.” Gustav Paltro was a tall, dark and Godly handsome hunk of a man who was a America’s Top Model winner and a well known face in several high profile magazines. His skin was a dark coffee colour and his hair was cut close to his scalp and dyed blonde. His eyes were a dark chocolate and he was over six feet four in height, towering over Acelin by a good few inches. The two men looked completely polar opposites but I’d seen them together, felt their connection on a deeper level. “Ugh!” Lance shuddered. “That Gustav is nothing but trouble! I’ll have to warn him off Acelin before he has his heart broken.” “Awww!” I grinned up at Lance. “Look at you being all protective of your big brother! I’m sure Acelin can handle himself but your overprotective side is just adorable!” “Take that back.” Lance narrowed his eyes at me. “I might be a sexy, gorgeous, handsome hunk of a man but I am not adorable. So take that back or face the consequences.” The devil must have been sitting on my shoulders because rather than shying away I decided to hell with it and straddled him on the swing, my movements causing it to oscillate back and forth. “I’d rather face the consequences.” Lancelin’s eyes turned liquid amber as he lay back against the swing with his hands motionless by his side, giving me freedom to take the lead. The lights from the fairy lamp cast a golden hue on his face, making his skin appear golden. Slowly, I bent my head to his; hovering just above his lips as temptation pulled at me like gravity. But I held on. Tonight I felt like a naughty vixen out to seduce her prey. The irony wasn’t lost on me. Lancelin would never be prey, he was a born predator. But as I watched his breath become shallow and he lowered his lashed in anticipation, a smirk formed on my lips. Instead of a kiss, I lowered my head and caught his lower lip with my teeth lightly and pulled, not strong enough to hurt but enough to tease. Lancelin’s eyes opened instantly, his iris bright orbs of fire. His hands came on my waist to hold me in place. His grip wasn’t punishing but strong enough to not allow me room for escape. “This isn’t the right time to be playing with me.” His voice was hoarse and it rubbed against my senses in just the right way. “Why?” My voice sounded breathless. “Because I won’t be able to control myself.” And that was when his lips met mine in the gentlest of kisses. It was enough to drive me nuts and I wrapped my arms around his nape and met his lips for a kiss that stole his breath away. Suddenly I found my back on the swing with Lance on top of me, pinning me down on the swing with his hands on either side of my head. His eyes were a dark shade of amber as he stared down at me hungrily before bending down to kiss me with a fury that momentarily had me stunned. Lance paused, panting like he was trying to control himself, to wait for my permission to kiss again. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his nape and pulled him down towards me, crashing his lips to mine, unleashing the desire I had been holding back for so long. Lance growled low in his throat, pushing me further down on to the cushions, pressing down with his weight enough to hold me in place but not enough to hurt. The sound of his grown vibrated in his chest and I felt it through our close proximity. Lance momentarily left my lips to kiss his way down my throat and placed his hand on my thigh, lifting my skirt up so he could explore with his fingers. I arched my back so he could have better access to my neck as he caressed my thighs with his hand before pressing his knuckles against my panties in a bold move that had me flustered and frustrated at the same time. He pressed down harder with his knuckles and my back lifted off the swing, a moan escaping my lips that left me breathless. I had never felt so desperate in my life as I felt right now, in his arms, thirsting for his touch, skin to skin. I began to push back his robe to reveal that glorious golden skin but Lance stopped me halfway through, raising his head to look at me with hungry eyes as he removed his hand from my panties much to my protest. “No.” “Why not?” I asked him, my voice breathless. “I want you!” “I want you too.” He told me as he pulled up his robe and straightened my clothes. “But not here and not like this. I want our first time together to be perfect.” “I don’t want perfect!” I whined. “I want you! Now!” “But I want everything to be perfect for you.” Lance sat up on the swing and pulled me up with him. “I want roses and champagne and most definitely a bed.” I pouted at him but I did agree about the bed part. A bed would definitely be a lot more comfortable and spacious than a swing. “Fine! Enjoy your blue balls!” I snapped as I got off the swing and headed towards the elevator. Lancelin’s laughter followed me as I stomped my way to the door. “Don’t I at least get a good night kiss?” He pouted as I reached the elevator and paused to allow the doors to completely open. “Nope!” I glared at him and closed the doors on his face as Lance’s laughter followed me through the closed doors. I couldn’t help but smile at the carefreeness of his laugh. No matter how hard Asmara had tried, she hadn’t been able to taint this night, taint us. It had been a good idea to wait for the right man, even though I had to wait five years. It had all been worth it. But with that thought came s****l frustration as my core ached for his touch. I sighed and pressed my forehead to the cool metal of the elevator wall. Looks like Lance won’t be the only one with blue balls tonight.  
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