Chapter 31

1471 Words
Acelin’s P.O.V I rasped my knuckles on the mahogany double doors that guarded my mother’s parlor. The sound of the knock reverberated through the empty hallways and I took a minute to admire the woodwork while I waited on my mother to answer. Truly, there was none other like Michelangelo. “You called, mother?” I opened the door after I had permission to come in. “Filii amica mea!” (My darling son) My mother opened her arms for me with a gorgeous smile. “Come here!” “Salve mater,” (Hello mother) I went into her arms with a smile. “How have you been?” “Good, good,” she caressed my cheeks like I was still her little baby. “Come, sit. I’ve ordered to make your favorite cherry cobbler for desert today. You’ll be staying for dinner.” It wasn’t a request but a statement so I smiled and nodded my agreement. No one could say no to my mother. She was the Queen, after all. “So, what did you want to discuss with me?” I asked, even though I had a suspicion what the conversation would be about. “Lancelin’s coronation.” She sighed as she crossed one leg over the other. Today, my mother wore a satin floor length gown in a deep green which had a boat-neck and was sleeveless. A belt of gold was tied at her waist and she wore large gold hoops on her ears as well as a gold tiara. Her long glorious red locks cascaded down her shoulder in loose curls. “I had a hunch,” I told her frankly. “But did the King accept the suggestion?” “Nathaniel has ruled for over six hundred years.” Mother waved her hands in dismissal. “He has no other choice but to hand over his reign to his son.” I didn’t say anything as my mother discussed several other aspects regarding the change of leadership and the tasks that would be involved in the coronation. My mother was over twelve centuries old and had been a ruler for a millennium now. She didn’t need my help to run her kingdom and neither did she need to tell me all the details involving Lancelin’s coronation ceremony. I realized that she was ranting and she usually did that when she was stressed about something. “Mother, I’ve stopped taking part in the matters of the crown a long time ago and I don’t think I’ll ever want to be a part of that kind of politics.” I interrupted her politely. “Will you tell me instead what’s bothering you?” Mother sighed and gave me a small smile. “Nothing escapes those watchful eyes, doesn’t it?” “I’m your son,” I told her; not that she needed the reminder. “I know when you’re stressed or upset, just like you always know if I’m stressed or upset. Now, please tell me what’s wrong so I can help make everything better.” My mother didn’t say anything for a long time before a small smile graced her lips. “You’re just like your father, you know that? And I don’t mean just your appearance. You and Lancelin are both shadows of your fathers, but my Markus was always aware of my every mood.” “If I was anything like father, I would never allow you to have any worry in the world.” I told her with a heavy heart. I knew that my father would never return and neither can we freely speak of him, but reminiscing him in private, with my mother was a rare was a rare gem I treasured. “Now, enough distracting,” I smiled. “Tell me what has you worried.” “Sanaya Johnson.” She spoke with a soft smile. “The woman that Lancelin has come to love.” “Is there something wrong, mother?” I frowned. “I know you got off on the wrong foot but Sanaya-“ “Is a nice girl? I know.” She sighed, rubbing her temples with her slender fingers. “I have researched her and her entire family and I can understand why you are attached to her. Both of you lost your fathers at a young age and both of you lost a child. And Lancelin has most probably imprinted on her, which means they are soul mates.” “You know of imprints?” I asked her surprised. “Your father was my soul mate.” Mother smiled fondly. “But what I’m worried about is how will Lance be able to maintain this relationship. Humans value fidelity but we are Incubi, we derive energy from copulation.” “Actually mother, I do have a way in which we can fix the situation.” I told her hesitantly. “But I didn’t know if it was the right time to suggest this to Lancelin. I’m glad you brought up the subject. I would like to discuss this with you...but you have to promise to keep an open mind.” “Son, I always keep an open mind.” She reminded me. “Or I wouldn’t be so accepting of your relationships.” “Mother…why are you so accepting of the people we love?” I asked, genuinely curious. “Because I’ve loved and lost and loved and lost again.” She spoke sadly. “I believe that love is a journey, not a path or a destination. Each path is different and every person has they own method of travelling through it. Sometimes, the people beside you may change on this path but that’s okay too. Lucky are those who have the same companions all through their journey. And this journey can only end with one’s life. As a mother, I can only wish that both my sons find the correct path and the correct companion to travel that path with. Now, tell me, what is this outrageous suggestion of yours that you are hesitant to place in front of your mother?” “I think Sana can be turned into a vampire.” I told her outright. “If she accepts it, of course. Then there would be no question of infidelity since Sana can drink blood to gain energy and Lancelin can feed from her.” “But then it’ll mean she is under the Vampire King’s jurisdiction.” Mother frowned. “It’ll help strengthen the bond between our dimensions.” I suggested. “The Vampire King and we are on good terms, I’m sure he’ll agree.” “But that means they can never have children…that our line ends here.” I blinked a few times. I hadn’t exactly thought that far into the future. “But, maybe we should leave that decision to Lancelin and his lover.” Mother said at last. “You might still be able to get a human pregnant.” “No!” I denied instantly, remembering Dilayla’s lifeless form in my arms. “I won’t be able to bear another loss like that.” “Science has evolved much further than it was back then.” Mother told me. “We are still stuck in the past, holding on to our rituals and culture but humans have evolved too. What was that news I heard recently…babies made in glass jars?” “You mean test tube babies?” I could’ve slapped myself for not considering this before. “Ah, yes!” She waved her hand dismissively. “Both you and Lancelin can have children that way and we can have heirs.” “Mother,” I got up from my seat and knelt before her, taking her hands in mine and kissing each palm. “What would we do without you?” “Luckily, you don’t have to think about that for a while yet.” She gave me a smirk. “But if it was so easy to produce heirs now, why aren’t more of us using such techniques?” I asked her. “Because of our false believe of Godhood and fear of accepting their innovation and letting ourselves accept the fact that humans have become superior in many ways.” She shrugged her delicate shoulders. “You truly are a Goddess.” “Oh, enough flattery!” But she bent her head to press a kiss to my forehead. “Now go give this ridiculous suggestion to your brother. And remember that Winter Solstice is nearing, inform all our valued guests and mage covens and also, send out invitations to the Vampire King and the King of the Dark Council. I want all important people present for my son’s coronation.” “Your wish is my command, mother.” 
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