Chapter 33

1354 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Yawning, I rose from my bed and rubbed the sleep off of my eyes. It had been past midnight when I’d arrived home last night and thankfully, my mom had been asleep. But that doesn’t mean I’m in the clear. She’ll be interrogating me as soon as I come out of my room and it’s going to be FBI level interrogation. I didn’t know if it’s just my mom or mom’s in general, but she always finds out when I’m hiding something and she usually figures out what. So without wasting any more time, I go out of bed and stretched my muscles before slipping my feet into some comfy slippers and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I turned on the tap at the sink and closed my eyes so I could splash some water on my face but nearly froze my hands to find out the water was ice cold. Sighing, I braced myself and splashed my face with the cold water, thinking it would held get rid of my sleepiness faster. I splashed my face a few more times and then took a gulp of water to rinse my mouth but immediately spat it out. “What the hell?” I nearly gagged at the irony taste of the water and opened my eyes to a nightmare. Blood. Dark red and metallic. It was everywhere. On the sink, splashed across the bathroom mirror and it was gushing out of the tap. It was on my clothes as well as my hands. Everywhere. And then I looked at my face in the mirror…and screamed.   *******   RING! RING! RING! RING! I gasped and sat up in bed, feeling myself tremble as I my mind raced to catch up with what just happened. Still feeling unnerved, I brought my trembling hands closer to my face to inspect them properly. They were clean. Just to make sure, I ran my hands down my face and then brought my hands closer to my face to once again find them clean except for the perspiration beading on my forehead. “Sana! Close your alarm, honey! The entire neighborhood is awake!” Startled by my mother’s voice coming from the dining room, I realized that I hadn’t yet shut my alarm. Getting my breathing under control, I reached over and shut the alarm. “Sorry.” I called out to her, making sure she didn’t catch the tremors in my voice. “I’ve shut it.” “Freshen up, honey.” My mom called out once again. “Breakfast is almost ready.” “Coming…” my voice broke as I fought to regain control over my body. I curled up into a tight ball with my knees up to my chest and my arms around myself as I rocked back and forth on the bed. I was still shaking uncontrollably and I needed Lancelin by my side! Somehow, I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was about to happen…to Lancelin. How I knew that, I had no idea. The dream had meant something. Something dangerous…but what? I’d never had such a realistic dream before and my heart was still racing, threatening to burst out of my ribcage. “Lance…” Suddenly, my mind started to wander in different directions as to how Lancelin could be in danger. Uncurling myself from my fatal position with sheer strength of will, I found my phone on the nightstand and immediately called Lance. The phone rang for quite some time and I started to get impatient. Just when I thought he wouldn’t answer, Lance answered the phone, sounding tired and out of breath. “Lance! Are you okay? Is everything alright? Are you hurt? I-” “Sanaya, calm down.” Lancelin cut off my ranting, sounding worried himself. “I was just on the treadmill, I’m fine. Why do you sound so panicked? Is everything okay?” I breathed a sigh of relief and thought about how stupid I was to be worried over just some stupid dream. I was ashamed to say it out loud now that I’d heard Lancelin’s voice and was assured that he was alright. “Yeah…” I told him hesitantly, running my hands through my unbound hair. “I’m okay. Everything’s okay.” “You don’t sound okay,” Lancelin told me. “You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” “It’s nothing.” I shook my head before realizing he couldn’t see me. “Just…some stupid dream.” “It’s not stupid if it has you this flustered.” Lancelin said curtly. “I’m coming to pick you up.” “Okay.” I agreed instantly. “You’re not worried about your mother?” He asked hesitantly. I smiled despite my earlier hysteria. Lancelin always knew what to do or say to make me feel better. Somehow he always knew. “I want, no, I need to see you.” I told him a little shyly. “Then let’s ditch work and go somewhere else today.”Lance said immediately. “Ms. Johnson, would you like to go on a date with me?” I was speechless for an entire minute. Did Lancelin Eustein, the future Incubus King just as me on a date? And why was I so breathless like he’d just given me a marriage proposal? And why was I thinking of marriage at this moment anyway? “Yes!” I told him immediately, realizing that I might have kept him hanging while my mind drifted off to lala land. “Good. I’ll pick you up in an hour. Wear something casual.” He told me before we said our goodbyes and hung up. I did realize that my mother was home and that she would spot Lancelin immediately and would immediately ask a lot of questions, but I didn’t care anymore. Lancelin would have to meet my mom sooner or later because I couldn’t hide my relationship forever and eventually, I would have to stop the “eligible bachelors” she kept throwing at me left, right and centre. I guess it was for the best. Getting up from my bed with ease this time, my trembling having subsided as soon as I had heard Lance’s voice, I went to the bathroom to get a shower but not before checking every tap, every faucet in the bathroom multiple times to make sure that only water came out of it and not blood. Taking a scalding hot shower and drying off, I decided to blow dry my hair quickly and ditched my usual shirts and pencil skirts for a pair of dark blue jeans and a bright yellow top with long sleeves. I slung a bark blue coat over it to complete my look and also save myself from the early winter cold that settled in after the sun went down. I combed my hair until it was straight and fizz free before applying my makeup and heading out of my room. My mom nearly dropped her tea cup once she saw me. It was no surprise actually. I had never been so unprofessional in my life. But just for today, I decided to hell with it all and just do what I want. “Do you have a day off?” Mom asked immediately. “Are you going out with your friends?” “No...I-” The bell rung at that moment and at first I got nervous that it might be Lancelin, but then I looked at the time and realized that there were still fifteen minutes left until Lancelin arrives. Shrugging, I went to open the door thinking that it might be one of mom’s many friends from the apartment, but I wasn’t ready for who was at the other side of the door. “Sana! I tried calling you several times but couldn’t get through to you. Mind if I come in?” It was none other than Keith Salustri.

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